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add function to get all ports for a switch, this will be used to

compare the switch's port list against the definition to make sure
that there is a complete definition...

Add the ability to skip the switch tests that can take a while to
John-Mark Gurney 5 years ago
1 changed files with 80 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +80

+ 80
- 1 View File

@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@ from pysnmp.hlapi import *
from pysnmp.smi.builder import MibBuilder
from pysnmp.smi.view import MibViewController

import itertools
import random
import unittest

_mbuilder = MibBuilder()
_mvc = MibViewController(_mbuilder)

#import data

# received packages
# pvid: dot1qPvid
@@ -29,7 +32,39 @@ _mvc = MibViewController(_mbuilder)
# 1.0.8802. aka LLDP-MIB, lldpRemTable

def getpvidmapping(data, lookupfun):
'''Return a mapping from vlan based table to a port: vlan

res = []
for id in data:
for i in data[id]['u']:
if isinstance(i, str):
i = lookupfun(i)
res.append((i, id))

return dict(res)

def getportlist(data, lookupfun):
'''Return a set of all the ports indexes in data.'''

res = set()

for id in data:
res.update(data[id].get('t', []))

# filter out the strings
strports = set(x for x in res if isinstance(x, str))

res.update(lookupfun(x) for x in strports)

return res

class SNMPSwitch(object):
'''A class for manipulating switches via standard SNMP MIBs.'''

def __init__(self, host, community):
self._eng = SnmpEngine()
self._cd = CommunityData(community, mpModel=0)
@@ -100,9 +135,14 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
yield varBind

def findport(self, name):
'''Look up a port name and return it's port index. This
looks up via the ifName table in IF-MIB.'''

return [ x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('IF-MIB', 'ifName') if str(x[1]) == name ][0]

def getvlanname(self, vlan):
'''Return the name for the vlan.'''

v = self._get(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticName', vlan))

return str(v).decode('utf-8')
@@ -119,12 +159,49 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
int(vlan)), 6) # destroy(6)

def getvlans(self):
'''Return all the vlans.'''

return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStatus'))

def staticvlans(self):
'''Return the staticly defined/configured vlans. This
sometimes excludes special built in vlans, like vlan 1.'''

return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticName'))

class Test(unittest.TestCase):
class _TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pvid(self):
data = {
1: {
'u': [ 1, 5, 10 ] + range(13, 20)
10: {
'u': [ 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 'lag2' ],
13: {
'u': [ 4, 9 ],
lookup = {
'lag2': 30

check = dict(itertools.chain(enumerate([ 1, 10, 10, 13, 1, 10,
10, 10, 13, 1 ], 1), enumerate([ 1 ] * 7, 13),
[ (30, 10) ]))

# That a pvid mapping
res = getpvidmapping(data, lookup.__getitem__)

# is correct
self.assertEqual(res, check)

self.assertEqual(getportlist(data, lookup.__getitem__),
set(xrange(1, 11)) | set(xrange(13, 20)) | set([30]))

_skipSwitchTests = True

class _TestSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
args = open('test.creds').read().split()
self.switch = SNMPSwitch(*args)
@@ -132,12 +209,14 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unpacktable(self):

@unittest.skipIf(_skipSwitchTests, 'slow')
def test_misc(self):
switch = self.switch

self.assertEqual(switch.findport('g1'), 1)
self.assertEqual(switch.findport('l1'), 14)

@unittest.skipIf(_skipSwitchTests, 'slow')
def test_vlan(self):
switch = self.switch
