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test harness to invert elligator by brute force

Michael Hamburg 7 years ago
1 changed files with 49 additions and 6 deletions
  1. +49

+ 49
- 6
aux/ristretto/ristretto.sage View File

@@ -385,25 +385,34 @@ class Decaf_1_1_Point(QuotientEdwardsPoint):
for toggle_s in [False,True]:
for toggle_r in [False,True]:
s,m1,m12,swap = self.toJacobiQuartic(toggle_rotation,toggle_altx,toggle_s)
if self == self.__class__():

print toggle_rotation,toggle_altx,toggle_s
print m1
print m12
if self == self.__class__() and self.cofactor == 4:
# Hacks for identity!
if toggle_altx: m12 = 1
elif toggle_s: m1 = 1
elif toggle_r: continue
## BOTH???
rnum = (d*a*m12-m1)
rden = ((d*a-1)*m12+m1)
if swap: rnum,rden = rden,rnum
ok,sr = isqrt_i(rnum*rden*self.qnr)
if not ok: continue
sr *= rnum
print "Works! %d %x" % (swap,sr)
if negative(sr) != toggle_r: sr = -sr
ret = self.gfToBytes(sr)
#assert self.elligator(ret) == self or self.elligator(ret) == -self
if self.elligator(ret) == -self and self != -self: print "Negated!",[toggle_rotation,toggle_altx,toggle_s,toggle_r]
if self.elligator(ret) != self and self.elligator(ret) != -self:
print "WRONG!",[toggle_rotation,toggle_altx,toggle_s]
if self.elligator(ret) == -self and self != -self: print "Negated!",[toggle_rotation,toggle_altx,toggle_s]
return rets

@@ -478,6 +487,40 @@ class Decaf_1_1_Point(QuotientEdwardsPoint):
if negative(s) == iss: s = -s
return cls.fromJacobiQuartic(s,t)
def elligatorInverseBruteForce(self):
"""Invert Elligator using SAGE's polynomial solver"""
a,d = self.a,self.d
R.<r0> = self.F[]
r = self.qnr * r0^2
den = (d*r-(d-a))*((d-a)*r-d)
n1 = (r+1)*(a-2*d)/den
n2 = r*n1
ret = set()
for s2,t in [(n1, -(r-1)*(a-2*d)^2 / den - 1),
(n2,r*(r-1)*(a-2*d)^2 / den - 1)]:
x2 = 4*s2/(1+a*s2)^2
y = (1-a*s2) / t

selfT = self
for i in xrange(self.cofactor/2):
xT,yT = selfT
polyX = xT^2-x2
polyY = yT-y
sx = set(r for r,_ in polyX.numerator().roots())
sy = set(r for r,_ in polyY.numerator().roots())
ret = ret.union(sx.intersection(sy))
selfT = selfT.torque()

ret = [self.gfToBytes(r) for r in ret]
for r in ret:
assert self.elligator(r) in [self,-self]
ret = [r for r in ret if self.elligator(r) == self]

return ret
class Ed25519Point(RistrettoPoint):
F = GF(2^255-19)
d = F(-121665/121666)
