name: Deploy on: push: tags: - '*' env: libarchive_tag: v3.6.1 jobs: deploy: name: Deploy to PyPI if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags') runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: steps: - name: Print System Information run: | echo "uname -a: $( uname -a )" cat /etc/issue echo "Shell: $SHELL" echo "Mount points:"; mount echo "nproc: $( nproc )" env - name: Chose Python version run: | ln -s /opt/python/cp39-cp39/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python3 export PATH="/opt/python/cp39-cp39/bin:$PATH" - name: Install dependencies run: | yum install -y epel-release libxml2-devel libzstd-devel xz-devel bzip2-devel yum install -y libacl-devel lz4-devel e2fsprogs-devel libb2-devel lzo-devel openssl-devel yum install -y librichacl-devel swig strace - name: Install python tools run: | python3 -m pip install pytest auditwheel - name: Build libarchive C sources run: | cd /tmp git clone libarchive-src cd libarchive-src; git checkout ${{ env.libarchive_tag }} mkdir build-libarchive; cd build-libarchive cmake ../ make -j$(nproc); make install cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE - name: Check out code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: SWIG and Compile python modules run: | touch libarchive/_libarchive.i make PYVER=3.9 - name: Build wheels run: | python3 -m pip wheel --wheel-dir dist/ . auditwheel repair dist/*.whl - name: Deploy wheels to PyPI uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1 with: password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }} wheel_files: wheelhouse/*.whl dry_run: true