# # Copyright 2021 John-Mark Gurney. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses # TEST-NET-1: # TEST-NET-2: # TEST-NET-3: from unittest.mock import patch from mocks import * import unittest # Silence useless warning: WARNING: No IPv4 address found on import scapy.error scapy.error.warning = lambda *a, **kw: None from scapy.all import * from kvm import _TestCase as _KVMTestCase from kvm import KVM from bpf import Timeval from ctypes import Structure, Union, POINTER, sizeof, create_string_buffer, byref from ctypes import c_char, c_void_p, c_uint8, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_int64, c_uint64 import asyncio import fcntl import functools import itertools import re import sockio import string import sys class if_data(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('ifi_type', c_uint8), ('ifi_physical', c_uint8), ('ifi_addrlen', c_uint8), ('ifi_hdrlen', c_uint8), ('ifi_link_state', c_uint8), ('ifi_vhid', c_uint8), ('ifi_datalen', c_uint16), ('ifi_mtu', c_uint32), ('ifi_metric', c_uint32), ('ifi_baudrate', c_uint64), ('ifi_ipackets', c_uint64), ('ifi_ierrors', c_uint64), ('ifi_opackets', c_uint64), ('ifi_collisions', c_uint64), ('ifi_ibytes', c_uint64), ('ifi_obytes', c_uint64), ('ifi_imcasts', c_uint64), ('ifi_omcasts', c_uint64), ('ifi_iqdrops', c_uint64), ('ifi_oqdrops', c_uint64), ('ifi_noproto', c_uint64), ('ifi_hwassist', c_uint64), ('ifi_epoch', c_int64), # XXX - broken on i386 ('ifi_lastchange', Timeval), # XXX - broken on 32-bit platforms ] class ifr_ifru(Union): _fields_ = [ ('ifru_data', POINTER(c_char)), ] class ifreq(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('ifr_name', c_char * 16), ('ifr_ifru', ifr_ifru), ] def _makeflags(s): return set(s.split(',')) def _parsemedia(s): reg = '^Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )$' m = re.match(reg, s) return dict(ethernet='autoselect', media=dict(medium='1000baseT', options={ 'full-duplex' })) __ifreqsock = None def get_ifreqsock(): global __ifreqsock if __ifreqsock == None: __ifreqsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return __ifreqsock __kvm = None def get_kvm(): global __kvm if __kvm == None: __kvm = KVM() return __kvm def if_data(iface): s = get_ifreqsock() kd = get_kvm() ifdatalen = kd.structsize('struct if_data') ifdata = create_string_buffer(ifdatalen) ifq = ifreq() ifq.ifr_name = iface.encode('us-ascii') ifq.ifr_ifru.ifru_data = ifdata r = fcntl.ioctl(s, sockio.SIOCGIFDATA, ifq) if r != 0: raise RuntimeError('ioctl returned %d') return kd.getstruct('struct if_data', ifdata) async def waitcarrier(iface): while True: res = await ifconfig(iface) if res[iface]['status'] == 'active': return await asyncio.sleep(.5) async def ifconfig(iface, *args, **kwargs): preargs = () args = sum([ [k, str(v)] for k, v in kwargs.items() ], list(args)) # Get detailed info about the interface if nothing is specified if not args: preargs = ('-m',) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('/sbin/ifconfig', *preargs, iface, *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(stderr.decode('us-ascii').strip()) if not stdout: return None # got something, parse it #print('ifc:', repr(stdout)) stdout = stdout.decode('us-ascii') lines = stdout.split('\n') reg = '^(?P^.+): flags=[0-9a-f]{4,4}<(?P([A-Z0-9_]+(,[A-Z0-9_]+)*)?)> metric (?P[0-9]+) mtu (?P[0-9]+)$' m = re.match(reg, lines[0]) iface = m.group('iface') res = { iface: dict(mtu=int(m.group('mtu')), metric=int(m.group('metric')), flags=_makeflags(m.group('flags'))) } obj = res[iface] for i in lines[1:]: reg = '^\\toptions=[0-9a-f]{5,5}<(?P([A-Z0-9_]+(,[A-Z0-9_]+)*)?)>$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['options'] = _makeflags(m.group('options')) continue reg = '^\\tcapabilities=[0-9a-f]{5,6}<(?P([A-Z0-9_]+(,[A-Z0-9_]+)*)?)>$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['capabilities'] = _makeflags(m.group('capabilities')) continue reg = '^\\tether (?P[0-9a-f]{2,2}(:[0-9a-f]{2,2}){5,5})$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['ether'] = m.group('ether') continue reg = '^\\tmedia: (?P.+)$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['media'] = _parsemedia(m.group('media')) continue reg = '^\\tstatus: (?P.+)$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['status'] = m.group('status') continue reg = '^\\tnd6 options=[0-9a-f]{2,2}<(?P([A-Z0-9_]+(,[A-Z0-9_]+)*)?)>$' m = re.match(reg, i) if m: obj['nd6'] = _makeflags(m.group('nd6options')) continue return res async def asendp(*args, **kwargs): '''a coroutine wrapping scapy sendp. All the arguments are the same, but you must await to get the results.''' loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() return await loop.run_in_executor(None, functools.partial(sendp, *args, **kwargs)) class PacketManager(object): def __init__(self, iface): '''Create a context manager for sniffing packets on the interface specified by iface. Sniffing will only begin once used as a context manager. Example: async with PacketManager(iface) as pm: pkt = await pm.getpkt() ''' self._iface = iface self._sniffer = None def enqueuepkt(self, pkt): '''Internal function to enqueue a received packet.''' # hopefully these routines are executed in order they are # scheduled. The Python docs does not assure that this this # will happen. #print('enq:', repr(pkt)) asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._queue.put(pkt), self._loop) async def __aenter__(self): if self._sniffer is not None: raise RuntimeError('already in a context') self._loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._queue = asyncio.Queue() self._sniffer = AsyncSniffer(iface=self._iface, prn=self.enqueuepkt) self._sniffer.start() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, self._sniffer.stop) def getpkt(self, timeout=None): '''coroutine. Return the next available packet. If timeout is specified (in seconds), if a packet is not available in the timeout specified, the exception asyncio.TimeoutError is raised.''' return asyncio.wait_for(self._queue.get(), timeout) _mkpktdata = lambda: itertools.cycle(string.printable) _getpktdata = lambda *args: ''.join(itertools.islice(_mkpktdata(), *args)).encode() # Convert capability flags to their respective ifconfig command argument flagtoopt = dict( TXCSUM_IPV6='txcsum6', RXCSUM_IPV6='rxcsum6', TXCSUM='txcsum', RXCSUM='rxcsum', VLAN_HWTAGGING='vlanhwtag', ) async def csuminternal(flag, testiface, checkiface): # XXX - I can't figure out how to get checksum to ensure that # the hardcoded check will ALWAYS be invalid if flag[0] == 'T': txiface, rxiface = testiface, checkiface else: return txiface, rxiface = checkiface, testiface # base packet p = Ether(src=get_if_hwaddr(txiface), dst=get_if_hwaddr(rxiface)) # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses if flag.endswith('_IPV6'): p = p / IP(src='', dst='', chksum=0xbadc, flags='DF') else: p = p / IPv6(src='fc00:0b5d:041c:7e37::7e37', dst='fc00:0b5d:041c:7e37::c43c') tcp = p / TCP(dport=443, flags='S', chksum=0xbadc) udp = p / UDP(dport=53, chksum=0xbadc) / \ b'this is a udp checksum test packet' await ifconfig(checkiface, '-' + flagtoopt[flag]) for pref in [ '-', '' ]: await ifconfig(testiface, pref + flagtoopt[flag]) await ifconfig(testiface, 'up') await ifconfig(checkiface, 'up') await waitcarrier(testiface) await waitcarrier(checkiface) async with PacketManager(rxiface) as pm: await asendp(tcp, iface=txiface, verbose=False) try: rpkt = await pm.getpkt(timeout=.5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise RuntimeError('failed to receive checksum test') print('recv:', repr(rpkt)) async def csumtest(testiface, checkiface): if False: raise ValueError('cannot be implemented this way, need the host' 'stack to set special mbuf flags, etc') csumtests = { 'RXCSUM', 'TXCSUM', 'RXCSUM_IPV6', 'TXCSUM_IPV6' } ifc = await ifconfig(testiface) print(ifc) for csum in csumtests.intersection(ifc[testiface]['capabilities']): print(repr(csum)) await csuminternal(csum, testiface, checkiface) async def mtucheck(sndiface, rcviface, mtusize): # make sure packet is padded out to full frame size p = Ether(src=get_if_hwaddr(sndiface), dst=get_if_hwaddr(rcviface)) / \ _getpktdata(mtusize - 14) #print('pktlen:', repr(p.build())) #print('sndiface:', repr(sndiface)) #print('rcviface:', repr(rcviface)) async with PacketManager(rcviface) as pm: try: await asendp(p, iface=sndiface, verbose=False) except OSError: raise RuntimeError('failed to send mtu size %d' % mtusize) try: rpkt = await pm.getpkt(timeout=.5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise RuntimeError('failed to receive mtu size %d' % mtusize) #print('got pkt:', repr(rpkt)) if rpkt != p: raise RuntimeError( 'received packet did not match sent: %s != %s' % (repr(rpkt), repr(p))) async def mtutest(testiface, checkiface): for mtusize in [ 512, 1500, 1504, 2025, 4074, 7000, 8000, 9000, 9216 ]: try: await ifconfig(testiface, mtu=mtusize) await ifconfig(checkiface, mtu=mtusize) except RuntimeError: print('failed to set mtu %d, skipping...' % mtusize) continue print('mtu size:', mtusize) await ifconfig(testiface, 'up') await ifconfig(checkiface, 'up') await waitcarrier(testiface) await waitcarrier(checkiface) # if other way around ure won't work await mtucheck(testiface, checkiface, mtusize) await mtucheck(checkiface, testiface, mtusize) async def hwassisttest(testiface): '''Check to make sure that the hwassist flags follow the ifconfig options. ''' ifconf = await ifconfig(testiface) caps = ifconf[testiface]['capabilities'] basecsumflags = { 'RXCSUM', 'TXCSUM', 'RXCSUM_IPV6', 'TXCSUM_IPV6' } # get the supported flags supcsumflags = caps & basecsumflags # turn everything off await ifconfig(testiface, *('-%s' % flagtoopt[x] for x in supcsumflags)) # make sure it is off ifconf = await ifconfig(testiface) if ifconf[testiface]['flags'] & basecsumflags: raise RuntimeError('failed to clear all the csum flags.') # make sure _hwassist is 0 raise NotImplementedError('tbd') def main(): testiface, checkiface = sys.argv[1:3] print('running...') if sys.argv[3] == 'mtu': asyncio.run(mtutest(testiface, checkiface)) elif sys.argv[3] == 'csum': asyncio.run(csumtest(testiface, checkiface)) elif sys.argv[3] == 'hwassist': asyncio.run(hwassisttest(testiface)) print('done') if __name__ == '__main__': main() class _TestCase(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): @patch('asyncio.sleep') @patch(__name__ + '.ifconfig') async def test_waitcarrier(self, ifc, asleep): cnt = [ 0 ] async def se(iface): cnt[0] += 1 if cnt[0] < 5: return { iface: dict(status='no carrier') } return { iface: dict(status='active') } ifc.side_effect = se await waitcarrier('foo') ifc.assert_called_with('foo') # Better to have an event to wait on, but that isn't available asleep.assert_called_with(.5) @patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec') async def test_ifconf_err(self, cse): errmsg = \ b'ifconfig: ioctl SIOCSIFMTU (set mtu): Invalid argument' wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, stderr=errmsg, retcode=1) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, re.escape(errmsg.decode())): await ifconfig('foobar', mtu=7000) @patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec') async def test_ifconf(self, cse): wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, b'') self.assertIsNone(await ifconfig('foobar', mtu=4000)) cse.assert_called_with('/sbin/ifconfig', 'foobar', 'mtu', '4000', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, b'') self.assertIsNone(await ifconfig('foobar', 'up')) cse.assert_called_with('/sbin/ifconfig', 'foobar', 'up', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) output = b'''foobar: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500 options=80188 capabilities=c019b ether 52:12:34:56:78:90 media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT ) status: active nd6 options=29 ''' res = dict(foobar=dict( flags={ 'UP','BROADCAST', 'RUNNING', 'SIMPLEX', 'MULTICAST' }, metric=0, mtu=1500, capabilities={ 'RXCSUM', 'TXCSUM', 'VLAN_MTU', 'VLAN_HWTAGGING', 'VLAN_HWCSUM', 'TSO4', 'VLAN_HWTSO', 'LINKSTATE' }, options={ 'VLAN_MTU', 'VLAN_HWCSUM', 'TSO4', 'LINKSTATE' }, ether='52:12:34:56:78:90', media=dict(ethernet='autoselect', media=dict(medium='1000baseT', options={ 'full-duplex' })), status='active', nd6={ 'PERFORMNUD', 'IFDISABLED', 'AUTO_LINKLOCAL' }, ) ) wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, output) ret = await ifconfig('foobar') cse.assert_called_with('/sbin/ifconfig', '-m', 'foobar', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) self.assertEqual(ret, res) output = b'''foobar: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500 options=80188 capabilities=68009b ether 52:12:34:56:78:90 media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT ) status: active nd6 options=29 ''' res = dict(foobar=dict( flags={ 'UP','BROADCAST', 'RUNNING', 'SIMPLEX', 'MULTICAST' }, metric=0, mtu=1500, capabilities={ 'RXCSUM', 'TXCSUM', 'VLAN_MTU', 'VLAN_HWTAGGING', 'VLAN_HWCSUM', 'LINKSTATE', 'RXCSUM_IPV6', 'TXCSUM_IPV6', }, options={ 'VLAN_MTU', 'VLAN_HWCSUM', 'TSO4', 'LINKSTATE' }, ether='52:12:34:56:78:90', media=dict(ethernet='autoselect', media=dict(medium='1000baseT', options={ 'full-duplex' })), status='active', nd6={ 'PERFORMNUD', 'IFDISABLED', 'AUTO_LINKLOCAL' }, ) ) wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, output) ret = await ifconfig('foobar') cse.assert_called_with('/sbin/ifconfig', '-m', 'foobar', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) self.assertEqual(ret, res) output = b'''foobar: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500 options=80188 ether 52:12:34:56:78:90 media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT ) status: no carrier nd6 options=29 ''' res = dict(foobar=dict( flags={ 'UP','BROADCAST', 'RUNNING', 'SIMPLEX', 'MULTICAST' }, metric=0, mtu=1500, options={ 'VLAN_MTU', 'VLAN_HWCSUM', 'TSO4', 'LINKSTATE' }, ether='52:12:34:56:78:90', media=dict(ethernet='autoselect', media=dict(medium='1000baseT', options={ 'full-duplex' })), status='no carrier', nd6={ 'PERFORMNUD', 'IFDISABLED', 'AUTO_LINKLOCAL' }, ) ) wrap_subprocess_exec(cse, output) ret = await ifconfig('foobar') self.assertEqual(ret, res) @patch(__name__ + '.sendp') async def test_asendp(self, sndp): kwargs = dict(a=5, b='foo') pkt = object() retv = object() sndp.return_value = retv r = await asendp(pkt, **kwargs) self.assertIs(r, retv) sndp.assert_called_with(pkt, **kwargs) @patch(__name__ + '.AsyncSniffer') async def test_pktmgr(self, asyncs): # That it can be a context manager async with PacketManager('iface') as pm: # that a RuntimeError is raised with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): # when it's used as a context manager again async with pm as foo: pass # That it created a queue self.assertIsInstance(pm._queue, asyncio.Queue) # that it called asyncsniffer with the correct arguments asyncs.assert_called_with(iface='iface', prn=pm.enqueuepkt) # that it was started asyncs().start.assert_called() # that when a pkt pkt = object() # is enqueued pm.enqueuepkt(pkt) # that getpkt returns it self.assertIs(await pm.getpkt(), pkt) # that a timeout parameter can be provided with self.assertRaises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await pm.getpkt(timeout=0) # that when the context manager stops, stop is called asyncs().stop.assert_called() def test_ifdata(self): r = if_data('ue0') print('if:', repr(r))