- # Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California,
- # through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of
- # any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights
- # reserved.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
- # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
- ident = "$Id: XMLSchema.py,v 1.38 2004/06/23 20:10:26 boverhof Exp $"
- import types, weakref, urllib, sys
- from threading import RLock
- from Namespaces import XMLNS
- from Utility import DOM, DOMException, Collection, SplitQName
- from StringIO import StringIO
- def GetSchema(component):
- """convience function for finding the parent XMLSchema instance.
- """
- parent = component
- while not isinstance(parent, XMLSchema):
- parent = parent._parent()
- return parent
- class SchemaReader:
- """A SchemaReader creates XMLSchema objects from urls and xml data.
- """
- def __init__(self, domReader=None, base_url=None):
- """domReader -- class must implement DOMAdapterInterface
- base_url -- base url string
- """
- self.__base_url = base_url
- self.__readerClass = domReader
- if not self.__readerClass:
- self.__readerClass = DOMAdapter
- self._includes = {}
- self._imports = {}
- def __setImports(self, schema):
- """Add dictionary of imports to schema instance.
- schema -- XMLSchema instance
- """
- for ns,val in schema.imports.items():
- if self._imports.has_key(ns):
- schema.addImportSchema(self._imports[ns])
- def __setIncludes(self, schema):
- """Add dictionary of includes to schema instance.
- schema -- XMLSchema instance
- """
- for schemaLocation, val in schema.includes.items():
- if self._includes.has_key(schemaLocation):
- schema.addIncludeSchema(self._imports[schemaLocation])
- def addSchemaByLocation(self, location, schema):
- """provide reader with schema document for a location.
- """
- self._includes[location] = schema
- def addSchemaByNamespace(self, schema):
- """provide reader with schema document for a targetNamespace.
- """
- self._imports[schema.targetNamespace] = schema
- def loadFromNode(self, parent, element):
- """element -- DOM node or document
- parent -- WSDLAdapter instance
- """
- reader = self.__readerClass(element)
- schema = XMLSchema(parent)
- #HACK to keep a reference
- schema.wsdl = parent
- schema.setBaseUrl(self.__base_url)
- schema.load(reader)
- return schema
- def loadFromStream(self, file):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from a file object.
- file -- file object
- """
- reader = self.__readerClass()
- reader.loadDocument(file)
- schema = XMLSchema()
- schema.setBaseUrl(self.__base_url)
- schema.load(reader)
- self.__setIncludes(schema)
- self.__setImports(schema)
- return schema
- def loadFromString(self, data):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from an XML string.
- data -- XML string
- """
- return self.loadFromStream(StringIO(data))
- def loadFromURL(self, url):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from the given url.
- url -- URL to dereference
- """
- if not url.endswith('xsd'):
- raise SchemaError, 'unknown file type %s' %url
- reader = self.__readerClass()
- if self.__base_url:
- url = urllib.basejoin(self.__base_url,url)
- reader.loadFromURL(url)
- schema = XMLSchema()
- schema.setBaseUrl(self.__base_url)
- schema.load(reader)
- self.__setIncludes(schema)
- self.__setImports(schema)
- return schema
- def loadFromFile(self, filename):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from the given file.
- filename -- name of file to open
- """
- file = open(filename, 'rb')
- try: schema = self.loadFromStream(file)
- finally: file.close()
- return schema
- class SchemaError(Exception):
- pass
- ###########################
- # DOM Utility Adapters
- ##########################
- class DOMAdapterInterface:
- def hasattr(self, attr, ns=None):
- """return true if node has attribute
- attr -- attribute to check for
- ns -- namespace of attribute, by default None
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def getContentList(self, *contents):
- """returns an ordered list of child nodes
- *contents -- list of node names to return
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def setAttributeDictionary(self, attributes):
- """set attribute dictionary
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def getAttributeDictionary(self):
- """returns a dict of node's attributes
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def getNamespace(self, prefix):
- """returns namespace referenced by prefix.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def getTagName(self):
- """returns tagName of node
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def getParentNode(self):
- """returns parent element in DOMAdapter or None
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def loadDocument(self, file):
- """load a Document from a file object
- file --
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- def loadFromURL(self, url):
- """load a Document from an url
- url -- URL to dereference
- """
- raise NotImplementedError, 'adapter method not implemented'
- class DOMAdapter(DOMAdapterInterface):
- """Adapter for ZSI.Utility.DOM
- """
- def __init__(self, node=None):
- """Reset all instance variables.
- element -- DOM document, node, or None
- """
- if hasattr(node, 'documentElement'):
- self.__node = node.documentElement
- else:
- self.__node = node
- self.__attributes = None
- def hasattr(self, attr, ns=None):
- """attr -- attribute
- ns -- optional namespace, None means unprefixed attribute.
- """
- if not self.__attributes:
- self.setAttributeDictionary()
- if ns:
- return self.__attributes.get(ns,{}).has_key(attr)
- return self.__attributes.has_key(attr)
- def getContentList(self, *contents):
- nodes = []
- for child in DOM.getElements(self.__node, None):
- if child.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE and\
- SplitQName(child.tagName)[1] in contents:
- nodes.append(child)
- return map(self.__class__, nodes)
- def setAttributeDictionary(self):
- self.__attributes = {}
- for v in self.__node._attrs.values():
- self.__attributes[v.nodeName] = v.nodeValue
- def getAttributeDictionary(self):
- if not self.__attributes:
- self.setAttributeDictionary()
- return self.__attributes
- def getTagName(self):
- return self.__node.tagName
- def getParentNode(self):
- if self.__node.parentNode.nodeType == self.__node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- return DOMAdapter(self.__node.parentNode)
- return None
- def getNamespace(self, prefix):
- """prefix -- deference namespace prefix in node's context.
- Ascends parent nodes until found.
- """
- namespace = None
- if prefix == 'xmlns':
- namespace = DOM.findDefaultNS(prefix, self.__node)
- else:
- try:
- namespace = DOM.findNamespaceURI(prefix, self.__node)
- except DOMException, ex:
- if prefix != 'xml':
- raise SchemaError, '%s namespace not declared for %s'\
- %(prefix, self.__node._get_tagName())
- namespace = XMLNS.XML
- return namespace
- def loadDocument(self, file):
- self.__node = DOM.loadDocument(file)
- if hasattr(self.__node, 'documentElement'):
- self.__node = self.__node.documentElement
- def loadFromURL(self, url):
- self.__node = DOM.loadFromURL(url)
- if hasattr(self.__node, 'documentElement'):
- self.__node = self.__node.documentElement
- class XMLBase:
- """ These class variables are for string indentation.
- """
- __indent = 0
- __rlock = RLock()
- def __str__(self):
- XMLBase.__rlock.acquire()
- XMLBase.__indent += 1
- tmp = "<" + str(self.__class__) + '>\n'
- for k,v in self.__dict__.items():
- tmp += "%s* %s = %s\n" %(XMLBase.__indent*' ', k, v)
- XMLBase.__indent -= 1
- XMLBase.__rlock.release()
- return tmp
- """Marker Interface: can determine something about an instances properties by using
- the provided convenience functions.
- """
- class DefinitionMarker:
- """marker for definitions
- """
- pass
- class DeclarationMarker:
- """marker for declarations
- """
- pass
- class AttributeMarker:
- """marker for attributes
- """
- pass
- class AttributeGroupMarker:
- """marker for attribute groups
- """
- pass
- class WildCardMarker:
- """marker for wildcards
- """
- pass
- class ElementMarker:
- """marker for wildcards
- """
- pass
- class ReferenceMarker:
- """marker for references
- """
- pass
- class ModelGroupMarker:
- """marker for model groups
- """
- pass
- class ExtensionMarker:
- """marker for extensions
- """
- pass
- class RestrictionMarker:
- """marker for restrictions
- """
- facets = ['enumeration', 'length', 'maxExclusive', 'maxInclusive',\
- 'maxLength', 'minExclusive', 'minInclusive', 'minLength',\
- 'pattern', 'fractionDigits', 'totalDigits', 'whiteSpace']
- class SimpleMarker:
- """marker for simple type information
- """
- pass
- class ComplexMarker:
- """marker for complex type information
- """
- pass
- class LocalMarker:
- """marker for complex type information
- """
- pass
- class MarkerInterface:
- def isDefinition(self):
- return isinstance(self, DefinitionMarker)
- def isDeclaration(self):
- return isinstance(self, DeclarationMarker)
- def isAttribute(self):
- return isinstance(self, AttributeMarker)
- def isAttributeGroup(self):
- return isinstance(self, AttributeGroupMarker)
- def isElement(self):
- return isinstance(self, ElementMarker)
- def isReference(self):
- return isinstance(self, ReferenceMarker)
- def isWildCard(self):
- return isinstance(self, WildCardMarker)
- def isModelGroup(self):
- return isinstance(self, ModelGroupMarker)
- def isExtension(self):
- return isinstance(self, ExtensionMarker)
- def isRestriction(self):
- return isinstance(self, RestrictionMarker)
- def isSimple(self):
- return isinstance(self, SimpleMarker)
- def isComplex(self):
- return isinstance(self, ComplexMarker)
- def isLocal(self):
- return isinstance(self, LocalMarker)
- ##########################################################
- # Schema Components
- #########################################################
- class XMLSchemaComponent(XMLBase, MarkerInterface):
- """
- class variables:
- required -- list of required attributes
- attributes -- dict of default attribute values, including None.
- Value can be a function for runtime dependencies.
- contents -- dict of namespace keyed content lists.
- 'xsd' content of xsd namespace.
- xmlns_key -- key for declared xmlns namespace.
- xmlns -- xmlns is special prefix for namespace dictionary
- xml -- special xml prefix for xml namespace.
- """
- required = []
- attributes = {}
- contents = {}
- xmlns_key = ''
- xmlns = 'xmlns'
- xml = 'xml'
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """parent -- parent instance
- instance variables:
- attributes -- dictionary of node's attributes
- """
- self.attributes = None
- self._parent = parent
- if self._parent:
- self._parent = weakref.ref(parent)
- if not self.__class__ == XMLSchemaComponent\
- and not (type(self.__class__.required) == type(XMLSchemaComponent.required)\
- and type(self.__class__.attributes) == type(XMLSchemaComponent.attributes)\
- and type(self.__class__.contents) == type(XMLSchemaComponent.contents)):
- raise RuntimeError, 'Bad type for a class variable in %s' %self.__class__
- def getTargetNamespace(self):
- """return targetNamespace
- """
- parent = self
- targetNamespace = 'targetNamespace'
- tns = self.attributes.get(targetNamespace)
- while not tns:
- parent = parent._parent()
- tns = parent.attributes.get(targetNamespace)
- return tns
- def getTypeDefinition(self, attribute):
- """attribute -- attribute with a QName value (eg. type).
- collection -- check types collection in parent Schema instance
- """
- return self.getQNameAttribute('types', attribute)
- def getElementDeclaration(self, attribute):
- """attribute -- attribute with a QName value (eg. element).
- collection -- check elements collection in parent Schema instance.
- """
- return self.getQNameAttribute('elements', attribute)
- def getQNameAttribute(self, collection, attribute):
- """returns object instance representing QName --> (namespace,name),
- or if does not exist return None.
- attribute -- an information item attribute, with a QName value.
- collection -- collection in parent Schema instance to search.
- """
- obj = None
- tdc = self.attributes.get(attribute)
- if tdc:
- parent = GetSchema(self)
- targetNamespace = tdc.getTargetNamespace()
- if parent.targetNamespace == targetNamespace:
- item = tdc.getName()
- try:
- obj = getattr(parent, collection)[item]
- except KeyError, ex:
- raise KeyError, "targetNamespace(%s) collection(%s) has no item(%s)"\
- %(targetNamespace, collection, item)
- elif parent.imports.has_key(targetNamespace):
- schema = parent.imports[targetNamespace].getSchema()
- item = tdc.getName()
- try:
- obj = getattr(schema, collection)[item]
- except KeyError, ex:
- raise KeyError, "targetNamespace(%s) collection(%s) has no item(%s)"\
- %(targetNamespace, collection, item)
- return obj
- def getXMLNS(self, prefix=None):
- """deference prefix or by default xmlns, returns namespace.
- """
- if prefix == XMLSchemaComponent.xml:
- return XMLNS.XML
- parent = self
- ns = self.attributes[XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns].get(prefix or\
- XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns_key)
- while not ns:
- parent = parent._parent()
- ns = parent.attributes[XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns].get(prefix or\
- XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns_key)
- if not ns and isinstance(parent, WSDLToolsAdapter):
- raise SchemaError, 'unknown prefix %s' %prefix
- return ns
- def getAttribute(self, attribute):
- """return requested attribute or None
- """
- return self.attributes.get(attribute)
- def setAttributes(self, node):
- """Sets up attribute dictionary, checks for required attributes and
- sets default attribute values. attr is for default attribute values
- determined at runtime.
- structure of attributes dictionary
- ['xmlns'][xmlns_key] -- xmlns namespace
- ['xmlns'][prefix] -- declared namespace prefix
- [namespace][prefix] -- attributes declared in a namespace
- [attribute] -- attributes w/o prefix, default namespaces do
- not directly apply to attributes, ie Name can't collide
- with QName.
- """
- self.attributes = {XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns:{}}
- for k,v in node.getAttributeDictionary().items():
- prefix,value = SplitQName(k)
- if value == XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns:
- self.attributes[value][prefix or XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns_key] = v
- elif prefix:
- ns = node.getNamespace(prefix)
- if not ns:
- raise SchemaError, 'no namespace for attribute prefix %s'\
- %prefix
- if not self.attributes.has_key(ns):
- self.attributes[ns] = {}
- elif self.attributes[ns].has_key(value):
- raise SchemaError, 'attribute %s declared multiple times in %s'\
- %(value, ns)
- self.attributes[ns][value] = v
- elif not self.attributes.has_key(value):
- self.attributes[value] = v
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'attribute %s declared multiple times' %value
- self.__checkAttributes()
- self.__setAttributeDefaults()
- #set QNames
- for k in ['type', 'element', 'base', 'ref', 'substitutionGroup', 'itemType']:
- if self.attributes.has_key(k):
- prefix, value = SplitQName(self.attributes.get(k))
- self.attributes[k] = \
- TypeDescriptionComponent((self.getXMLNS(prefix), value))
- #Union, memberTypes is a whitespace separated list of QNames
- for k in ['memberTypes']:
- if self.attributes.has_key(k):
- qnames = self.attributes[k]
- self.attributes[k] = []
- for qname in qnames.split():
- prefix, value = SplitQName(qname)
- self.attributes['memberTypes'].append(\
- TypeDescriptionComponent(\
- (self.getXMLNS(prefix), value)))
- def getContents(self, node):
- """retrieve xsd contents
- """
- return node.getContentList(*self.__class__.contents['xsd'])
- def __setAttributeDefaults(self):
- """Looks for default values for unset attributes. If
- class variable representing attribute is None, then
- it must be defined as an instance variable.
- """
- for k,v in self.__class__.attributes.items():
- if v and not self.attributes.has_key(k):
- if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType):
- self.attributes[k] = v(self)
- else:
- self.attributes[k] = v
- def __checkAttributes(self):
- """Checks that required attributes have been defined,
- attributes w/default cannot be required. Checks
- all defined attributes are legal, attribute
- references are not subject to this test.
- """
- for a in self.__class__.required:
- if not self.attributes.has_key(a):
- raise SchemaError,\
- 'class instance %s, missing required attribute %s'\
- %(self.__class__, a)
- for a in self.attributes.keys():
- if (a not in (XMLSchemaComponent.xmlns, XMLNS.XML)) and\
- (a not in self.__class__.attributes.keys()) and not\
- (self.isAttribute() and self.isReference()):
- raise SchemaError, '%s, unknown attribute' %a
- class WSDLToolsAdapter(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """WSDL Adapter to grab the attributes from the wsdl document node.
- """
- attributes = {'name':None, 'targetNamespace':None}
- def __init__(self, wsdl):
- #XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, None)
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent=wsdl)
- self.setAttributes(DOMAdapter(wsdl.document))
- def getImportSchemas(self):
- """returns WSDLTools.WSDL types Collection
- """
- return self._parent().types
- class Notation(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<notation>
- parent:
- schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, Required
- public -- token, Required
- system -- anyURI
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['name', 'public']
- attributes = {'id':None, 'name':None, 'public':None, 'system':None}
- contents = {'xsd':('annotation')}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class Annotation(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<annotation>
- parent:
- all,any,anyAttribute,attribute,attributeGroup,choice,complexContent,
- complexType,element,extension,field,group,import,include,key,keyref,
- list,notation,redefine,restriction,schema,selector,simpleContent,
- simpleType,union,unique
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- contents:
- (documentation | appinfo)*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None}
- contents = {'xsd':('documentation', 'appinfo')}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'documentation':
- #print_debug('class %s, documentation skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- elif component == 'appinfo':
- #print_debug('class %s, appinfo skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class Documentation(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<documentation>
- parent:
- annotation
- attributes:
- source, anyURI
- xml:lang, language
- contents:
- mixed, any
- """
- attributes = {'source':None, 'xml:lang':None}
- contents = {'xsd':('mixed', 'any')}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'mixed':
- #print_debug('class %s, mixed skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- elif component == 'any':
- #print_debug('class %s, any skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class Appinfo(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<appinfo>
- parent:
- annotation
- attributes:
- source, anyURI
- contents:
- mixed, any
- """
- attributes = {'source':None, 'anyURI':None}
- contents = {'xsd':('mixed', 'any')}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'mixed':
- #print_debug('class %s, mixed skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- elif component == 'any':
- #print_debug('class %s, any skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- continue
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class XMLSchemaFake:
- # This is temporary, for the benefit of WSDL until the real thing works.
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.targetNamespace = DOM.getAttr(element, 'targetNamespace')
- self.element = element
- class XMLSchema(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """A schema is a collection of schema components derived from one
- or more schema documents, that is, one or more <schema> element
- information items. It represents the abstract notion of a schema
- rather than a single schema document (or other representation).
- <schema>
- parent:
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- version -- token
- xml:lang -- language
- targetNamespace -- anyURI
- attributeFormDefault -- 'qualified' | 'unqualified', 'unqualified'
- elementFormDefault -- 'qualified' | 'unqualified', 'unqualified'
- blockDefault -- '#all' | list of
- ('substitution | 'extension' | 'restriction')
- finalDefault -- '#all' | list of
- ('extension' | 'restriction' | 'list' | 'union')
- contents:
- ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*,
- (attribute, attributeGroup, complexType, element, group,
- notation, simpleType)*, annotation*)*
- attributes -- schema attributes
- imports -- import statements
- includes -- include statements
- redefines --
- types -- global simpleType, complexType definitions
- elements -- global element declarations
- attr_decl -- global attribute declarations
- attr_groups -- attribute Groups
- model_groups -- model Groups
- notations -- global notations
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'version':None,
- 'xml:lang':None,
- 'targetNamespace':None,
- 'attributeFormDefault':'unqualified',
- 'elementFormDefault':'unqualified',
- 'blockDefault':None,
- 'finalDefault':None}
- contents = {'xsd':('include', 'import', 'redefine', 'annotation', 'attribute',\
- 'attributeGroup', 'complexType', 'element', 'group',\
- 'notation', 'simpleType', 'annotation')}
- empty_namespace = ''
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """parent --
- instance variables:
- targetNamespace -- schema's declared targetNamespace, or empty string.
- _imported_schemas -- namespace keyed dict of schema dependencies, if
- a schema is provided instance will not resolve import statement.
- _included_schemas -- schemaLocation keyed dict of component schemas,
- if schema is provided instance will not resolve include statement.
- _base_url -- needed for relative URLs support, only works with URLs
- relative to initial document.
- includes -- collection of include statements
- imports -- collection of import statements
- elements -- collection of global element declarations
- types -- collection of global type definitions
- attr_decl -- collection of global attribute declarations
- attr_groups -- collection of global attribute group definitions
- model_groups -- collection of model group definitions
- notations -- collection of notations
- """
- self.targetNamespace = None
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- f = lambda k: k.attributes['name']
- ns = lambda k: k.attributes['namespace']
- sl = lambda k: k.attributes['schemaLocation']
- self.includes = Collection(self, key=sl)
- self.imports = Collection(self, key=ns)
- self.elements = Collection(self, key=f)
- self.types = Collection(self, key=f)
- self.attr_decl = Collection(self, key=f)
- self.attr_groups = Collection(self, key=f)
- self.model_groups = Collection(self, key=f)
- self.notations = Collection(self, key=f)
- self._imported_schemas = {}
- self._included_schemas = {}
- self._base_url = None
- def addImportSchema(self, schema):
- """for resolving import statements in Schema instance
- schema -- schema instance
- _imported_schemas
- """
- if not isinstance(schema, XMLSchema):
- raise TypeError, 'expecting a Schema instance'
- if schema.targetNamespace != self.targetNamespace:
- self._imported_schemas[schema.targetNamespace] = schema
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'import schema bad targetNamespace'
- def addIncludeSchema(self, schemaLocation, schema):
- """for resolving include statements in Schema instance
- schemaLocation -- schema location
- schema -- schema instance
- _included_schemas
- """
- if not isinstance(schema, XMLSchema):
- raise TypeError, 'expecting a Schema instance'
- if not schema.targetNamespace or\
- schema.targetNamespace == self.targetNamespace:
- self._included_schemas[schemaLocation] = schema
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'include schema bad targetNamespace'
- def setImportSchemas(self, schema_dict):
- """set the import schema dictionary, which is used to
- reference depedent schemas.
- """
- self._imported_schemas = schema_dict
- def getImportSchemas(self):
- """get the import schema dictionary, which is used to
- reference depedent schemas.
- """
- return self._imported_schemas
- def getSchemaNamespacesToImport(self):
- """returns tuple of namespaces the schema instance has declared
- itself to be depedent upon.
- """
- return tuple(self.includes.keys())
- def setIncludeSchemas(self, schema_dict):
- """set the include schema dictionary, which is keyed with
- schemaLocation (uri).
- This is a means of providing
- schemas to the current schema for content inclusion.
- """
- self._included_schemas = schema_dict
- def getIncludeSchemas(self):
- """get the include schema dictionary, which is keyed with
- schemaLocation (uri).
- """
- return self._included_schemas
- def getBaseUrl(self):
- """get base url, used for normalizing all relative uri's
- """
- return self._base_url
- def setBaseUrl(self, url):
- """set base url, used for normalizing all relative uri's
- """
- self._base_url = url
- def getElementFormDefault(self):
- """return elementFormDefault attribute
- """
- return self.attributes.get('elementFormDefault')
- def getAttributeFormDefault(self):
- """return attributeFormDefault attribute
- """
- return self.attributes.get('attributeFormDefault')
- def getBlockDefault(self):
- """return blockDefault attribute
- """
- return self.attributes.get('blockDefault')
- def getFinalDefault(self):
- """return finalDefault attribute
- """
- return self.attributes.get('finalDefault')
- def load(self, node):
- pnode = node.getParentNode()
- if pnode:
- pname = SplitQName(pnode.getTagName())[1]
- if pname == 'types':
- attributes = {}
- self.setAttributes(pnode)
- attributes.update(self.attributes)
- self.setAttributes(node)
- for k,v in attributes['xmlns'].items():
- if not self.attributes['xmlns'].has_key(k):
- self.attributes['xmlns'][k] = v
- else:
- self.setAttributes(node)
- else:
- self.setAttributes(node)
- self.targetNamespace = self.getTargetNamespace()
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- indx = 0
- num = len(contents)
- while indx < num:
- while indx < num:
- node = contents[indx]
- component = SplitQName(node.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'include':
- tp = self.__class__.Include(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.includes[tp.attributes['schemaLocation']] = tp
- schema = tp.getSchema()
- if schema.targetNamespace and \
- schema.targetNamespace != self.targetNamespace:
- raise SchemaError, 'included schema bad targetNamespace'
- for collection in ['imports','elements','types',\
- 'attr_decl','attr_groups','model_groups','notations']:
- for k,v in getattr(schema,collection).items():
- if not getattr(self,collection).has_key(k):
- v._parent = weakref.ref(self)
- getattr(self,collection)[k] = v
- elif component == 'import':
- tp = self.__class__.Import(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- import_ns = tp.getAttribute('namespace')
- if import_ns:
- if import_ns == self.targetNamespace:
- raise SchemaError,\
- 'import and schema have same targetNamespace'
- self.imports[import_ns] = tp
- else:
- self.imports[self.__class__.empty_namespace] = tp
- if not self.getImportSchemas().has_key(import_ns) and\
- tp.getAttribute('schemaLocation'):
- self.addImportSchema(tp.getSchema())
- elif component == 'redefine':
- #print_debug('class %s, redefine skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- pass
- elif component == 'annotation':
- #print_debug('class %s, annotation skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- pass
- else:
- break
- indx += 1
- # (attribute, attributeGroup, complexType, element, group,
- # notation, simpleType)*, annotation*)*
- while indx < num:
- node = contents[indx]
- component = SplitQName(node.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'attribute':
- tp = AttributeDeclaration(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.attr_decl[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'attributeGroup':
- tp = AttributeGroupDefinition(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.attr_groups[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'complexType':
- tp = ComplexType(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.types[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'element':
- tp = ElementDeclaration(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.elements[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'group':
- tp = ModelGroupDefinition(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.model_groups[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'notation':
- tp = Notation(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.notations[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- elif component == 'simpleType':
- tp = SimpleType(self)
- tp.fromDom(node)
- self.types[tp.getAttribute('name')] = tp
- else:
- break
- indx += 1
- while indx < num:
- node = contents[indx]
- component = SplitQName(node.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- #print_debug('class %s, annotation 2 skipped' %self.__class__, 5)
- pass
- else:
- break
- indx += 1
- class Import(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<import>
- parent:
- schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- namespace -- anyURI
- schemaLocation -- anyURI
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'namespace':None,
- 'schemaLocation':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self._schema = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- if self.attributes['namespace'] == self._parent().attributes['targetNamespace']:
- raise SchemaError, 'namespace of schema and import match'
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- def getSchema(self):
- """if schema is not defined, first look for a Schema class instance
- in parent Schema. Else if not defined resolve schemaLocation
- and create a new Schema class instance, and keep a hard reference.
- """
- if not self._schema:
- ns = self.attributes['namespace']
- schema = self._parent().getImportSchemas().get(ns)
- if not schema and self._parent()._parent:
- schema = self._parent()._parent().getImportSchemas().get(ns)
- if not schema:
- url = self.attributes.get('schemaLocation')
- if not url:
- raise SchemaError, 'namespace(%s) is unknown' %ns
- base_url = self._parent().getBaseUrl()
- reader = SchemaReader(base_url=base_url)
- reader._imports = self._parent().getImportSchemas()
- reader._includes = self._parent().getIncludeSchemas()
- self._schema = reader.loadFromURL(url)
- return self._schema or schema
- class Include(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<include schemaLocation>
- parent:
- schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- schemaLocation -- anyURI, required
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['schemaLocation']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'schemaLocation':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self._schema = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- def getSchema(self):
- """if schema is not defined, first look for a Schema class instance
- in parent Schema. Else if not defined resolve schemaLocation
- and create a new Schema class instance.
- """
- if not self._schema:
- #schema = self._parent()._parent()
- schema = self._parent()
- #self._schema = schema.getIncludeSchemas(\
- # self.attributes['schemaLocation'])
- self._schema = schema.getIncludeSchemas().get(\
- self.attributes['schemaLocation']
- )
- if not self._schema:
- url = self.attributes['schemaLocation']
- reader = SchemaReader(base_url=schema.getBaseUrl())
- reader._imports = schema.getImportSchemas()
- reader._includes = schema.getIncludeSchemas()
- self._schema = reader.loadFromURL(url)
- return self._schema
- class AttributeDeclaration(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- AttributeMarker,\
- DeclarationMarker):
- """<attribute name>
- parent:
- schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- type -- QName
- default -- string
- fixed -- string
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType?
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'type':None,
- 'default':None,
- 'fixed':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation','simpleType']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- """ No list or union support
- """
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'simpleType':
- self.content = AnonymousSimpleType(self)
- self.content.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class LocalAttributeDeclaration(AttributeDeclaration,\
- AttributeMarker,\
- LocalMarker,\
- DeclarationMarker):
- """<attribute name>
- parent:
- complexType, restriction, extension, attributeGroup
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- type -- QName
- form -- ('qualified' | 'unqualified'), schema.attributeFormDefault
- use -- ('optional' | 'prohibited' | 'required'), optional
- default -- string
- fixed -- string
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType?
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'type':None,
- 'form':lambda self: GetSchema(self).getAttributeFormDefault(),
- 'use':'optional',
- 'default':None,
- 'fixed':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation','simpleType']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- AttributeDeclaration.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'simpleType':
- self.content = AnonymousSimpleType(self)
- self.content.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class AttributeWildCard(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- AttributeMarker,\
- DeclarationMarker,\
- WildCardMarker):
- """<anyAttribute>
- parents:
- complexType, restriction, extension, attributeGroup
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- namespace -- '##any' | '##other' |
- (anyURI* | '##targetNamespace' | '##local'), ##any
- processContents -- 'lax' | 'skip' | 'strict', strict
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'namespace':'##any',
- 'processContents':'strict'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class AttributeReference(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- AttributeMarker,\
- ReferenceMarker):
- """<attribute ref>
- parents:
- complexType, restriction, extension, attributeGroup
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- ref -- QName, required
- use -- ('optional' | 'prohibited' | 'required'), optional
- default -- string
- fixed -- string
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['ref']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'ref':None,
- 'use':'optional',
- 'default':None,
- 'fixed':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class AttributeGroupDefinition(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- AttributeGroupMarker,\
- DefinitionMarker):
- """<attributeGroup name>
- parents:
- schema, redefine
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.attr_content = None
- def getAttributeContent(self):
- return self.attr_content
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for indx in range(len(contents)):
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if (component == 'annotation') and (not indx):
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif (component == 'attribute'):
- if contents[indx].hasattr('name'):
- content.append(AttributeDeclaration())
- elif contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(AttributeReference())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown attribute type'
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif (component == 'attributeGroup'):
- content.append(AttributeGroupReference())
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif (component == 'anyAttribute') and (len(contents) == x+1):
- content.append(AttributeWildCard())
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(contents[indx].getTagName())
- self.attr_content = tuple(content)
- class AttributeGroupReference(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- AttributeGroupMarker,\
- ReferenceMarker):
- """<attributeGroup ref>
- parents:
- complexType, restriction, extension, attributeGroup
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- ref -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['ref']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'ref':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- ######################################################
- # Elements
- #####################################################
- class IdentityConstrants(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """Allow one to uniquely identify nodes in a document and ensure the
- integrity of references between them.
- attributes -- dictionary of attributes
- selector -- XPath to selected nodes
- fields -- list of XPath to key field
- """
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.selector = None
- self.fields = None
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- fields = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'selector':
- self.selector = self.Selector(self)
- self.selector.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'field':
- fields.append(self.Field(self))
- fields[-1].fromDom(i)
- continue
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.fields = tuple(fields)
- class Constraint(XMLSchemaComponent):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class Selector(Constraint):
- """<selector xpath>
- parent:
- unique, key, keyref
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- xpath -- XPath subset, required
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['xpath']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'xpath':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- class Field(Constraint):
- """<field xpath>
- parent:
- unique, key, keyref
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- xpath -- XPath subset, required
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['xpath']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'xpath':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- class Unique(IdentityConstrants):
- """<unique name> Enforce fields are unique w/i a specified scope.
- parent:
- element
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, selector, field+
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'selector', 'field']}
- class Key(IdentityConstrants):
- """<key name> Enforce fields are unique w/i a specified scope, and all
- field values are present w/i document. Fields cannot
- be nillable.
- parent:
- element
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, selector, field+
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'selector', 'field']}
- class KeyRef(IdentityConstrants):
- """<keyref name refer> Ensure a match between two sets of values in an
- instance.
- parent:
- element
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- refer -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, selector, field+
- """
- required = ['name', 'refer']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'refer':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'selector', 'field']}
- class ElementDeclaration(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ElementMarker,\
- DeclarationMarker):
- """<element name>
- parents:
- schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- type -- QName
- default -- string
- fixed -- string
- nillable -- boolean, false
- abstract -- boolean, false
- substitutionGroup -- QName
- block -- ('#all' | ('substition' | 'extension' | 'restriction')*),
- schema.blockDefault
- final -- ('#all' | ('extension' | 'restriction')*),
- schema.finalDefault
- contents:
- annotation?, (simpleType,complexType)?, (key | keyref | unique)*
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'type':None,
- 'default':None,
- 'fixed':None,
- 'nillable':0,
- 'abstract':0,
- 'substitutionGroup':None,
- 'block':lambda self: self._parent().getBlockDefault(),
- 'final':lambda self: self._parent().getFinalDefault()}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType', 'complexType', 'key',\
- 'keyref', 'unique']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- self.constraints = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- constraints = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'simpleType' and not self.content:
- self.content = AnonymousSimpleType(self)
- self.content.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'complexType' and not self.content:
- self.content = LocalComplexType(self)
- self.content.fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'key':
- constraints.append(Key(self))
- constraints[-1].fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'keyref':
- constraints.append(KeyRef(self))
- constraints[-1].fromDom(i)
- elif component == 'unique':
- constraints.append(Unique(self))
- constraints[-1].fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.constraints = tuple(constraints)
- class LocalElementDeclaration(ElementDeclaration,\
- LocalMarker):
- """<element>
- parents:
- all, choice, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- form -- ('qualified' | 'unqualified'), schema.elementFormDefault
- type -- QName
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- default -- string
- fixed -- string
- nillable -- boolean, false
- block -- ('#all' | ('extension' | 'restriction')*), schema.blockDefault
- contents:
- annotation?, (simpleType,complexType)?, (key | keyref | unique)*
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'form':lambda self: GetSchema(self).getElementFormDefault(),
- 'type':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1',
- 'default':None,
- 'fixed':None,
- 'nillable':0,
- 'abstract':0,
- 'block':lambda self: GetSchema(self).getBlockDefault()}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType', 'complexType', 'key',\
- 'keyref', 'unique']}
- class ElementReference(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ElementMarker,\
- ReferenceMarker):
- """<element ref>
- parents:
- all, choice, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- ref -- QName, required
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['ref']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'ref':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.annotation = None
- self.setAttributes(node)
- for i in self.getContents(node):
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class ElementWildCard(LocalElementDeclaration,\
- WildCardMarker):
- """<any>
- parents:
- choice, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- namespace -- '##any' | '##other' |
- (anyURI* | '##targetNamespace' | '##local'), ##any
- processContents -- 'lax' | 'skip' | 'strict', strict
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = []
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1',
- 'namespace':'##any',
- 'processContents':'strict'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.annotation = None
- self.setAttributes(node)
- for i in self.getContents(node):
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- ######################################################
- # Model Groups
- #####################################################
- class Sequence(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ModelGroupMarker):
- """<sequence>
- parents:
- complexType, extension, restriction, group, choice, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- contents:
- annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'element', 'group', 'choice', 'sequence',\
- 'any']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'element':
- if i.hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(ElementReference(self))
- else:
- content.append(LocalElementDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'group':
- content.append(ModelGroupReference(self))
- elif component == 'choice':
- content.append(Choice(self))
- elif component == 'sequence':
- content.append(Sequence(self))
- elif component == 'any':
- content.append(ElementWildCard(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- content[-1].fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class All(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ModelGroupMarker):
- """<all>
- parents:
- complexType, extension, restriction, group
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- minOccurs -- '0' | '1', 1
- maxOccurs -- '1', 1
- contents:
- annotation?, element*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'element']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'element':
- if i.hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(ElementReference(self))
- else:
- content.append(LocalElementDeclaration(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- content[-1].fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class Choice(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ModelGroupMarker):
- """<choice>
- parents:
- complexType, extension, restriction, group, choice, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- contents:
- annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'element', 'group', 'choice', 'sequence',\
- 'any']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'element':
- if i.hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(ElementReference(self))
- else:
- content.append(LocalElementDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'group':
- content.append(ModelGroupReference(self))
- elif component == 'choice':
- content.append(Choice(self))
- elif component == 'sequence':
- content.append(Sequence(self))
- elif component == 'any':
- content.append(ElementWildCard(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- content[-1].fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class ModelGroupDefinition(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ModelGroupMarker,\
- DefinitionMarker):
- """<group name>
- parents:
- redefine, schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'all', 'choice', 'sequence']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'all' and not self.content:
- self.content = All(self)
- elif component == 'choice' and not self.content:
- self.content = Choice(self)
- elif component == 'sequence' and not self.content:
- self.content = Sequence(self)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class ModelGroupReference(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ModelGroupMarker,\
- ReferenceMarker):
- """<group ref>
- parents:
- choice, complexType, extension, restriction, sequence
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- ref -- NCName, required
- minOccurs -- Whole Number, 1
- maxOccurs -- (Whole Number | 'unbounded'), 1
- contents:
- annotation?
- """
- required = ['ref']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'ref':None,
- 'minOccurs':'1',
- 'maxOccurs':'1'}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class ComplexType(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- DefinitionMarker,\
- ComplexMarker):
- """<complexType name>
- parents:
- redefine, schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- mixed -- boolean, false
- abstract -- boolean, false
- block -- ('#all' | ('extension' | 'restriction')*), schema.blockDefault
- final -- ('#all' | ('extension' | 'restriction')*), schema.finalDefault
- contents:
- annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent |
- ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'mixed':0,
- 'abstract':0,
- 'block':lambda self: self._parent().getBlockDefault(),
- 'final':lambda self: self._parent().getFinalDefault()}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleContent', 'complexContent',\
- 'group', 'all', 'choice', 'sequence', 'attribute', 'attributeGroup',\
- 'anyAttribute', 'any']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- self.attr_content = None
- def getAttributeContent(self):
- return self.attr_content
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- indx = 0
- num = len(contents)
- #XXX ugly
- if not num:
- return
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- self.content = None
- if component == 'simpleContent':
- self.content = self.__class__.SimpleContent(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif component == 'complexContent':
- self.content = self.__class__.ComplexContent(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- else:
- if component == 'all':
- self.content = All(self)
- elif component == 'choice':
- self.content = Choice(self)
- elif component == 'sequence':
- self.content = Sequence(self)
- elif component == 'group':
- self.content = ModelGroupReference(self)
- if self.content:
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- self.attr_content = []
- while indx < num:
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'attribute':
- if contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeReference(self))
- else:
- self.attr_content.append(LocalAttributeDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'attributeGroup':
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeGroupReference(self))
- elif component == 'anyAttribute':
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeWildCard(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(contents[indx].getTagName())
- self.attr_content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- class _DerivedType(XMLSchemaComponent):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.derivation = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for i in contents:
- component = SplitQName(i.getTagName())[1]
- if component in self.__class__.contents['xsd']:
- if component == 'annotation' and not self.annotation:
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(i)
- continue
- elif component == 'restriction' and not self.derivation:
- self.derivation = self.__class__.Restriction(self)
- elif component == 'extension' and not self.derivation:
- self.derivation = self.__class__.Extension(self)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.derivation.fromDom(i)
- class ComplexContent(_DerivedType,\
- ComplexMarker):
- """<complexContent>
- parents:
- complexType
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- mixed -- boolean, false
- contents:
- annotation?, (restriction | extension)
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'mixed':0 }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'restriction', 'extension']}
- class _DerivationBase(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<extension>,<restriction>
- parents:
- complexContent
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?,
- (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?
- """
- required = ['base']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'base':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'group', 'all', 'choice',\
- 'sequence', 'attribute', 'attributeGroup', 'anyAttribute']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- self.attr_content = None
- def getAttributeContent(self):
- return self.attr_content
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- indx = 0
- num = len(contents)
- #XXX ugly
- if not num:
- return
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'all':
- self.content = All(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- elif component == 'choice':
- self.content = Choice(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- elif component == 'sequence':
- self.content = Sequence(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- elif component == 'group':
- self.content = ModelGroupReference(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- else:
- self.content = None
- self.attr_content = []
- while indx < num:
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'attribute':
- if contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeReference(self))
- else:
- self.attr_content.append(LocalAttributeDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'attributeGroup':
- if contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeGroupReference(self))
- else:
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeGroupDefinition(self))
- elif component == 'anyAttribute':
- self.attr_content.append(AttributeWildCard(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(contents[indx].getTagName())
- self.attr_content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- class Extension(_DerivationBase,
- ExtensionMarker):
- """<extension base>
- parents:
- complexContent
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?,
- (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?
- """
- pass
- class Restriction(_DerivationBase,\
- RestrictionMarker):
- """<restriction base>
- parents:
- complexContent
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?,
- (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?
- """
- pass
- class SimpleContent(_DerivedType,\
- SimpleMarker):
- """<simpleContent>
- parents:
- complexType
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- contents:
- annotation?, (restriction | extension)
- """
- attributes = {'id':None}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'restriction', 'extension']}
- class Extension(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- ExtensionMarker):
- """<extension base>
- parents:
- simpleContent
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?
- """
- required = ['base']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'base':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'attribute', 'attributeGroup',
- 'anyAttribute']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.attr_content = None
- def getAttributeContent(self):
- return self.attr_content
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- indx = 0
- num = len(contents)
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- content = []
- while indx < num:
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'attribute':
- if contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(AttributeReference(self))
- else:
- content.append(LocalAttributeDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'attributeGroup':
- content.append(AttributeGroupReference(self))
- elif component == 'anyAttribute':
- content.append(AttributeWildCard(self))
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)'\
- %(contents[indx].getTagName())
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- self.attr_content = tuple(content)
- class Restriction(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- RestrictionMarker):
- """<restriction base>
- parents:
- simpleContent
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType?, (enumeration | length |
- maxExclusive | maxInclusive | maxLength | minExclusive |
- minInclusive | minLength | pattern | fractionDigits |
- totalDigits | whiteSpace)*, (attribute | attributeGroup)*,
- anyAttribute?
- """
- required = ['base']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'base':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType', 'attribute',\
- 'attributeGroup', 'anyAttribute'] + RestrictionMarker.facets}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- self.attr_content = None
- def getAttributeContent(self):
- return self.attr_content
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.content = []
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- indx = 0
- num = len(contents)
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- content = []
- while indx < num:
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'attribute':
- if contents[indx].hasattr('ref'):
- content.append(AttributeReference(self))
- else:
- content.append(LocalAttributeDeclaration(self))
- elif component == 'attributeGroup':
- content.append(AttributeGroupReference(self))
- elif component == 'anyAttribute':
- content.append(AttributeWildCard(self))
- elif component == 'simpleType':
- self.content.append(LocalSimpleType(self))
- self.content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)'\
- %(contents[indx].getTagName())
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- indx += 1
- self.attr_content = tuple(content)
- class LocalComplexType(ComplexType,\
- LocalMarker):
- """<complexType>
- parents:
- element
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- mixed -- boolean, false
- contents:
- annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent |
- ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- """
- required = []
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'mixed':0}
- class SimpleType(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- DefinitionMarker,\
- SimpleMarker):
- """<simpleType name>
- parents:
- redefine, schema
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- name -- NCName, required
- final -- ('#all' | ('extension' | 'restriction' | 'list' | 'union')*),
- schema.finalDefault
- contents:
- annotation?, (restriction | list | union)
- """
- required = ['name']
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'name':None,
- 'final':lambda self: self._parent().getFinalDefault()}
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'restriction', 'list', 'union']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- for child in contents:
- component = SplitQName(child.getTagName())[1]
- if component == 'annotation':
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(child)
- continue
- break
- else:
- return
- if component == 'restriction':
- self.content = self.__class__.Restriction(self)
- elif component == 'list':
- self.content = self.__class__.List(self)
- elif component == 'union':
- self.content = self.__class__.Union(self)
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(component)
- self.content.fromDom(child)
- class Restriction(XMLSchemaComponent,\
- RestrictionMarker):
- """<restriction base>
- parents:
- simpleType
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- base -- QName, required or simpleType child
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType?, (enumeration | length |
- maxExclusive | maxInclusive | maxLength | minExclusive |
- minInclusive | minLength | pattern | fractionDigits |
- totalDigits | whiteSpace)*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'base':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType']+RestrictionMarker.facets}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for indx in range(len(contents)):
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if (component == 'annotation') and (not indx):
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- continue
- elif (component == 'simpleType') and (not indx or indx == 1):
- content.append(AnonymousSimpleType(self))
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif component in RestrictionMarker.facets:
- #print_debug('%s class instance, skipping %s' %(self.__class__, component))
- pass
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class Union(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<union>
- parents:
- simpleType
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- memberTypes -- list of QNames, required or simpleType child.
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType*
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'memberTypes':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- content = []
- for indx in range(len(contents)):
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if (component == 'annotation') and (not indx):
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif (component == 'simpleType'):
- content.append(AnonymousSimpleType(self))
- content[-1].fromDom(contents[indx])
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- self.content = tuple(content)
- class List(XMLSchemaComponent):
- """<list>
- parents:
- simpleType
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- itemType -- QName, required or simpleType child.
- contents:
- annotation?, simpleType?
- """
- attributes = {'id':None,
- 'itemType':None }
- contents = {'xsd':['annotation', 'simpleType']}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- XMLSchemaComponent.__init__(self, parent)
- self.annotation = None
- self.content = None
- def fromDom(self, node):
- self.setAttributes(node)
- contents = self.getContents(node)
- self.content = []
- for indx in range(len(contents)):
- component = SplitQName(contents[indx].getTagName())[1]
- if (component == 'annotation') and (not indx):
- self.annotation = Annotation(self)
- self.annotation.fromDom(contents[indx])
- elif (component == 'simpleType'):
- self.content = AnonymousSimpleType(self)
- self.content.fromDom(contents[indx])
- break
- else:
- raise SchemaError, 'Unknown component (%s)' %(i.getTagName())
- class AnonymousSimpleType(SimpleType,\
- SimpleMarker):
- """<simpleType>
- parents:
- attribute, element, list, restriction, union
- attributes:
- id -- ID
- contents:
- annotation?, (restriction | list | union)
- """
- required = []
- attributes = {'id':None}
- class Redefine:
- """<redefine>
- parents:
- attributes:
- contents:
- """
- pass
- ###########################
- ###########################
- if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 2):
- tupleClass = tuple
- else:
- import UserTuple
- tupleClass = UserTuple.UserTuple
- class TypeDescriptionComponent(tupleClass):
- """Tuple of length 2, consisting of
- a namespace and unprefixed name.
- """
- def __init__(self, args):
- """args -- (namespace, name)
- Remove the name's prefix, irrelevant.
- """
- if len(args) != 2:
- raise TypeError, 'expecting tuple (namespace, name), got %s' %args
- elif args[1].find(':') >= 0:
- args = (args[0], SplitQName(args[1])[1])
- tuple.__init__(self, args)
- return
- def getTargetNamespace(self):
- return self[0]
- def getName(self):
- return self[1]
- '''
- import string, types, base64, re
- from Utility import DOM, Collection
- from StringIO import StringIO
- class SchemaReader:
- """A SchemaReader creates XMLSchema objects from urls and xml data."""
- def loadFromStream(self, file):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from a file object."""
- document = DOM.loadDocument(file)
- schema = XMLSchema()
- schema.load(document)
- return schema
- def loadFromString(self, data):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from an xml string."""
- return self.loadFromStream(StringIO(data))
- def loadFromURL(self, url):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from the given url."""
- document = DOM.loadFromURL(url)
- schema = XMLSchema()
- schema.location = url
- schema.load(document)
- return schema
- def loadFromFile(self, filename):
- """Return an XMLSchema instance loaded from the given file."""
- file = open(filename, 'rb')
- try: schema = self.loadFromStream(file)
- finally: file.close()
- return schema
- class SchemaError(Exception):
- pass
- class XMLSchema:
- # This is temporary, for the benefit of WSDL until the real thing works.
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.targetNamespace = DOM.getAttr(element, 'targetNamespace')
- self.element = element
- class realXMLSchema:
- """A schema is a collection of schema components derived from one
- or more schema documents, that is, one or more <schema> element
- information items. It represents the abstract notion of a schema
- rather than a single schema document (or other representation)."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.simpleTypes = Collection(self)
- self.complexTypes = Collection(self)
- self.attributes = Collection(self)
- self.elements = Collection(self)
- self.attrGroups = Collection(self)
- self.idConstraints=None
- self.modelGroups = None
- self.notations = None
- self.extensions = []
- targetNamespace = None
- attributeFormDefault = 'unqualified'
- elementFormDefault = 'unqualified'
- blockDefault = None
- finalDefault = None
- location = None
- version = None
- id = None
- def load(self, document):
- if document.nodeType == document.DOCUMENT_NODE:
- schema = DOM.getElement(document, 'schema', None, None)
- else:
- schema = document
- if schema is None:
- raise SchemaError('Missing <schema> element.')
- self.namespace = namespace = schema.namespaceURI
- if not namespace in DOM.NS_XSD_ALL:
- raise SchemaError(
- 'Unknown XML schema namespace: %s.' % self.namespace
- )
- for attrname in (
- 'targetNamespace', 'attributeFormDefault', 'elementFormDefault',
- 'blockDefault', 'finalDefault', 'version', 'id'
- ):
- value = DOM.getAttr(schema, attrname, None, None)
- if value is not None:
- setattr(self, attrname, value)
- # Resolve imports and includes here?
- ## imported = {}
- ## while 1:
- ## imports = []
- ## for element in DOM.getElements(definitions, 'import', NS_WSDL):
- ## location = DOM.getAttr(element, 'location')
- ## if not imported.has_key(location):
- ## imports.append(element)
- ## if not imports:
- ## break
- ## for element in imports:
- ## self._import(document, element)
- ## imported[location] = 1
- for element in DOM.getElements(schema, None, None):
- localName = element.localName
- if not DOM.nsUriMatch(element.namespaceURI, namespace):
- self.extensions.append(element)
- continue
- elif localName == 'message':
- name = DOM.getAttr(element, 'name')
- docs = GetDocumentation(element)
- message = self.addMessage(name, docs)
- parts = DOM.getElements(element, 'part', NS_WSDL)
- message.load(parts)
- continue
- def _import(self, document, element):
- namespace = DOM.getAttr(element, 'namespace', default=None)
- location = DOM.getAttr(element, 'location', default=None)
- if namespace is None or location is None:
- raise WSDLError(
- 'Invalid import element (missing namespace or location).'
- )
- # Sort-of support relative locations to simplify unit testing. The
- # WSDL specification actually doesn't allow relative URLs, so its
- # ok that this only works with urls relative to the initial document.
- location = urllib.basejoin(self.location, location)
- obimport = self.addImport(namespace, location)
- obimport._loaded = 1
- importdoc = DOM.loadFromURL(location)
- try:
- if location.find('#') > -1:
- idref = location.split('#')[-1]
- imported = DOM.getElementById(importdoc, idref)
- else:
- imported = importdoc.documentElement
- if imported is None:
- raise WSDLError(
- 'Import target element not found for: %s' % location
- )
- imported_tns = DOM.getAttr(imported, 'targetNamespace')
- importer_tns = namespace
- if imported_tns != importer_tns:
- return
- if imported.localName == 'definitions':
- imported_nodes = imported.childNodes
- else:
- imported_nodes = [imported]
- parent = element.parentNode
- for node in imported_nodes:
- if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- continue
- child = DOM.importNode(document, node, 1)
- parent.appendChild(child)
- child.setAttribute('targetNamespace', importer_tns)
- attrsNS = imported._attrsNS
- for attrkey in attrsNS.keys():
- if attrkey[0] == DOM.NS_XMLNS:
- attr = attrsNS[attrkey].cloneNode(1)
- child.setAttributeNode(attr)
- finally:
- importdoc.unlink()
- class Element:
- """Common base class for element representation classes."""
- def __init__(self, name=None, documentation=''):
- self.name = name
- self.documentation = documentation
- self.extensions = []
- def addExtension(self, item):
- self.extensions.append(item)
- class SimpleTypeDefinition:
- """Represents an xml schema simple type definition."""
- class ComplexTypeDefinition:
- """Represents an xml schema complex type definition."""
- class AttributeDeclaration:
- """Represents an xml schema attribute declaration."""
- class ElementDeclaration:
- """Represents an xml schema element declaration."""
- def __init__(self, name, type=None, targetNamespace=None):
- self.name = name
- targetNamespace = None
- annotation = None
- nillable = 0
- abstract = 0
- default = None
- fixed = None
- scope = 'global'
- type = None
- form = 0
- # Things we will not worry about for now.
- id_constraint_defs = None
- sub_group_exclude = None
- sub_group_affils = None
- disallowed_subs = None
- class AttributeGroupDefinition:
- """Represents an xml schema attribute group definition."""
- class IdentityConstraintDefinition:
- """Represents an xml schema identity constraint definition."""
- class ModelGroupDefinition:
- """Represents an xml schema model group definition."""
- class NotationDeclaration:
- """Represents an xml schema notation declaration."""
- class Annotation:
- """Represents an xml schema annotation."""
- class ModelGroup:
- """Represents an xml schema model group."""
- class Particle:
- """Represents an xml schema particle."""
- class WildCard:
- """Represents an xml schema wildcard."""
- class AttributeUse:
- """Represents an xml schema attribute use."""
- class ElementComponent:
- namespace = ''
- name = ''
- type = None
- form = 'qualified | unqualified'
- scope = 'global or complex def'
- constraint = ('value', 'default | fixed')
- nillable = 0
- id_constraint_defs = None
- sub_group_affil = None
- sub_group_exclusions = None
- disallowed_subs = 'substitution, extension, restriction'
- abstract = 0
- minOccurs = 1
- maxOccurs = 1
- ref = ''
- class AttributeThing:
- name = ''
- namespace = ''
- typeName = ''
- typeUri = ''
- scope = 'global | local to complex def'
- constraint = ('value:default', 'value:fixed')
- use = 'optional | prohibited | required'
- class ElementDataType:
- namespace = ''
- name = ''
- element_form = 'qualified | unqualified'
- attr_form = None
- type_name = ''
- type_uri = ''
- def __init__(self, name, namespace, type_name, type_uri):
- self.namespace = namespace
- self.name = name
- # type may be anonymous...
- self.type_name = type_name
- self.type_uri = type_uri
- def checkValue(self, value, context):
- # Delegate value checking to the type of the element.
- typeref = (self.type_uri, self.type_name)
- handler = context.serializer.getType(typeref)
- return handler.checkValue(value, context)
- def serialize(self, name, namespace, value, context, **kwargs):
- if context.check_values:
- self.checkValue(value, context)
- # Delegate serialization to the type of the element.
- typeref = (self.type_uri, self.type_name)
- handler = context.serializer.getType(typeref)
- return handler.serialize(self.name, self.namespace, value, context)
- def deserialize(self, element, context):
- if element_is_null(element, context):
- return None
- # Delegate deserialization to the type of the element.
- typeref = (self.type_uri, self.type_name)
- handler = context.serializer.getType(typeref)
- return handler.deserialize(element, context)
- def parse_schema(data):
- targetNS = ''
- attributeFormDefault = 0
- elementFormDefault = 0
- blockDefault = ''
- finalDefault = ''
- language = None
- version = None
- id = ''
- '''