- # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
- # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
- from urlparse import urlparse
- from ZSI import *
- from ZSI.client import *
- import weakref
- from Utility import DOM
- import WSDLTools
- class SOAPCallInfo:
- """SOAPCallInfo captures the important binding information about a
- SOAP operation, in a structure that is easier to work with than
- raw WSDL structures."""
- def __init__(self, methodName):
- self.methodName = methodName
- self.inheaders = []
- self.outheaders = []
- self.inparams = []
- self.outparams = []
- self.retval = None
- encodingStyle = DOM.NS_SOAP_ENC
- documentation = ''
- soapAction = None
- transport = None
- namespace = None
- location = None
- use = 'encoded'
- style = 'rpc'
- def addInParameter(self, name, type, namespace=None, element_type=0):
- """Add an input parameter description to the call info."""
- parameter = ParameterInfo(name, type, namespace, element_type)
- self.inparams.append(parameter)
- return parameter
- def addOutParameter(self, name, type, namespace=None, element_type=0):
- """Add an output parameter description to the call info."""
- parameter = ParameterInfo(name, type, namespace, element_type)
- self.outparams.append(parameter)
- return parameter
- def setReturnParameter(self, name, type, namespace=None, element_type=0):
- """Set the return parameter description for the call info."""
- parameter = ParameterInfo(name, type, namespace, element_type)
- self.retval = parameter
- return parameter
- def addInHeaderInfo(self, name, type, namespace, element_type=0,
- mustUnderstand=0):
- """Add an input SOAP header description to the call info."""
- headerinfo = HeaderInfo(name, type, namespace, element_type)
- if mustUnderstand:
- headerinfo.mustUnderstand = 1
- self.inheaders.append(headerinfo)
- return headerinfo
- def addOutHeaderInfo(self, name, type, namespace, element_type=0,
- mustUnderstand=0):
- """Add an output SOAP header description to the call info."""
- headerinfo = HeaderInfo(name, type, namespace, element_type)
- if mustUnderstand:
- headerinfo.mustUnderstand = 1
- self.outheaders.append(headerinfo)
- return headerinfo
- def getInParameters(self):
- """Return a sequence of the in parameters of the method."""
- return self.inparams
- def getOutParameters(self):
- """Return a sequence of the out parameters of the method."""
- return self.outparams
- def getReturnParameter(self):
- """Return param info about the return value of the method."""
- return self.retval
- def getInHeaders(self):
- """Return a sequence of the in headers of the method."""
- return self.inheaders
- def getOutHeaders(self):
- """Return a sequence of the out headers of the method."""
- return self.outheaders
- class ParameterInfo:
- """A ParameterInfo object captures parameter binding information."""
- def __init__(self, name, type, namespace=None, element_type=0):
- if element_type:
- self.element_type = 1
- if namespace is not None:
- self.namespace = namespace
- self.name = name
- self.type = type
- element_type = 0
- namespace = None
- default = None
- class HeaderInfo(ParameterInfo):
- """A HeaderInfo object captures SOAP header binding information."""
- def __init__(self, name, type, namespace, element_type=None):
- ParameterInfo.__init__(self, name, type, namespace, element_type)
- mustUnderstand = 0
- actor = None
- def callInfoFromWSDL(port, name):
- """Return a SOAPCallInfo given a WSDL port and operation name."""
- wsdl = port.getService().getWSDL()
- binding = port.getBinding()
- portType = binding.getPortType()
- operation = portType.operations[name]
- opbinding = binding.operations[name]
- messages = wsdl.messages
- callinfo = SOAPCallInfo(name)
- addrbinding = port.getAddressBinding()
- if not isinstance(addrbinding, WSDLTools.SoapAddressBinding):
- raise ValueError, 'Unsupported binding type.'
- callinfo.location = addrbinding.location
- soapbinding = binding.findBinding(WSDLTools.SoapBinding)
- if soapbinding is None:
- raise ValueError, 'Missing soap:binding element.'
- callinfo.transport = soapbinding.transport
- callinfo.style = soapbinding.style or 'document'
- soap_op_binding = opbinding.findBinding(WSDLTools.SoapOperationBinding)
- if soap_op_binding is not None:
- callinfo.soapAction = soap_op_binding.soapAction
- callinfo.style = soap_op_binding.style or callinfo.style
- parameterOrder = operation.parameterOrder
- if operation.input is not None:
- message = messages[operation.input.message]
- msgrole = opbinding.input
- mime = msgrole.findBinding(WSDLTools.MimeMultipartRelatedBinding)
- if mime is not None:
- raise ValueError, 'Mime bindings are not supported.'
- else:
- for item in msgrole.findBindings(WSDLTools.SoapHeaderBinding):
- part = messages[item.message].parts[item.part]
- header = callinfo.addInHeaderInfo(
- part.name,
- part.element or part.type,
- item.namespace,
- element_type = part.element and 1 or 0
- )
- header.encodingStyle = item.encodingStyle
- body = msgrole.findBinding(WSDLTools.SoapBodyBinding)
- if body is None:
- raise ValueError, 'Missing soap:body binding.'
- callinfo.encodingStyle = body.encodingStyle
- callinfo.namespace = body.namespace
- callinfo.use = body.use
- if body.parts is not None:
- parts = []
- for name in body.parts:
- parts.append(message.parts[name])
- else:
- parts = message.parts.values()
- for part in parts:
- callinfo.addInParameter(
- part.name,
- part.element or part.type,
- element_type = part.element and 1 or 0
- )
- if operation.output is not None:
- message = messages[operation.output.message]
- msgrole = opbinding.output
- mime = msgrole.findBinding(WSDLTools.MimeMultipartRelatedBinding)
- if mime is not None:
- raise ValueError, 'Mime bindings are not supported.'
- else:
- for item in msgrole.findBindings(WSDLTools.SoapHeaderBinding):
- part = messages[item.message].parts[item.part]
- header = callinfo.addOutHeaderInfo(
- part.name,
- part.element or part.type,
- item.namespace,
- element_type = part.element and 1 or 0
- )
- header.encodingStyle = item.encodingStyle
- body = msgrole.findBinding(WSDLTools.SoapBodyBinding)
- if body is None:
- raise ValueError, 'Missing soap:body binding.'
- callinfo.encodingStyle = body.encodingStyle
- callinfo.namespace = body.namespace
- callinfo.use = body.use
- if body.parts is not None:
- parts = []
- for name in body.parts:
- parts.append(message.parts[name])
- else:
- parts = message.parts.values()
- if parts:
- callinfo.setReturnParameter(
- parts[0].name,
- parts[0].element or parts[0].type,
- element_type = parts[0].element and 1 or 0
- )
- for part in parts[1:]:
- callinfo.addOutParameter(
- part.name,
- part.element or part.type,
- element_type = part.element and 1 or 0
- )
- return callinfo
- class ServiceProxy:
- """A ServiceProxy provides a convenient way to call a remote web
- service that is described with WSDL. The proxy exposes methods
- that reflect the methods of the remote web service."""
- def __init__(self, wsdl, service=None, port=None, tracefile=None,
- typesmodule=None, nsdict=None):
- if not hasattr(wsdl, 'targetNamespace'):
- wsdl = WSDLTools.WSDLReader().loadFromURL(wsdl)
- # for item in wsdl.types.items():
- # self._serializer.loadSchema(item)
- self._service = wsdl.services[service or 0]
- self.__doc__ = self._service.documentation
- self._port = self._service.ports[port or 0]
- self._name = self._service.name
- self._wsdl = wsdl
- self._tracefile = tracefile
- self._typesmodule = typesmodule
- self._nsdict = nsdict
- binding = self._port.getBinding()
- portType = binding.getPortType()
- for item in portType.operations:
- callinfo = callInfoFromWSDL(self._port, item.name)
- method = MethodProxy(self, callinfo)
- setattr(self, item.name, method)
- def _call(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
- """Call the named remote web service method."""
- if len(args) and len(kwargs):
- raise TypeError(
- 'Use positional or keyword argument only.'
- )
- callinfo = getattr(self, name).callinfo
- url = callinfo.location
- (protocol, host, uri, query, fragment, identifier) = urlparse(url)
- port = 80
- if host.find(':') >= 0:
- host, port = host.split(':')
- params = callinfo.getInParameters()
- host = str(host)
- port = str(port)
- binding = Binding(host=host, tracefile=self._tracefile,
- ssl=(protocol == 'https'),
- port=port, url=uri, typesmodule=self._typesmodule,
- nsdict=self._nsdict)
- apply(getattr(binding, callinfo.methodName), args)
- #print binding.ReceiveRaw()
- return binding.Receive()
- class MethodProxy:
- """ """
- def __init__(self, parent, callinfo):
- self.__name__ = callinfo.methodName
- self.__doc__ = callinfo.documentation
- self.callinfo = callinfo
- self.parent = weakref.ref(parent)
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.parent()._call(self.__name__, *args, **kwargs)