@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ def _utilized(n, node, other_attrs, unsuppressedPrefixes):
if unsuppressedPrefixes is not None:
for attr in _attrs(node):
if n == attr.prefix: return 1
return 0
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ def _inclusiveNamespacePrefixes(node, context, unsuppressedPrefixes):
if a.nodeName.startswith('xmlns') or not a.prefix: continue
usedPrefixes.append('xmlns:%s' %a.prefix)
unused_namespace_dict = {}
for attr in context:
n = attr.nodeName
if n in unsuppressedPrefixes:
@@ -131,8 +133,10 @@ def _inclusiveNamespacePrefixes(node, context, unsuppressedPrefixes):
elif attr.nodeName in usedPrefixes:
elif n.startswith('xmlns:'):
unused_namespace_dict[n] = attr.value
return inclusive
return inclusive, unused_namespace_dict
#_in_subset = lambda subset, node: not subset or node in subset
_in_subset = lambda subset, node: subset is None or node in subset # rich's tweak
@@ -154,16 +158,16 @@ class _implementation:
nsdict = kw.get('nsdict', { 'xml': XMLNS.XML, 'xmlns': XMLNS.BASE })
# Processing state.
self.state = (nsdict, {'xml':''}, {}) #0422
self.state = (nsdict, {'xml':''}, {}, {} ) #0422
if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
elif node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.documentOrder = _Element # At document element
if not _inclusive(self):
inherited = _inclusiveNamespacePrefixes(node, self._inherit_context(node),
inherited,unused = _inclusiveNamespacePrefixes(node, self._inherit_context(node),
self._do_element(node, inherited)
self._do_element(node, inherited, unused=unused )
inherited = self._inherit_context(node)
self._do_element(node, inherited)
@@ -286,8 +290,8 @@ class _implementation:
def _do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = []):
'''_do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = []) -> None
def _do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = [], unused = None ):
'''_do_element(self, node, initial_other_attrs = [], unused = {} ) -> None
Process an element (and its children).'''
# Get state (from the stack) make local copies.
@@ -296,9 +300,16 @@ class _implementation:
# ns_local -- NS declarations relevant to this element
# xml_attrs -- Attributes in XML namespace from parent
# xml_attrs_local -- Local attributes in XML namespace.
# ns_unused_inherited -- not rendered namespaces, used for exclusive
ns_parent, ns_rendered, xml_attrs = \
self.state[0], self.state[1].copy(), self.state[2].copy() #0422
ns_unused_inherited = unused
if unused is None:
ns_unused_inherited = self.state[3].copy()
ns_local = ns_parent.copy()
inclusive = _inclusive(self)
xml_attrs_local = {}
# Divide attributes into NS, XML, and others.
@@ -310,11 +321,16 @@ class _implementation:
if n == "xmlns:": n = "xmlns" # DOM bug workaround
ns_local[n] = a.nodeValue
elif a.namespaceURI == XMLNS.XML:
if _ inclusive(self) or (in_subset and _in_subset(self.subset, a)): #020925 Test to see if attribute node in subset
if inclusive or (in_subset and _in_subset(self.subset, a)): #020925 Test to see if attribute node in subset
xml_attrs_local[a.nodeName] = a #0426
if _in_subset(self.subset, a): #020925 Test to see if attribute node in subset
# # TODO: exclusive, might need to define xmlns:prefix here
# if not inclusive and a.prefix is not None and not ns_rendered.has_key('xmlns:%s' %a.prefix):
# ns_local['xmlns:%s' %a.prefix] = ??
#add local xml:foo attributes to ancestor's xml:foo attributes
@@ -322,6 +338,21 @@ class _implementation:
W, name = self.write, None
if in_subset:
name = node.nodeName
if not inclusive:
if node.prefix is not None:
prefix = 'xmlns:%s' %node.prefix
prefix = 'xmlns'
if not ns_rendered.has_key(prefix) and not ns_local.has_key(prefix):
if not ns_unused_inherited.has_key(prefix):
raise RuntimeError,\
'For exclusive c14n, unable to map prefix "%s" in %s' %(
prefix, node)
ns_local[prefix] = ns_unused_inherited[prefix]
del ns_unused_inherited[prefix]
@@ -345,10 +376,11 @@ class _implementation:
# If not previously rendered
# and it's inclusive or utilized
if (n,v) not in ns_rendered.items() \
and (_inclusive(self) or \
_utilized(n, node, other_attrs, self.unsuppressedPrefixes)):
ns_to_render.append((n, v))
if (n,v) not in ns_rendered.items():
if inclusive or _utilized(n, node, other_attrs, self.unsuppressedPrefixes):
ns_to_render.append((n, v))
elif not inclusive:
ns_unused_inherited[n] = v
# Sort and render the ns, marking what was rendered.
@@ -359,7 +391,7 @@ class _implementation:
# If exclusive or the parent is in the subset, add the local xml attributes
# Else, add all local and ancestor xml attributes
# Sort and render the attributes.
if not _ inclusive(self) or _in_subset(self.subset,node.parentNode): #0426
if not inclusive or _in_subset(self.subset,node.parentNode): #0426
@@ -369,7 +401,7 @@ class _implementation:
# Push state, recurse, pop state.
state, self.state = self.state, (ns_local, ns_rendered, xml_attrs)
state, self.state = self.state, (ns_local, ns_rendered, xml_attrs, ns_unused_inherited )
for c in _children(node):
_implementation.handlers[c.nodeType](self, c)
self.state = state