Browse Source

add a script that generates fake data.. definitely needs work...

Also, get basic data being loaded, and get the fetching to work
somewhat ok.  Needed to deal w/ the fact that HighStocks does stupid
requests data...

Issues still present:
	not timezone aware
	caps between days in the data
	not all navigator series are bars
John-Mark Gurney 5 years ago
8 changed files with 276 additions and 25 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +21
  3. +15
  4. +10
  5. +1
  6. +133
  7. +40
  8. +55

+ 1
- 0
.gitignore View File

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ solardash.egg-info

+ 21
- 3
Makefile View File

@@ -14,10 +14,21 @@ FILES=$(PROJNAME)/

JSFILES = root/js/solardash.file.js root/js/solardash.https.js root/js/solardash.http.js

THIRDPARTYJS = root/js/jquery.js root/js/highstock.js
root/js/jquery.js \
root/js/highstock.js \

# root/js/moment.min.js \
# root/js/moment-timezone-with-data.min.js

wget -O $@ ""
wget -O $@ "" || (rm "$@"; false)

wget -O $@ "" || (rm "$@"; false)

wget -O $@ "" || (rm "$@"; false)

root/js/highstock.js: Makefile
wget -O - "" | grep -v '^//# sourceMappingURL=' > $@ || (rm "$@"; false)
@@ -36,8 +47,15 @@ run: $(JSFILES)


root/js/solardash.file.js: fakedata.js

python $< > $@ || (rm $@; false)

cat $< $(THIRDPARTYJS) $(JSBASE) > $@ || (rm "$@"; false)
# bsdmake uses $>, gmake uses $^
(echo '// DO NOT EDIT FILE!!!! THIS IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED!!!'; cat $^) > $@ || (rm "$@"; false)
#cat $< $(THIRDPARTYJS) $(JSBASE) > $@ || (rm $@; false)

find . -name '*.js' -o -name '*.jspp' | entr make all

+ 15
- 0 View File

@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ Maybe heatmap for solar panels
Use removePoint and addPoint:
to add/remove the end null point and add points as they dynamically arrive

Sample Home power Consumption dataset:

List of Solar resources:

WebSocket Definition

@@ -73,6 +81,13 @@ Messages from the websocket:
ov overview of data, contains gird, production and consumption data.
following is JSON object

win The graph has set a window size. The two arguments are start and end. If this is the
first time, NaN will be sent for both, which means to send all data.

windata Data in response to a window command. The format is an object w/ the keys, production,
grid and consumption. Each will be a list of data points. Each point is a pair of
timestamp in miliseconds and the value for the point.

One the first connection, the following messages/data will be sent:
c, ng, p, ov

+ 10
- 0 View File

@@ -2,3 +2,13 @@ Solar Dashboard

This is a solar dashboard for displaying information about a solar install.



The front end is located in root. The meat of the logic is in
`js/solardash.base.js`. The testing infrastructure is in
`js/solardash.file.js` as if you are launching the page from a file
url, there is no way to make a url to access the backend.

+ 1
- 0
cmds.txt View File

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
ls | entr sh -c 'python > fake.txt; echo plot \"fake.txt\" | gnuplot'

+ 133
- 0 View File

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import arrow
import random
import pprint
import json

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

rand = random.Random('a seed')

tz = 'US/Pacific'

startdate = arrow.Arrow(2019, 11, 1, tzinfo=tz)
enddate = arrow.Arrow(2019, 12, 10, tzinfo=tz)

meanwhprod = 20000
sigwhprod = 2000

def drange(s, e, interval):
cmpfun = lambda s, e, ts, te: te < e
if e < s:
interval = -interval
cmpfun = lambda s, e, ts, te: te > e
ts = s.clone()
te = ts + interval
#print('dr:', repr((s, e, ts, te, cmpfun(s, e, ts, te), interval)))
while cmpfun(s, e, ts, te):
yield ts + (te - ts)
ts, te = te, te + interval

# idea:
# first hour linear ramp up (25% in first half, 75% in second half)
# middle 5 hours near constant generation
# first/tailing linear is equiv of an hour total, so total power / 6

# approx 7 hours time
def makestartend(t):
s = t.replace(hour=9).shift(minutes=rand.gauss(30, 10))
e = t.replace(hour=16).shift(minutes=rand.gauss(30, 10))

return (s, e)

def normdist(small, big, amount, minsize):
'''Distribute most twoards the big side, total distribute amount
over the entire range, [small, big].

ret = []

timediff = abs(big - small)
if timediff < minsize:
scaledamount = amount * (timedelta(hours=1) / timediff)
midpnt = small + (big - small) / 2
#print('ndf:', repr((small, big, midpnt, amount, scaledamount)))
return [ (midpnt, scaledamount) ]

#print('nd:', repr((small, big, amount)))
dist = big - small
halfpoint = small + (dist / 9 * 5)
ret.extend(normdist(small, halfpoint, amount / 2, minsize))
ret.extend(normdist(halfpoint, big, amount / 2, minsize))

return ret

def linramp(start, end, wtarget, minsize):
mid = start + (end - start) / 2
timediff = abs(end - start)
ret = []

ndates = abs((end - start) / minsize)
#print('lr', ndates)
for x, i in enumerate(drange(start, end, minsize)):
#print(repr((x, i)))
yield (i, (x + 1) / ndates * wtarget)

def distribute(s, e, prod, minsize):
onehour = timedelta(hours=1)
totaltime = e - s
mid = s + totaltime / 2
startrampend = s + onehour
endrampstart = e - onehour

# prod == wh
wtarget = prod / ((totaltime + onehour).seconds / 60 / 60)

ret = []

#print('d:', repr((s, e)))
ret.extend(linramp(s, startrampend, wtarget, minsize))

for i in drange(startrampend, endrampstart, minsize):
ret.append((i, wtarget))

ret.extend(linramp(e, endrampstart, wtarget, minsize))


return ret


points = []
index = []

def serializearrowasmili(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, arrow.Arrow):
raise TypeError

return int(obj.float_timestamp*1000)

for i in arrow.Arrow.range('day', startdate, enddate):
whprod = rand.gauss(meanwhprod, sigwhprod)
s, e = makestartend(i)
noon = i.replace(hour=12)

index.append((noon, whprod))
#print(repr(i), whprod)
dist = distribute(s, e, whprod, timedelta(seconds=20))

# print timestamps as miliseconds
if False:
dist = ((int(a.float_timestamp*1000), b) for a, b in dist)

# print space delimited time, else json
if False:
print('\n'.join('%s %s' % (a, b) for a, b in dist))
#print(json.dumps(tuple(dist), indent=2))

print('fakedata =', json.dumps(dict(production=points, index=index), default=serializearrowasmili))

+ 40
- 3
root/js/solardash.base.js View File

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
// time: {
// timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
// }

socket.onopen = function() {
// connected
@@ -20,6 +26,19 @@ function netgridcolor(v) {
return "#ff0000";

function afterSetExtremes(e) {
// hack to deal w/ HighStocks being stupid
if ( - solarchart.sd_lastwindata < 500) {
// Make sure we trigger again, and that the user doesn't
// have to wait too long
solarchart.sd_lastwindata = - 500;
solarchart.showLoading('Loading data from server...');
socket.send('win ' + Math.round(e.min).toString() + ' ' + Math.round(e.max).toString());

socket.onmessage = function(m) {
var msg =" ");
if (msg[0] in msgNumbs) {
@@ -40,6 +59,15 @@ socket.onmessage = function(m) {
solarchart.navigator.series[gridIdx].setData(data.grid, false);
solarchart.navigator.series[prodIdx].setData(data.production, false);
} else if (msg[0] == 'windata') {
var data = JSON.parse(msg[1]);
solarchart.sd_lastwindata =;
solarchart.series[consumIdx].setData(data.consumption, false);
//solarchart.navigator.series[gridIdx].setData(data.grid, false);
//solarchart.navigator.series[prodIdx].setData(data.production, false);

@@ -59,16 +87,19 @@ var solarchart = Highcharts.stockChart('solarchart', {
adaptToUpdatedData: false, // XXX - keep?
series: [
type: 'bar',
name: 'consumptionNav',
showInNavigator: true,
data: [],
type: 'bar',
name: 'gridNav',
showInNavigator: true,
data: [],
type: 'bar',
name: 'productionNav',
showInNavigator: true,
data: [],
@@ -76,6 +107,9 @@ var solarchart = Highcharts.stockChart('solarchart', {
xAxis: {
events: {
afterSetExtremes: afterSetExtremes,
type: "datetime",
title: {
enabled: false
@@ -83,12 +117,12 @@ var solarchart = Highcharts.stockChart('solarchart', {
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'kW'
text: 'W'
tooltip: {
split: true,
valueSuffix: ' kW'
valueSuffix: ' W'
plotOptions: {
area: {
@@ -104,7 +138,10 @@ var solarchart = Highcharts.stockChart('solarchart', {
series: [
name: 'grid',
data: fakeData,
type: 'area',
gapSize: 1,
//gapUnit: 'value',
data: [ ],

+ 55
- 19
root/js/solardash.file.jspp View File

@@ -7,7 +7,45 @@ function WebSocketTest(actions) {

// WebSocketTest.prototype.send = function ()
Array.prototype.bisect = function (val, lo, hi) {
var mid;
if (lo == null)
lo = 0;
if (hi == null)
hi = this.length;

while (lo < hi) {
mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2);
if (this[mid] < val)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid;
return lo;

WebSocketTest.prototype.send = function (s) {
console.log("ws send: " + s);
var msg = s.split(" ");

if (msg[0] == 'win') {
if (msg[1] == 'NaN')
msg[1] = -Infinity;
if (msg[2] == 'NaN')
msg[2] = Infinity;
var loidx, hiidx;
loidx = fakedata.production.bisect([msg[1], 0]);
hiidx = fakedata.production.bisect([msg[2], 0]);
var subar = fakedata.production.slice(loidx, hiidx + 1);
var data = {
"production": subar,
"consumption": subar,
"grid": subar,
this.makercv('windata ' + JSON.stringify(data));

// WebSocketTest.prototype.close = function ()

// Internal
@@ -26,6 +64,9 @@ WebSocketTest.prototype.processNextItem = function () {

return this;
WebSocketTest.prototype.makercv = function (m) {
this.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', { data: m }));

fakeData = [
[ 1578544199000, 0.3934 ],
@@ -59,26 +100,21 @@ fakeOverviewData = {
production: fakeConData,

function getoverviewdata() {
return {
grid: fakedata.index,
consumption: fakedata.index,
production: fakedata.index,

// Setup the socket that will be used
var socket = new WebSocketTest([
[ 10, function(a) { a.onopen(new Object()) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'o ' + JSON.stringify(fakeOverviewData)
})) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'p .123'
})) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'c .302'
})) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'ng .758'
})) } ],
[ 2000, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'p .234'
})) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.onmessage(new MessageEvent('websockettest', {
data : 'ng -.584'
})) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.makercv('o ' + JSON.stringify(getoverviewdata())) } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.makercv('p .123') } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.makercv('c .302') } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.makercv('ng .758') } ],
[ 2000, function(a) { a.makercv('p .234') } ],
[ 10, function(a) { a.makercv('ng -.584') } ],
