- ############################################################################
- # David W. Robertson, LBNL
- # See Copyright for copyright notice!
- ###########################################################################
- import sys, ConfigParser, unittest
- import StringIO
- from ZSI import wsdl2python
- from ZSI.wstools.WSDLTools import WSDLReader
- import utils
- """
- Unittest for the wsdl2python class
- """
- def setUpWsdl(path):
- if path[:7] == 'http://':
- wsdl = WSDLReader().loadFromURL(path)
- else:
- wsdl = WSDLReader().loadFromFile(path)
- return wsdl
- class Wsdl2pythonTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test case for wsdl2python.WriteServiceModule
- """
- def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
- global configLoader
- unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
- def setUp(self):
- # not thread safe
- self.path = configLoader.nameGenerator.next()
- print self.path
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.testdiff = utils.TestDiff(self)
- self.wsdl = configLoader.nameGenerator.next()
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.wsdl is not None:
- del self.wsdl
- self.testdiff.close()
- def __str__(self):
- teststr = unittest.TestCase.__str__(self)
- if hasattr(self, "path"):
- return "%s: %s" % (teststr, self.path )
- else:
- return "%s" % (teststr)
- def do_diffs(self, choice):
- self.failUnless(self.wsdl is not None, "Unable to start, load failed")
- codegen = wsdl2python.WriteServiceModule(self.wsdl)
- f_types, f_services = codegen.get_module_names()
- strFile = StringIO.StringIO()
- if choice == "service_types":
- self.testdiff.setDiffFile(f_types + ".py")
- codegen.write_service_types(f_types, strFile)
- else:
- self.testdiff.setDiffFile(f_services + ".py")
- codegen.write_services(f_types, f_services, strFile)
- self.testdiff.failUnlessEqual(strFile)
- strFile.close()
- def test_Xmethods_service_types(self):
- # add exception for url not found
- self.do_diffs("service_types")
- def test_Xmethods_services(self):
- self.do_diffs("services")
- def makeTestSuite(topLevel=False, config=None):
- global configLoader
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- if not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], "configLoader"):
- if not config:
- configLoader = utils.MatchTestLoader(False, "config.py",
- "Wsdl2pythonTest")
- else:
- configLoader = config
- configLoader.testMethodPrefix = "test"
- suite.addTest(configLoader.loadTestsFromConfig(Wsdl2pythonTest,
- "services_by_http",
- valueFunc = setUpWsdl))
- return suite
- def main():
- global configLoader
- configLoader = utils.MatchTestLoader(False, "config.py", "makeTestSuite")
- unittest.main(defaultTest="makeTestSuite", testLoader=configLoader)
- if __name__ == "__main__" : main()