@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
import mock |
import serial |
import unittest |
import threading |
import time |
class DenonAVR(object): |
def __init__(self, serdev): |
self._ser = serial.serial_for_url(serdev, baudrate=9600, |
timeout=.5) |
self._power = None |
self._vol = None |
self._volmax = None |
self._speakera = None |
self._speakerb = None |
self._z2mute = None |
self._zm = None |
self._ms = None |
@property |
def ms(self): |
'Surround mode' |
return self._ms |
@property |
def power(self): |
'Power status, True if on' |
return self._power |
@power.setter |
def power(self, arg): |
arg = bool(arg) |
if arg != self._power: |
args = { True: 'ON', False: 'STANDBY' } |
self._sendcmd('PW', args[arg]) |
self.process_events(till='PW') |
time.sleep(1) |
self.update() |
@staticmethod |
def _makevolarg(arg): |
arg = int(arg) |
if arg < 0 or arg > 99: |
raise ValueError('Volume out of range.') |
arg -= 1 |
arg %= 100 |
return '%02d' % arg |
@staticmethod |
def _parsevolarg(arg): |
arg = int(arg) |
if arg < 0 or arg > 99: |
raise ValueError('Volume out of range.') |
arg += 1 |
arg %= 100 |
return arg |
@property |
def vol(self): |
'Volumn, range 0 through 99' |
return self._vol |
@vol.setter |
def vol(self, arg): |
if arg == self._vol: |
return |
if self._volmax is not None and arg > self._volmax: |
raise ValueError('volume %d, exceeds max: %d' % (arg, |
self._volmax)) |
arg = self._makevolarg(arg) |
time.sleep(1) |
self._sendcmd('MV', arg) |
self.process_events(till='MV') |
self.process_events(till='MV') |
@property |
def volmax(self): |
'Maximum volume supported.' |
return self._volmax |
def proc_PW(self, arg): |
if arg == 'STANDBY': |
self._power = False |
elif arg == 'ON': |
self._power = True |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('unknown PW arg: %s' % `arg`) |
def proc_MU(self, arg): |
if arg == 'ON': |
self._mute = True |
elif arg == 'OFF': |
self._mute = False |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('unknown MU arg: %s' % `arg`) |
def proc_ZM(self, arg): |
if arg == 'ON': |
self._zm = True |
elif arg == 'OFF': |
self._zm = False |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('unknown ZM arg: %s' % `arg`) |
def proc_MV(self, arg): |
if arg[:4] == 'MAX ': |
self._volmax = self._parsevolarg(arg[4:]) |
else: |
self._vol = self._parsevolarg(arg) |
def proc_MS(self, arg): |
self._ms = arg |
def proc_PS(self, arg): |
if arg == 'FRONT A': |
self._speakera = True |
self._speakerb = False |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('unknown PS arg: %s' % `arg`) |
def proc_Z2(self, arg): |
if arg == 'MUOFF': |
self._z2mute = False |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('unknown Z2 arg: %s' % `arg`) |
def _sendcmd(self, cmd, args): |
cmd = '%s%s\r' % (cmd, args) |
print 'scmd:', `cmd` |
self._ser.write(cmd) |
self._ser.flush() |
def _readcmd(self, timo=None): |
'''If timo == 0, and the first read returns the empty string, |
it will return an empty command, otherwise returns a |
command.''' |
cmd = '' |
#while True: |
if timo is not None: |
oldtimo = self._ser.timeout |
self._ser.timeout = timo |
for i in xrange(30): |
c = self._ser.read() |
if (timo == 0 or timo is None) and c == '': |
break |
#print 'r:', `c`, `str(c)` |
if c == '\r': |
break |
cmd += c |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('overrun!') |
if timo is not None: |
self._ser.timeout = oldtimo |
print 'rc:', `cmd` |
return cmd |
def process_events(self, till=None): |
'''Process events until the till command is received, otherwise |
process a single event.''' |
assert till is None or len(till) == 2 |
print 'till:', `till` |
while True: |
event = self._readcmd() |
if len(event) >= 2: |
fun = getattr(self, 'proc_%s' % event[:2]) |
fun(event[2:]) |
if till is None or event[:2] == till: |
return event |
def update(self): |
'''Update the status of the AVR.''' |
self._sendcmd('PW', '?') |
self._sendcmd('MV', '?') |
self.process_events(till='MV') # first vol |
self.process_events(till='MV') # second max vol |
class TestDenon(unittest.TestCase): |
TEST_DEV = '/dev/tty.usbserial-FTC8DHBJ' |
# comment out to make it easy to restore skip |
@unittest.skip('perf') |
def test_comms(self): |
avr = DenonAVR(self.TEST_DEV) |
self.assertIsNone(avr.power) |
avr.update() |
self.assertIsNotNone(avr.power) |
self.assertIsNotNone(avr.vol) |
avr.power = False |
time.sleep(1) |
avr.power = True |
self.assertTrue(avr.power) |
print 'foostart' |
time.sleep(1) |
avr.update() |
time.sleep(1) |
avr.vol = 0 |
self.assertEqual(avr.vol, 0) |
time.sleep(1) |
avr.vol = 5 |
avr.update() |
self.assertEqual(avr.vol, 5) |
avr.vol = 50 |
avr.update() |
self.assertEqual(avr.vol, 50) |
avr.power = False |
self.assertFalse(avr.power) |
self.assertIsNotNone(avr.volmax) |
class TestStaticMethods(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_makevolarg(self): |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, DenonAVR._makevolarg, -1) |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, DenonAVR._makevolarg, 3874) |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, DenonAVR._makevolarg, 100) |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._makevolarg(0), '99') |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._makevolarg(1), '00') |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._makevolarg(99), '98') |
def test_parsevolarg(self): |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._parsevolarg('99'), 0) |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._parsevolarg('00'), 1) |
self.assertEqual(DenonAVR._parsevolarg('98'), 99) |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, DenonAVR._parsevolarg, '-1') |
class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): |
@mock.patch('serial.serial_for_url') |
def setUp(self, sfu): |
self.avr = DenonAVR('null') |
def test_proc_events(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr._ser.read.side_effect = 'PWON\r' |
avr.process_events() |
self.assertTrue(avr._ser.read.called) |
avr._ser.read.reset() |
avr._ser.read.side_effect = 'MUON\r' + 'PWON\r' |
avr.process_events(till='PW') |
avr._ser.read.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(), mock.call() ]) |
@mock.patch('denon.DenonAVR._sendcmd') |
@mock.patch('denon.DenonAVR.process_events') |
@mock.patch('time.sleep') |
@mock.patch('denon.DenonAVR.update') |
def test_proc_PW(self, mupdate, msleep, mpevents, msendcmd): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_PW('STANDBY') |
self.assertEqual(avr.power, False) |
avr.proc_PW('ON') |
self.assertEqual(avr.power, True) |
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, avr.proc_PW, 'foobar') |
avr.power = False |
msendcmd.assert_any_call('PW', 'STANDBY') |
def test_proc_MU(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_MU('ON') |
self.assertEqual(avr._mute, True) |
avr.proc_MU('OFF') |
self.assertEqual(avr._mute, False) |
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, avr.proc_MU, 'foobar') |
def test_proc_PS(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_PS('FRONT A') |
self.assertEqual(avr._speakera, True) |
self.assertEqual(avr._speakerb, False) |
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, avr.proc_PS, 'foobar') |
def test_proc_Z2(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_Z2('MUOFF') |
self.assertEqual(avr._z2mute, False) |
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, avr.proc_Z2, 'foobar') |
def test_proc_MS(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_MS('STEREO') |
self.assertEqual(avr.ms, 'STEREO') |
def test_proc_ZM(self): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_ZM('ON') |
self.assertEqual(avr._zm, True) |
avr.proc_ZM('OFF') |
self.assertEqual(avr._zm, False) |
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, avr.proc_ZM, 'foobar') |
@mock.patch('denon.DenonAVR.process_events') |
def test_proc_MV(self, pe): |
avr = self.avr |
avr.proc_MV('MAX 80') |
self.assertEqual(avr._volmax, 81) |
avr.proc_MV('99') |
self.assertEqual(avr._vol, 0) |
avr.vol = 0 |
# we don't call this as we don't get a response |
pe.assert_not_called() |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, avr, 'vol', 82) |
def test_readcmd(self): |
avr = self.avr |
# Test no pending cmd and that timeout is set |
timov = .5 |
timovcur = [ timov ] |
def curtimo(*args): |
assert len(args) in (0, 1) |
if len(args): |
timovcur[0] = args[0] |
else: |
return timovcur[0] |
timo = mock.PropertyMock(side_effect=curtimo) |
type(avr._ser).timeout = timo |
avr._ser.read.side_effect = [ '' ] |
r = avr._readcmd(timo=0) |
# original value restored |
self.assertEqual(avr._ser.timeout, timov) |
# that the timeout was set |
timo.assert_any_call(0) |
# and it returned an empty command |
self.assertEqual(r, '') |
# that it got returned the the old value |
self.assertEqual(avr._ser.timeout, timov) |
avr._ser.read.side_effect = 'MUON\r' |
r = avr._readcmd(timo=1) |
self.assertEqual(r, 'MUON') |
self.assertEqual(avr._ser.timeout, timov) |