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18 lines
624 B

  1. [pytest]
  2. norecursedirs = . .git .svn tox _build tmp* lib/third lib *.egg bin distutils build docs demo
  3. python_files = *.py
  4. addopts = -p no:xdist --tb=long -rsxX -v --maxfail=10 tests
  5. # remove "--flake8" due to weir errors
  6. timeout=60
  7. # --maxfail=2 -n4
  8. # -n4 runs up to 4 parallel procs
  9. # --maxfail=2 fail fast, dude
  10. # --durations=3 report the top 3 longest tests
  11. # these are important for distributed testing, to speedup their execution we minimize what we sync
  12. rsyncdirs = . demo docs
  13. rsyncignore = .hg .git
  14. flake8-max-line-length = 99
  15. #flake8-ignore=D,D102
  16. flake8-ignore=D D102 H405