Here is a list of the projects that I’m interested in working on. If you’d like to help, either w/ time or money, let me know!
- File/object metadata.
The ability to tag files w/ data, and share them out. This includes things like tagging people in photos, but also where the file came from. An example of the later is being able to find out what OS release/version of /bin/ls is currently on your system, and where it might be found.
- domain
I would like this to be a one stop shop for guides on how to encrypt your traffic and internet. Targetting both users (like installing HTTPS Everywhere), to sysadmins (installing SMTP certificates or HTTPS certs) and more.
- Universal Conversion.
An infrastructure to be able to describe conversion from a byte stream to a key/value type structure, and the ability to tie them together. This would generate both a serializer and a deserializer from the same definition.
- FreeBSD test lab
A lab where other FreeBSD commiters (at first) can reserve an embedded board, and do testing on it remotely. They will have a jail w/ full access to the network of the board under test, along w/ the ability to power cycle the board. This will hopefully allow more testing of boards.