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checkpoint some work to make ssh work...

Turns out there was a bug in Lenovo's switch that prevented it from
reading properly, this contains the fix, but I want to keep this old
code around..
John-Mark Gurney 1 year ago
2 changed files with 188 additions and 17 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +187

+ 1
- 0 View File

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ setup(name='vlanmang',
'asyncssh @ git+',
extras_require = {
'dev': [ 'coverage' ],

+ 187
- 17
vlanmang/ View File

@@ -35,10 +35,13 @@ if False:
from pysnmp import debug

import asyncio
import asyncssh
import importlib
import itertools
import mock
import random
import sys
import unittest

__author__ = 'John-Mark Gurney'
@@ -51,6 +54,12 @@ __all__ = [

if False:
from pysnmp import debug

# use specific flags or 'all' for full debugging
debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('dsp', 'msgproc', 'secmod'))

_mbuilder = MibBuilder()
_mvc = MibViewController(_mbuilder)

@@ -83,6 +92,11 @@ class SwitchConfig(object):

host -- The host of the switch you are maintaining configuration of.

switchfactory -- Default is SNMPSwitch. This is the factory function
that will be called to create the switch object. It will be
passed the host and the authargs like:
switchfactory(host, **authargs).

authargs -- This is a dictionary of kwargs to pass to SNMPSwitch.
If SNMPv1 (insecure) is used, pass dict(community='communitystr').

@@ -235,8 +249,9 @@ def checkchanges(module):

res = []

for name, i in mods:
#print('probing %s' % repr(name))
print('probing %s' % repr(name))
vlans = i.vlanconf.keys()
switch = SNMPSwitch(, **i.authargs)
switchpvid = switch.getpvid()
@@ -280,6 +295,7 @@ def checkchanges(module):
# compare pvid
pvidmap = getpvidmapping(i.vlanconf, lufun)
switchpvid = switch.getpvid()

res.extend((switch, name, 'setpvid', idx, vlan, switchpvid[idx]) for idx, vlan in
pvidmap.items() if switchpvid[idx] != vlan)
@@ -290,9 +306,8 @@ def checkchanges(module):
switchuntagged = switch.getuntagged(*vlans)
untagged = getuntagged(i.vlanconf, lufun)
for i in vlans:
if not _cmpbits(switchegress[i], egress[i]):
if not _cmpbits(switchegress[i], egress[i]) or not _cmpbits(switchuntagged[i], untagged[i]):
res.append((switch, name, 'setegress', i, egress[i], switchegress[i]))
if not _cmpbits(switchuntagged[i], untagged[i]):
res.append((switch, name, 'setuntagged', i, untagged[i], switchuntagged[i]))

return res
@@ -344,6 +359,8 @@ def getuntagged(data, lookupfun):

return r

_lenovo_ce0128t = (1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 19046, 1, 7, 43) # LENOVO-REF-MIB::ce0128t

class SNMPSwitch(object):
'''A class for manipulating switches via standard SNMP MIBs.'''

@@ -385,6 +402,8 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):

self._eng = SnmpEngine()

self._getmanybroken = False

if community is not None:
self._auth = CommunityData(community, mpModel=0)
@@ -399,10 +418,29 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):

self._targ = UdpTransportTarget((host, 161), timeout=10)

r = self._get(('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0))
if tuple(r) == _lenovo_ce0128t:
self._getmanybroken = True

def __enter__(self):
return self

def __exit__(self, *args):
return False

def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
return '<SNMPSwitch: auth=%s, targ=%s>' % (repr(self._auth), repr(self._targ))

def _getmany(self, *oids):
if not oids:
return []

if self._getmanybroken:
return [ self._getmany_real(x)[0] for x in oids ]
return self._getmany_real(*oids)

def _getmany_real(self, *oids):
woids = [ ObjectIdentity(*oid) for oid in oids ]
[ oid.resolveWithMib(_mvc) for oid in woids ]

@@ -619,9 +657,19 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
value is a bit string that preresents what ports that
particular VLAN will be transmitted on.'''

vlans = list(vlans)
for x, y in self._getmany(*(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB',
'dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts', x) for x in vlans)):
print(repr(x), repr(y))

r = { x[-1]: _octstrtobits(y) for x, y in
'dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts', 0, x) for x in vlans)) }

r = { x[-1]: _octstrtobits(y) for x, y in
'dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts', x) for x in vlans)) }
'dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts', 0, x) for x in vlans)) }

return r

@@ -655,6 +703,76 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
self._set(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts',
int(vlan)), value)

class LenovoCampusNOS(SNMPSwitch):
Interface w/ the Lenovo Campus NOS switches. Specifically
Lenovo CE0128TB Switch, Campus NOS

It requires sshuser and sshpass to be provided to change settings.

def __init__(self, host, community=None, sshuser=None, sshpass=None,
username=None, authKey=None, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol,
privKey=None, privProtocol=None):

if sshuser is None:
raise ValueError('sshuser is required')

if sshpass is None:
raise ValueError('sshpass is required')

super().__init__(host, community, username, authKey,
authProtocol, privKey, privProtocol)

self._conn = None
self._proc = None

self._host = host
self._sshuser = sshuser
self._sshpass = sshpass

self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def _setupproc(self):
self._conn = await asyncssh.connect(self._host,
username=self._sshuser, password=self._sshpass)
self._proc = await self._conn.create_process()

def __enter__(self):

def __exit__(self, *args):


def _set(self):
raise RuntimeError('should not be called')

# Note: setpvid works via SNMP
#def setpvid(self, port, vlan):

# Note: createvlan works via SNMP
#def createvlan(self, vlan, name):

def setegress(self, vlan, ports):
interface 1/0/x
vlan participation include/exclude x
raise NotImplementedError('todo')

def setuntagged(self, vlan, ports):
interface 1/0/x
vlan participation include x
[no] vlan tagging x
raise NotImplementedError('todo')

def main():
import pprint
import sys
@@ -675,19 +793,21 @@ def main():
failed = []
prevname = None
for switch, name, verb, arg1, arg2, oldarg in changes:
if prevname != name:
print('Configuring switch %s...' % repr(name))
prevname = name

print('%s: %s %s' % (verb, arg1, repr(arg2)))
fun = getattr(switch, verb)
fun(arg1, arg2)
except Exception as e:
failed.append((verb, arg1, arg2, e))
for switch, group in itertools.groupby(changes, lambda x: x[0]):
with switch:
for _, name, verb, arg1, arg2, oldarg in group:
if prevname != name:
print('Configuring switch %s...' % repr(name))
prevname = name

print('%s: %s %s' % (verb, arg1, repr(arg2)))
fun = getattr(switch, verb)
fun(arg1, arg2)
except Exception as e:
failed.append((verb, arg1, arg2, e))

if failed:
print('%d failed to apply, they are:' % len(failed))
@@ -907,6 +1027,7 @@ class _TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
gvlans.return_value = iter([ 1, 5 ])

res = checkchanges('data')

validres = [ ('createvlan', 283, '', '') ]

# make sure it needs to get created
@@ -982,6 +1103,7 @@ class _TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
'1' * 10),
('setegress', 5, '1' * 8 + '0' * 11 + '11' + '0' * 8 +
'1', '1' * 10),
('setuntagged', 5, '1' * 8, '1' * 8 + '0' * 10),

self.assertEqual(set(res), set(validres))
@@ -1062,6 +1184,54 @@ class _TestSNMPSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(res, { x: _octstrtobits(lookup[x]) for x in
range(1, 10) })

class TestLenovoCampus(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
def test_reqs(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
LenovoCampusNOS('somehost', sshuser='admin')

with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
LenovoCampusNOS('somehost', sshpass='foo')

def test_basic(self, cd, asconn):
sshuser = 'bogus'
sshpass = 'foo'
a = LenovoCampusNOS(None, sshuser=sshuser, sshpass=sshpass)

self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, a.setegress, 1, 1)

connobj = mock.AsyncMock()

connfuncalled = [ False ]
async def connfun(host, username, password, connfuncalled=connfuncalled):
connfuncalled[0] = True

# called with the correct arguments
self.assertEqual(host, None)

self.assertEqual(username, sshuser)
self.assertEqual(password, sshpass)

return connobj
asconn.side_effect = connfun

with a:
# that connect was called

# that create_process was called

a.setegress(1, 1)

class TestMikroTikSwitch(unittest.TestCase):

_skipSwitchTests = True

class _TestSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
