Port of flash_cc2531 to FreeBSD. This is likely more just include a wiringPi compatible library for FreeBSD. Any new files are BSD licensed and NOT GPLv3 license.
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jmichault 14af6806f8
Update README.md
5 years ago
.gitignore increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
CCDebugger.c increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
CCDebugger.h increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 6 years ago
Makefile Add files via upload 6 years ago
README.md Update README.md 5 years ago
cc_chipid increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_chipid.c increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_erase increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_erase.c increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_read increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_read.c increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_write increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago
cc_write.c increased default delays for better stability. 5 years ago



flash CC2531 USB dongle from your Raspberry, without Arduino nor CC Debugger.


A Raspberry Pi 3 with raspbian and wiringPi installed.

Getting Started

Download flash_cc2531 on your raspberry:

git clone https://github.com/jmichault/flash_cc2531.git

Connect the following pins of the debug port to the GPIO port :

  1. pin 1 (GND) --> pin 39 (GND)
  2. pin 7 (reset) --> pin 35 (wPi 24, BCM19)
  3. pin 3 (DC) --> pin 36 (wPi 27, BCM16)
  4. pin 4 (DD) --> pin 38 (wPi 28, BCM20)

and insert the usb dongle in a port.

A downloader cable CC and 4 Dupont line Female to Female are perfect for this purpose :

test by running :

cd flash_cc2531

it should return :

  ID = b524.

If you see 0000 or ffff, something is wrong and you should probably check your wiring.


To save the content of the flash to save.hex file :

./cc_read save.hex

(takes around 1 minute).

To erase the flash :


Note : You must erase before writing.

To flash file to cc2531 :

./cc_write CC2531ZNP-Pro.hex

(takes around 3 minutes).

Using other pins

all commands accept following arguments :

        -c pin : change pin_DC (default 27)
	-d pin : change pin_DD (default 28)
	-r pin : change reset pin (default 24)
  	-m : change multiplier for time delay (default auto)

the pin numbering used is that of wiringPi. Use “gpio readall” to have the layout on your pi (wPi column).

example, if you want to use pins 3, 11 and 13 : Connect the following pins of the debug port to the GPIO port :

  1. pin 1 (GND) --> pin 14 (GND)
  2. pin 7 (reset) --> pin 3 (wPi 8, BCM2)
  3. pin 3 (DC) --> pin 11 (wPi 0, BCM17)
  4. pin 4 (DD) --> pin 13 (wPi 2, BCM27)

and now you can read chip id, save flash content, erase flash, and write flash with following commands :

./cc_chipid -r 8 -c 0 -d 2
./cc_read -r 8 -c 0 -d 2 save.hex
./cc_erase -r 8 -c 0 -d 2
./cc_write -r 8 -c 0 -d 2 CC2531ZNP-Pro.hex

You can also change default values in CCDebugger.h and recompile executables with make.

what to try if it doesn’t work?

  1. stop all other programs before flash.
  2. fix the cpu speed before flash. Example :
sudo bash
echo performance >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  1. use the -m option to increase time delays used. Example :
./cc_write -m 300 CC2531ZNP-Pro.hex
  1. executables are compiled on my raspbian distribition, you can try to recompile for your distribution with make.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 license (see COPYING).