

This package allows you to decode multipart mime messages. I wrote this so that my cgiparse libary can understand multipart/form-data. I was looking at the various ways of doing it with out designing an entire library. After thinking about the problem, there were to many edge cases, and designing an entire library would be better. This is the results of the work. It definately could use some cleaning up.

The cgiparse package will be released shortly that makes use of this library.


Version 1.0 has a bug in multipart message handling. It would incorrectly calculate length. Version 1.1 uses a faster algorithm for searching for boundaries. This algorithm isn't the fastest, but does not require a large startup cost as other faster algorithms do. If people are interested, I could add an option that would use a faster startup and could be used for when you know that there will be many large objects in your multipart message.


Source for version 1.1 of the mime package.

Usage and Details