Support auto creating missing VLANs with names from a table.
Cannot create VLANs Cannot set Egress/Untagged for VLAN 1 May have an issue w/ adding and removing a port from egress/untagged in the same command.
Can set VLAN names
SNMPv3 does not support 3DES or AES encryption. Supported: authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmDESPrivProtocol
Fixed user of admin. Auth key is the same as web admin password.
SNMPv3 does not support 3DES or AES encryption. Supported: authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmDESPrivProtocol
If you modify the egress ports, it will automatically ALSO set the bits for untagged (despite them being “correct” before). Currently, you have to run the tool a second time to set the untagged config properly.
Fixed user of admin. Auth key is the same as web admin password.
SNMPv3 does not support 3DES or AES encryption. Supported: authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmDESPrivProtocol
If you modify the egress ports, it will automatically ALSO set the bits for untagged (despite them being “correct” before). Currently, you have to run the tool a second time to set the untagged config properly.