- ############################################################################
- # David W. Robertson, LBNL
- # See Copyright for copyright notice!
- ###########################################################################
- import sys, types, os.path, pickle
- import StringIO, copy, re
- import unittest
- import ConfigParser
- """
- utils:
- This module contains utility functions for use by test case modules, a
- class facilitating the use of ConfigParser with multiple test cases, a
- class encapsulating comparisons against a test file, and a test loader
- class with a different loading strategy than the default
- unittest.TestLoader.
- """
- thisFileName = sys.modules[__name__].__file__
- class configHandler(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):
- def __init__(self, name="config.py"):
- ConfigParser.ConfigParser.__init__(self)
- # first, look for one in this directory
- try:
- self.read(name)
- except IOError:
- self.read(os.path.dirname(thisFileName) + os.sep + name)
- def getConfigNames(self, section, numMethods, valueFunc=None):
- result = None
- for name, value in self.items(section):
- for i in range(0, numMethods):
- yield value # indicate which test in all cases
- if i == 0:
- result = None
- if valueFunc:
- try:
- result = valueFunc(value)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- sys.exit(-1) # for now
- except: # don't care, test will be skipped
- pass
- if valueFunc:
- yield result
- def length(self, section):
- return len(self.options(section))
- def loadPickledObj(fname):
- """Not currently used.
- """
- fname = os.path.dirname(thisFileName) + os.sep + fname + ".obj"
- f = open(fname, "r")
- obj = pickle.load(f)
- f.close()
- return obj
- def dumpPickledObj(obj, fname):
- """Not currently used"""
- fname = os.path.dirname(thisFileName) + os.sep + fname + ".obj"
- f = open(fname, "w")
- pickle.dump(obj, f)
- f.close()
- class TestDiff:
- """TestDiff encapsulates comparing a string or StringIO object
- against text in a test file. Test files are expected to
- be located in a subdirectory of the current directory,
- named data (if one doesn't exist, it will be created).
- If used in a test case, this should be instantiated in setUp and
- closed in tearDown. The calling unittest.TestCase instance is passed
- in on object creation. Optional compiled regular expressions
- can also be passed in, which are used to ignore strings
- that one knows in advance will be different, for example
- id="<hex digits>" .
- The initial running of the test will create the test
- files. When the tests are run again, the new output
- is compared against the old, line by line. To generate
- a new test file, remove the old one from data.
- """
- def __init__(self, testInst, *ignoreList):
- self.dataFile = None
- self.testInst = testInst
- self.origStrFile = None
- # used to divide separate test blocks within the same
- # test file.
- self.divider = "#" + ">" * 75 + "\n"
- self.expectedFailures = copy.copy(ignoreList)
- self.testFilePath = "data" + os.sep
- if not os.path.exists(self.testFilePath):
- os.mkdir(self.testFilePath)
- def setDiffFile(self, fname):
- """setDiffFile attempts to open the test file with the
- given name, and read it into a StringIO instance.
- If the file does not exist, it opens the file for
- writing.
- """
- filename = fname
- if self.dataFile and not self.dataFile.closed:
- self.dataFile.close()
- try:
- self.dataFile = open(self.testFilePath + filename, "r")
- self.origStrFile = StringIO.StringIO(self.dataFile.read())
- except IOError:
- try:
- self.dataFile = open(self.testFilePath + filename, "w")
- except IOError:
- print "exception"
- def failUnlessEqual(self, buffer):
- """failUnlessEqual takes either a string or a StringIO
- instance as input, and compares it against the original
- output from the test file.
- """
- # if not already a string IO
- if not isinstance(buffer, StringIO.StringIO):
- testStrFile = StringIO.StringIO(buffer)
- else:
- testStrFile = buffer
- testStrFile.seek(0)
- if self.dataFile.mode == "r":
- for testLine in testStrFile:
- origLine = self.origStrFile.readline()
- # skip divider
- if origLine == self.divider:
- origLine = self.origStrFile.readline()
- # take out expected failure strings before
- # comparing original against new output
- for cexpr in self.expectedFailures:
- origLine = cexpr.sub('', origLine)
- testLine = cexpr.sub('', testLine)
- self.testInst.failUnlessEqual(origLine, testLine)
- else: # write new test file
- for line in testStrFile:
- self.dataFile.write(line)
- self.dataFile.write(self.divider)
- testStrFile.close()
- def close(self):
- """Closes handle to original test file.
- """
- if self.dataFile and not self.dataFile.closed:
- self.dataFile.close()
- class MatchTestLoader(unittest.TestLoader):
- """Overrides unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames to provide a
- simpler and less verbose way to select a subset of tests to run.
- If all tests will always be run, use unittest.TestLoader instead.
- If a top-level test invokes test cases in other scripts,
- MatchTestLoader should be created with topLevel set to True
- to get the correct results. For example,
- def main():
- loader = utils.MatchTestLoader(True, None, "makeTestSuite")
- unittest.main(defaultTest="makeTestSuite", testLoader=loader)
- The defaultTest argument in the constructor indicates the test to run
- if no additional arguments beyond the test script name are provided.
- """
- def __init__(self, topLevel, config, defaultTest):
- unittest.TestLoader.__init__(self)
- self.testMethodPrefix = "test"
- self.defaultTest = defaultTest
- self.topLevel = topLevel
- self.config = config
- self.nameGenerator = None
- def loadTestsFromNames(self, unused, module=None):
- """Instead of loading the test names passed into it from
- unittest.TestProgram, loadTestsFromNames uses arguments from the
- command-line instead. This method is necessary because the
- superclass method called from unittest.TestProgram would fail on
- sub-string arguments, and because the default test would
- not be called properly in some cases, if using the argument
- passed in.
- There can be multiple names, both in full or as a substring, on
- the command-line. After getting the arguments, this method
- calls the corresponding method in the superclass.
- """
- self.testArgs = []
- if not self.topLevel or (len(sys.argv) != 1):
- for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
- if arg.find("-") != 0:
- self.testArgs.append(arg)
- if not self.testArgs:
- self.testArgs = [None]
- suites = unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self,
- (self.defaultTest,), module)
- return suites
- def loadTestsFromConfig(self, testCaseClass, section, fname="config.py",
- valueFunc=None):
- config = configHandler(fname)
- numTestCases = self.getTestCaseNumber(testCaseClass)
- self.nameGenerator = config.getConfigNames(section,
- numTestCases, valueFunc)
- configLen = config.length(section)
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- suite.addTest(self.loadTestsFromTestCase(testCaseClass))
- for i in range(1, configLen):
- suite.addTest(self.loadTestsFromTestCase(testCaseClass))
- return suite
- def getTestCaseNumber(self, testCaseClass):
- """looks for any test methods whose name contains testStr, checking
- if a test method has already been added. If there is not a match,
- it checks for an exact match with the test case name, and
- returns the number of test cases.
- """
- methods = self.getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass)
- prevAdded = []
- counter = 0
- for testStr in self.testArgs:
- # print "test argument ", testStr
- if testStr:
- for m in methods:
- if m.find(testStr) >= 0 and m not in prevAdded:
- counter = counter + 1
- prevAdded.append(m)
- if counter:
- return counter
- if (not testStr) or (testCaseClass.__name__ == testStr):
- for m in methods:
- counter = counter + 1
- prevAdded.append(m)
- # print "found %d cases" % counter
- return counter
- def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testCaseClass):
- """looks for any test methods whose name contains testStr, checking
- if a test method has already been added. If there is not a match,
- it checks for an exact match with the test case name, and loads
- all methods if so.
- """
- methods = self.getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass)
- prevAdded = []
- suites = unittest.TestSuite()
- for testStr in self.testArgs:
- # print testStr
- if testStr:
- for m in methods:
- if m.find(testStr) >= 0 and m not in prevAdded:
- suites.addTest(testCaseClass(m))
- prevAdded.append(m)
- if suites.countTestCases():
- return suites
- for testStr in self.testArgs:
- if (not testStr) or (testCaseClass.__name__ == testStr):
- for m in methods:
- suites.addTest(testCaseClass(m))
- prevAdded.append(m)
- if suites.countTestCases():
- return suites
- return suites