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add and update docs, wrap lines at 80 cols..

John-Mark Gurney 5 years ago
1 changed files with 62 additions and 20 deletions
  1. +62

+ 62
- 20 View File

@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ def getpvidmapping(data, lookupfun):
return dict(res)

def getegress(data, lookupfun):
'''Return a dictionary, keyed by VLAN id with a string of the ports
that need to be enagled for egress. This include both tagged and
'''Return a dictionary, keyed by VLAN id with a bit string of ports
that need to be enabled for egress. This include both tagged and
untagged traffic.'''

r = {}
@@ -243,6 +243,9 @@ def getegress(data, lookupfun):
return r

def getuntagged(data, lookupfun):
'''Return a dictionary, keyed by VLAN id with a bit string of ports
that need to be enabled for untagged egress.'''

r = {}
for id in data:
r[id] = _intstobits(*getidxs(data[id].get('u', []), lookupfun))
@@ -265,7 +268,8 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
[ oid.resolveWithMib(_mvc) for oid in woids ]

errorInd, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = \
next(getCmd(self._eng, self._cd, self._targ, ContextData(), *(ObjectType(oid) for oid in woids)))
next(getCmd(self._eng, self._cd, self._targ,
ContextData(), *(ObjectType(oid) for oid in woids)))

if errorInd: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(errorIndication)
@@ -302,7 +306,8 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
value = OctetString(value)

errorInd, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = \
next(setCmd(self._eng, self._cd, self._targ, ContextData(), ObjectType(oid, value)))
next(setCmd(self._eng, self._cd, self._targ,
ContextData(), ObjectType(oid, value)))

if errorInd: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(errorIndication)
@@ -331,25 +336,30 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
if errorInd: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(errorInd)
elif errorStatus: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex)-1][0] or '?'))
raise ValueError('%s at %s' %
(errorStatus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and
varBinds[int(errorIndex)-1][0] or '?'))
for varBind in varBinds:
yield varBind

def getportmapping(self):
'''Return a port name mapping. Keys are the port index
and the value is the name from the ifName entry.'''
and the value is the name from the IF-MIB::ifName entry.'''

return { x[0][-1]: str(x[1]) for x in self._walk('IF-MIB', 'ifName') }
return { x[0][-1]: str(x[1]) for x in self._walk('IF-MIB',
'ifName') }

def findport(self, name):
'''Look up a port name and return it's port index. This
looks up via the ifName table in IF-MIB.'''

return [ x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('IF-MIB', 'ifName') if str(x[1]) == name ][0]
return [ x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('IF-MIB', 'ifName') if
str(x[1]) == name ][0]

def getvlanname(self, vlan):
'''Return the name for the vlan.'''
'''Return the name for the vlan. This returns the value in

v = self._get(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticName', vlan))

@@ -369,25 +379,36 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
def getvlans(self):
'''Return an iterator with all the vlan ids.'''

return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStatus'))
return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB',

def staticvlans(self):
'''Return an iterator of the staticly defined/configured
vlans. This sometimes excludes special built in vlans,
like vlan 1.'''

return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticName'))
return (x[0][-1] for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB',

def getpvid(self):
'''Returns a dictionary w/ the interface index as the key,
and the pvid of the interface.'''

return { x[0][-1]: int(x[1]) for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qPvid') }
return { x[0][-1]: int(x[1]) for x in self._walk('Q-BRIDGE-MIB',
'dot1qPvid') }

def setpvid(self, port, vlan):
'''Set the port's Pvid to vlan. This means that any packet
received by the port that is untagged, will be routed the
the vlan.'''

self._set(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qPvid', int(port)), Gauge32(vlan))

def getegress(self, *vlans):
'''Get a dictionary keyed by the specified VLANs, where each
value is a bit string that preresents what ports that
particular VLAN will be transmitted on.'''

r = { x[-1]: _octstrtobits(y) for x, y in
'dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts', x) for x in vlans)) }
@@ -395,11 +416,21 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
return r

def setegress(self, vlan, ports):
'''Set the ports which the specified VLAN will have packets
transmitted as either tagged, if unset in untagged, or
untagged, if set in untagged, to bit bit string specified
by ports.'''

value = OctetString.fromBinaryString(ports)
self._set(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts',
int(vlan)), value)

def getuntagged(self, *vlans):
'''Get a dictionary keyed by the specified VLANs, where each
value is a bit string that preresents what ports that
particular VLAN will be transmitted on as an untagged

r = { x[-1]: _octstrtobits(y) for x, y in
'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts', x) for x in vlans)) }
@@ -407,6 +438,9 @@ class SNMPSwitch(object):
return r

def setuntagged(self, vlan, ports):
'''Set the ports which the specified VLAN will have packets
transmitted as untagged to the bit string specified by ports.'''

value = OctetString.fromBinaryString(ports)
self._set(('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts',
int(vlan)), value)
@@ -509,7 +543,8 @@ class _TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(res, check)

set(xrange(1, 11)) | set(xrange(13, 20)) | set(lookup.values()))
set(xrange(1, 11)) | set(xrange(13, 20)) |

checkegress = {
1: '1000111001001111111' + '0' * (30 - 20) + '1',
@@ -584,9 +619,12 @@ class _TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
[ ('setpvid', 20, 1, 283),
('setpvid', 21, 1, 283),
('setpvid', 30, 1, 5),
('setegress', 1, '0' * 19 + '11' + '0' * 8 + '1', '1' * 10),
('setuntagged', 1, '0' * 19 + '11' + '0' * 8 + '1', '1' * 10),
('setegress', 5, '1' * 8 + '0' * 11 + '11' + '0' * 8 + '1', '1' * 10),
('setegress', 1, '0' * 19 + '11' + '0' * 8 + '1',
'1' * 10),
('setuntagged', 1, '0' * 19 + '11' + '0' * 8 + '1',
'1' * 10),
('setegress', 5, '1' * 8 + '0' * 11 + '11' + '0' * 8 +
'1', '1' * 10),

self.assertEqual(set(res), set(validres))
@@ -631,7 +669,8 @@ class _TestSNMPSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
[ oid.resolveWithMib(_mvc) for oid in oids ]
oids = [ ObjectType(x[0], OctetString(lookup[x[0][-1]])) for x in oids ]
oids = [ ObjectType(x[0],
OctetString(lookup[x[0][-1]])) for x in oids ]
[ oid.resolveWithMib(_mvc) for oid in oids ]
res = ( None, None, None, oids )

@@ -643,7 +682,8 @@ class _TestSNMPSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
res = switch.getegress(*xrange(1, 10))

# will still return the complete set of results
self.assertEqual(res, { x: _octstrtobits(lookup[x]) for x in xrange(1, 10) })
self.assertEqual(res, { x: _octstrtobits(lookup[x]) for x in
xrange(1, 10) })

_skipSwitchTests = True

@@ -741,12 +781,14 @@ class _TestSwitch(unittest.TestCase):
testport = 3

egressports = switch.getegress(testvlan)
self.assertEqual(egressports[testvlan], '00100000' + '0' * 8 * 4)
self.assertEqual(egressports[testvlan], '00100000' +
'0' * 8 * 4)

switch.setuntagged(testvlan, '00100')

untaggedports = switch.getuntagged(testvlan)
self.assertEqual(untaggedports[testvlan], '00100000' + '0' * 8 * 4)
self.assertEqual(untaggedports[testvlan], '00100000' +
'0' * 8 * 4)

switch.setpvid(testport, testvlan)
