- """Translate strings to and from SOAP 1.2 XML name encoding
- Implements rules for mapping application defined name to XML names
- specified by the w3 SOAP working group for SOAP version 1.2 in
- Appendix A of "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts", W3C Working Draft
- 17, December 2001, <http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part2/#namemap>
- Also see <http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-issues>.
- Author: Gregory R. Warnes <Gregory.R.Warnes@Pfizer.com>
- Date:: 2002-04-25
- Version 0.9.0
- """
- ident = "$Id$"
- from re import *
- def _NCNameChar(x):
- return x.isalpha() or x.isdigit() or x=="." or x=='-' or x=="_"
- def _NCNameStartChar(x):
- return x.isalpha() or x=="_"
- def _toUnicodeHex(x):
- hexval = hex(ord(x[0]))[2:]
- hexlen = len(hexval)
- # Make hexval have either 4 or 8 digits by prepending 0's
- if (hexlen==1): hexval = "000" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==2): hexval = "00" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==3): hexval = "0" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==4): hexval = "" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==5): hexval = "000" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==6): hexval = "00" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==7): hexval = "0" + hexval
- elif (hexlen==8): hexval = "" + hexval
- else: raise Exception, "Illegal Value returned from hex(ord(x))"
- return "_x"+ hexval + "_"
- def _fromUnicodeHex(x):
- return eval( r'u"\u'+x[2:-1]+'"' )
- def toXMLname(string):
- """Convert string to a XML name."""
- if string.find(':') != -1 :
- (prefix, localname) = string.split(':',1)
- else:
- prefix = None
- localname = string
- T = unicode(localname)
- N = len(localname)
- X = [];
- for i in range(N) :
- if i< N-1 and T[i]==u'_' and T[i+1]==u'x':
- X.append(u'_x005F_')
- elif i==0 and N >= 3 and \
- ( T[0]==u'x' or T[0]==u'X' ) and \
- ( T[1]==u'm' or T[1]==u'M' ) and \
- ( T[2]==u'l' or T[2]==u'L' ):
- X.append(u'_xFFFF_' + T[0])
- elif (not _NCNameChar(T[i])) or (i==0 and not _NCNameStartChar(T[i])):
- X.append(_toUnicodeHex(T[i]))
- else:
- X.append(T[i])
- return u''.join(X)
- def fromXMLname(string):
- """Convert XML name to unicode string."""
- retval = sub(r'_xFFFF_','', string )
- def fun( matchobj ):
- return _fromUnicodeHex( matchobj.group(0) )
- retval = sub(r'_x[0-9A-Za-z]+_', fun, retval )
- return retval