- #! /usr/bin/env python
- """Compatibility module, imported by ZSI if you don't have PyXML 0.7.
- No copyright violations -- we're only using parts of PyXML that we
- wrote.
- """
- from ZSI import _attrs, _children, _copyright
- _copyright += "\n\nPortions are also: "
- _copyright += '''Copyright 2001, Zolera Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- Copyright 2001, MIT. All Rights Reserved.
- Distributed under the terms of:
- Python 2.0 License or later.
- http://www.python.org/2.0.1/license.html
- or
- W3C Software License
- http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software-19980720
- '''
- from xml.dom import Node
- from Namespaces import XMLNS
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- try:
- from xml.dom.ext import c14n
- except ImportError, ex:
- _implementation2 = None
- else:
- class _implementation2(c14n._implementation):
- """Patch for exclusive c14n
- """
- def __init__(self, node, write, **kw):
- self.unsuppressedPrefixes = kw.get('unsuppressedPrefixes')
- self._exclusive = None
- if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- if not c14n._inclusive(self):
- self._exclusive = self._inherit_context(node)
- c14n._implementation.__init__(self, node, write, **kw)
- def _do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = []):
- """Patch for the xml.dom.ext.c14n implemenation _do_element method.
- This fixes a problem with sorting of namespaces.
- """
- # Get state (from the stack) make local copies.
- # ns_parent -- NS declarations in parent
- # ns_rendered -- NS nodes rendered by ancestors
- # ns_local -- NS declarations relevant to this element
- # xml_attrs -- Attributes in XML namespace from parent
- # xml_attrs_local -- Local attributes in XML namespace.
- ns_parent, ns_rendered, xml_attrs = \
- self.state[0], self.state[1].copy(), self.state[2].copy() #0422
- ns_local = ns_parent.copy()
- xml_attrs_local = {}
- # Divide attributes into NS, XML, and others.
- #other_attrs = initial_other_attrs[:]
- other_attrs = []
- sort_these_attrs = initial_other_attrs[:]
- in_subset = c14n._in_subset(self.subset, node)
- #for a in _attrs(node):
- sort_these_attrs +=c14n._attrs(node)
- for a in sort_these_attrs:
- if a.namespaceURI == c14n.XMLNS.BASE:
- n = a.nodeName
- if n == "xmlns:": n = "xmlns" # DOM bug workaround
- ns_local[n] = a.nodeValue
- elif a.namespaceURI == c14n.XMLNS.XML:
- if c14n._inclusive(self) or (in_subset and c14n._in_subset(self.subset, a)): #020925 Test to see if attribute node in subset
- xml_attrs_local[a.nodeName] = a #0426
- else:
- if c14n._in_subset(self.subset, a): #020925 Test to see if attribute node in subset
- other_attrs.append(a)
- #add local xml:foo attributes to ancestor's xml:foo attributes
- xml_attrs.update(xml_attrs_local)
- # Render the node
- W, name = self.write, None
- if in_subset:
- name = node.nodeName
- W('<')
- W(name)
- # Create list of NS attributes to render.
- ns_to_render = []
- for n,v in ns_local.items():
- # If default namespace is XMLNS.BASE or empty,
- # and if an ancestor was the same
- if n == "xmlns" and v in [ c14n.XMLNS.BASE, '' ] \
- and ns_rendered.get('xmlns') in [ c14n.XMLNS.BASE, '', None ]:
- continue
- # "omit namespace node with local name xml, which defines
- # the xml prefix, if its string value is
- # http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace."
- if n in ["xmlns:xml", "xml"] \
- and v in [ 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' ]:
- continue
- # If not previously rendered
- # and it's inclusive or utilized
- if (n,v) not in ns_rendered.items() \
- and (c14n._inclusive(self) or \
- c14n._utilized(n, node, other_attrs, self.unsuppressedPrefixes)):
- ns_to_render.append((n, v))
- #####################################
- # JRB
- #####################################
- if not c14n._inclusive(self):
- if node.prefix is None:
- look_for = [('xmlns', node.namespaceURI),]
- else:
- look_for = [('xmlns:%s' %node.prefix, node.namespaceURI),]
- for a in c14n._attrs(node):
- if a.namespaceURI != XMLNS.BASE:
- #print "ATTRIBUTE: ", (a.namespaceURI, a.prefix)
- if a.prefix:
- #print "APREFIX: ", a.prefix
- look_for.append(('xmlns:%s' %a.prefix, a.namespaceURI))
- for key,namespaceURI in look_for:
- if ns_rendered.has_key(key):
- if ns_rendered[key] == namespaceURI:
- # Dont write out
- pass
- else:
- #ns_to_render += [(key, namespaceURI)]
- pass
- elif (key,namespaceURI) in ns_to_render:
- # Dont write out
- pass
- else:
- # Unique write out, rewrite to render
- ns_local[key] = namespaceURI
- for a in self._exclusive:
- if a.nodeName == key:
- #self._do_attr(a.nodeName, a.value)
- #ns_rendered[key] = namespaceURI
- #break
- ns_to_render += [(a.nodeName, a.value)]
- break
- elif key is None and a.nodeName == 'xmlns':
- #print "DEFAULT: ", (a.nodeName, a.value)
- ns_to_render += [(a.nodeName, a.value)]
- break
- #print "KEY: ", key
- else:
- #print "Look for: ", look_for
- #print "NS_TO_RENDER: ", ns_to_render
- #print "EXCLUSIVE NS: ", map(lambda f: (f.nodeName,f.value),self._exclusive)
- raise RuntimeError, \
- 'can not find namespace (%s="%s") for exclusive canonicalization'\
- %(key, namespaceURI)
- #####################################
- # Sort and render the ns, marking what was rendered.
- ns_to_render.sort(c14n._sorter_ns)
- for n,v in ns_to_render:
- #XXX JRB, getting 'xmlns,None' here when xmlns=''
- if v: self._do_attr(n, v)
- else:
- v = ''
- self._do_attr(n, v)
- ns_rendered[n]=v #0417
- # If exclusive or the parent is in the subset, add the local xml attributes
- # Else, add all local and ancestor xml attributes
- # Sort and render the attributes.
- if not c14n._inclusive(self) or c14n._in_subset(self.subset,node.parentNode): #0426
- other_attrs.extend(xml_attrs_local.values())
- else:
- other_attrs.extend(xml_attrs.values())
- #print "OTHER: ", other_attrs
- other_attrs.sort(c14n._sorter)
- for a in other_attrs:
- self._do_attr(a.nodeName, a.value)
- W('>')
- # Push state, recurse, pop state.
- state, self.state = self.state, (ns_local, ns_rendered, xml_attrs)
- for c in c14n._children(node):
- c14n._implementation.handlers[c.nodeType](self, c)
- self.state = state
- if name: W('</%s>' % name)
- c14n._implementation.handlers[c14n.Node.ELEMENT_NODE] = _do_element
- _IN_XML_NS = lambda n: n.namespaceURI == XMLNS.XML
- # Does a document/PI has lesser/greater document order than the
- # first element?
- _LesserElement, _Element, _GreaterElement = range(3)
- def _sorter(n1,n2):
- '''_sorter(n1,n2) -> int
- Sorting predicate for non-NS attributes.'''
- i = cmp(n1.namespaceURI, n2.namespaceURI)
- if i: return i
- return cmp(n1.localName, n2.localName)
- def _sorter_ns(n1,n2):
- '''_sorter_ns((n,v),(n,v)) -> int
- "(an empty namespace URI is lexicographically least)."'''
- if n1[0] == 'xmlns': return -1
- if n2[0] == 'xmlns': return 1
- return cmp(n1[0], n2[0])
- def _utilized(n, node, other_attrs, unsuppressedPrefixes):
- '''_utilized(n, node, other_attrs, unsuppressedPrefixes) -> boolean
- Return true if that nodespace is utilized within the node'''
- if n.startswith('xmlns:'):
- n = n[6:]
- elif n.startswith('xmlns'):
- n = n[5:]
- if n == node.prefix or n in unsuppressedPrefixes: return 1
- for attr in other_attrs:
- if n == attr.prefix: return 1
- return 0
- _in_subset = lambda subset, node: not subset or node in subset
- #
- # JRB. Currently there is a bug in do_element, but since the underlying
- # Data Structures in c14n have changed I can't just apply the
- # _implementation2 patch above. But this will work OK for most uses,
- # just not XML Signatures.
- #
- class _implementation:
- '''Implementation class for C14N. This accompanies a node during it's
- processing and includes the parameters and processing state.'''
- # Handler for each node type; populated during module instantiation.
- handlers = {}
- def __init__(self, node, write, **kw):
- '''Create and run the implementation.'''
- self.write = write
- self.subset = kw.get('subset')
- if self.subset:
- self.comments = kw.get('comments', 1)
- else:
- self.comments = kw.get('comments', 0)
- self.unsuppressedPrefixes = kw.get('unsuppressedPrefixes')
- nsdict = kw.get('nsdict', { 'xml': XMLNS.XML, 'xmlns': XMLNS.BASE })
- # Processing state.
- self.state = (nsdict, ['xml'], [])
- if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
- self._do_document(node)
- elif node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- self.documentOrder = _Element # At document element
- if self.unsuppressedPrefixes is not None:
- self._do_element(node)
- else:
- inherited = self._inherit_context(node)
- self._do_element(node, inherited)
- elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
- pass
- else:
- raise TypeError, str(node)
- def _inherit_context(self, node):
- '''_inherit_context(self, node) -> list
- Scan ancestors of attribute and namespace context. Used only
- for single element node canonicalization, not for subset
- canonicalization.'''
- # Collect the initial list of xml:foo attributes.
- xmlattrs = filter(_IN_XML_NS, _attrs(node))
- # Walk up and get all xml:XXX attributes we inherit.
- inherited, parent = [], node.parentNode
- while parent and parent.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- for a in filter(_IN_XML_NS, _attrs(parent)):
- n = a.localName
- if n not in xmlattrs:
- xmlattrs.append(n)
- inherited.append(a)
- parent = parent.parentNode
- return inherited
- def _do_document(self, node):
- '''_do_document(self, node) -> None
- Process a document node. documentOrder holds whether the document
- element has been encountered such that PIs/comments can be written
- as specified.'''
- self.documentOrder = _LesserElement
- for child in node.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- self.documentOrder = _Element # At document element
- self._do_element(child)
- self.documentOrder = _GreaterElement # After document element
- elif child.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
- self._do_pi(child)
- elif child.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE:
- self._do_comment(child)
- elif child.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
- pass
- else:
- raise TypeError, str(child)
- handlers[Node.DOCUMENT_NODE] = _do_document
- def _do_text(self, node):
- '''_do_text(self, node) -> None
- Process a text or CDATA node. Render various special characters
- as their C14N entity representations.'''
- if not _in_subset(self.subset, node): return
- s = node.data \
- .replace("&", "&") \
- .replace("<", "<") \
- .replace(">", ">") \
- .replace("\015", "
- if s: self.write(s)
- handlers[Node.TEXT_NODE] = _do_text
- handlers[Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE] = _do_text
- def _do_pi(self, node):
- '''_do_pi(self, node) -> None
- Process a PI node. Render a leading or trailing #xA if the
- document order of the PI is greater or lesser (respectively)
- than the document element.
- '''
- if not _in_subset(self.subset, node): return
- W = self.write
- if self.documentOrder == _GreaterElement: W('\n')
- W('<?')
- W(node.nodeName)
- s = node.data
- if s:
- W(' ')
- W(s)
- W('?>')
- if self.documentOrder == _LesserElement: W('\n')
- handlers[Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE] = _do_pi
- def _do_comment(self, node):
- '''_do_comment(self, node) -> None
- Process a comment node. Render a leading or trailing #xA if the
- document order of the comment is greater or lesser (respectively)
- than the document element.
- '''
- if not _in_subset(self.subset, node): return
- if self.comments:
- W = self.write
- if self.documentOrder == _GreaterElement: W('\n')
- W('<!--')
- W(node.data)
- W('-->')
- if self.documentOrder == _LesserElement: W('\n')
- handlers[Node.COMMENT_NODE] = _do_comment
- def _do_attr(self, n, value):
- ''''_do_attr(self, node) -> None
- Process an attribute.'''
- W = self.write
- W(' ')
- W(n)
- W('="')
- s = value \
- .replace("&", "&") \
- .replace("<", "<") \
- .replace('"', '"') \
- .replace('\011', '	') \
- .replace('\012', '
') \
- .replace('\015', '
- W(s)
- W('"')
- def _do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = []):
- '''_do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = []) -> None
- Process an element (and its children).'''
- # Get state (from the stack) make local copies.
- # ns_parent -- NS declarations in parent
- # ns_rendered -- NS nodes rendered by ancestors
- # xml_attrs -- Attributes in XML namespace from parent
- # ns_local -- NS declarations relevant to this element
- ns_parent, ns_rendered, xml_attrs = \
- self.state[0], self.state[1][:], self.state[2][:]
- ns_local = ns_parent.copy()
- # Divide attributes into NS, XML, and others.
- other_attrs = initial_other_attrs[:]
- in_subset = _in_subset(self.subset, node)
- for a in _attrs(node):
- if a.namespaceURI == XMLNS.BASE:
- n = a.nodeName
- if n == "xmlns:": n = "xmlns" # DOM bug workaround
- ns_local[n] = a.nodeValue
- elif a.namespaceURI == XMLNS.XML:
- if self.unsuppressedPrefixes is None or in_subset:
- xml_attrs.append(a)
- else:
- other_attrs.append(a)
- # Render the node
- W, name = self.write, None
- if in_subset:
- name = node.nodeName
- W('<')
- W(name)
- # Create list of NS attributes to render.
- ns_to_render = []
- for n,v in ns_local.items():
- pval = ns_parent.get(n)
- # If default namespace is XMLNS.BASE or empty, skip
- if n == "xmlns" \
- and v in [ XMLNS.BASE, '' ] and pval in [ XMLNS.BASE, '' ]:
- continue
- # "omit namespace node with local name xml, which defines
- # the xml prefix, if its string value is
- # http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace."
- if n == "xmlns:xml" \
- and v in [ 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' ]:
- continue
- # If different from parent, or parent didn't render
- # and if not exclusive, or this prefix is needed or
- # not suppressed
- if (v != pval or n not in ns_rendered) \
- and (self.unsuppressedPrefixes is None or \
- _utilized(n, node, other_attrs, self.unsuppressedPrefixes)):
- ns_to_render.append((n, v))
- # Sort and render the ns, marking what was rendered.
- ns_to_render.sort(_sorter_ns)
- for n,v in ns_to_render:
- self._do_attr(n, v)
- ns_rendered.append(n)
- # Add in the XML attributes (don't pass to children, since
- # we're rendering them), sort, and render.
- other_attrs.extend(xml_attrs)
- xml_attrs = []
- other_attrs.sort(_sorter)
- for a in other_attrs:
- self._do_attr(a.nodeName, a.value)
- W('>')
- # Push state, recurse, pop state.
- state, self.state = self.state, (ns_local, ns_rendered, xml_attrs)
- for c in _children(node):
- _implementation.handlers[c.nodeType](self, c)
- self.state = state
- if name: W('</%s>' % name)
- handlers[Node.ELEMENT_NODE] = _do_element
- def Canonicalize(node, output=None, **kw):
- '''Canonicalize(node, output=None, **kw) -> UTF-8
- Canonicalize a DOM document/element node and all descendents.
- Return the text; if output is specified then output.write will
- be called to output the text and None will be returned
- Keyword parameters:
- nsdict: a dictionary of prefix:uri namespace entries
- assumed to exist in the surrounding context
- comments: keep comments if non-zero (default is 0)
- subset: Canonical XML subsetting resulting from XPath
- (default is [])
- unsuppressedPrefixes: do exclusive C14N, and this specifies the
- prefixes that should be inherited.
- '''
- if output:
- if _implementation2 is None:
- _implementation(node, output.write, **kw)
- else:
- apply(_implementation2, (node, output.write), kw)
- else:
- s = c14n.StringIO.StringIO()
- if _implementation2 is None:
- _implementation(node, s.write, **kw)
- else:
- apply(_implementation2, (node, s.write), kw)
- return s.getvalue()
- if __name__ == '__main__': print _copyright