- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright 2006 John-Mark Gurney <gurney_j@resnet.uroegon.edu>
- __version__ = '$Change$'
- # $Id$
- import itertools
- import os.path
- import sets
- import time
- import iterzipfile
- zipfile = iterzipfile
- import itertarfile
- tarfile = itertarfile
- import iterrarfile
- rarfile = iterrarfile
- import FileDIDL
- from DIDLLite import StorageFolder, Item, VideoItem, AudioItem, TextItem, ImageItem, Resource
- from FSStorage import FSObject, registerklassfun
- from twisted.python import log, threadable
- from twisted.spread import pb
- from twisted.web import http
- from twisted.web import server
- from twisted.web import resource
- def inserthierdict(d, name, obj):
- if not name:
- return
- i = name.find('/')
- if i == -1:
- d[name] = obj
- return
- dname = name[:i]
- rname = name[i + 1:]
- # remaining path components
- try:
- inserthierdict(d[dname], rname, obj)
- except KeyError:
- d[dname] = {}
- inserthierdict(d[dname], rname, obj)
- def buildNameHier(names, objs):
- ret = {}
- for n, o in itertools.izip(names, objs):
- inserthierdict(ret, n, o)
- return ret
- class ZipFileTransfer(pb.Viewable):
- def __init__(self, zf, name, request):
- self.zf = zf
- self.size = zf.getinfo(name).file_size
- self.iter = zf.readiter(name)
- self.request = request
- self.written = 0
- request.registerProducer(self, 0)
- def resumeProducing(self):
- if not self.request:
- return
- # get data and write to request.
- try:
- data = self.iter.next()
- if data:
- self.written += len(data)
- # this .write will spin the reactor, calling
- # .doWrite and then .resumeProducing again, so
- # be prepared for a re-entrant call
- self.request.write(data)
- except StopIteration:
- if self.request:
- self.request.unregisterProducer()
- self.request.finish()
- self.request = None
- def pauseProducing(self):
- pass
- def stopProducing(self):
- # close zipfile
- self.request = None
- # Remotely relay producer interface.
- def view_resumeProducing(self, issuer):
- self.resumeProducing()
- def view_pauseProducing(self, issuer):
- self.pauseProducing()
- def view_stopProducing(self, issuer):
- self.stopProducing()
- synchronized = ['resumeProducing', 'stopProducing']
- threadable.synchronize(ZipFileTransfer)
- class ZipResource(resource.Resource):
- # processors = {}
- isLeaf = True
- def __init__(self, zf, name, mt):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.zf = zf
- self.zi = zf.getinfo(name)
- self.name = name
- self.mt = mt
- def getFileSize(self):
- return self.zi.file_size
- def render(self, request):
- request.setHeader('content-type', self.mt)
- # We could possibly send the deflate data directly!
- if None and self.encoding:
- request.setHeader('content-encoding', self.encoding)
- if request.setLastModified(time.mktime(list(self.zi.date_time) +
- [ 0, 0, -1])) is http.CACHED:
- return ''
- request.setHeader('content-length', str(self.getFileSize()))
- if request.method == 'HEAD':
- return ''
- # return data
- ZipFileTransfer(self.zf, self.name, request)
- # and make sure the connection doesn't get closed
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
- class ZipItem:
- '''Basic zip stuff initalization'''
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.zo = kwargs['zo']
- del kwargs['zo']
- self.zf = kwargs['zf']
- del kwargs['zf']
- self.name = kwargs['name']
- del kwargs['name']
- def checkUpdate(self):
- self.doUpdate()
- return self.zo.checkUpdate()
- class ZipFile(ZipItem, Item):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.mimetype = kwargs['mimetype']
- del kwargs['mimetype']
- ZipItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.zi = self.zf.getinfo(self.name)
- kwargs['content'] = ZipResource(self.zf, self.name,
- self.mimetype)
- Item.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.url = '%s/%s' % (self.cd.urlbase, self.id)
- self.res = Resource(self.url, 'http-get:*:%s:*' % self.mimetype)
- self.res.size = self.zi.file_size
- def doUpdate(self):
- pass
- class ZipChildDir(ZipItem, StorageFolder):
- '''This is to represent a child dir of the zip file.'''
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.hier = kwargs['hier']
- del kwargs['hier']
- ZipItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- del kwargs['zf'], kwargs['zo'], kwargs['name']
- StorageFolder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- # mapping from path to objectID
- self.pathObjmap = {}
- def doUpdate(self):
- doupdate = False
- children = sets.Set(self.hier.keys())
- for i in self.pathObjmap.keys():
- if i not in children:
- # delete
- doupdate = True
- self.cd.delItem(self.pathObjmap[i])
- del self.pathObjmap[i]
- for i in children:
- if i in self.pathObjmap:
- continue
- # new object
- pathname = os.path.join(self.name, i)
- if isinstance(self.hier[i], dict):
- # must be a dir
- self.pathObjmap[i] = self.cd.addItem(self.id,
- ZipChildDir, i, zf = self.zf, zo = self,
- name = pathname, hier = self.hier[i])
- else:
- klass, mt = FileDIDL.buildClassMT(ZipFile, i)
- if klass is None:
- continue
- self.pathObjmap[i] = self.cd.addItem(self.id,
- klass, i, zf = self.zf, zo = self,
- name = pathname, mimetype = mt)
- doupdate = True
- # sort our children
- self.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.title, y.title))
- if doupdate:
- StorageFolder.doUpdate(self)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<ZipChildDir: len: %d>' % len(self.pathObjmap)
- def tryTar(path):
- # Try to see if it's a tar file
- if path[-2:] == 'gz':
- comp = tarfile.TAR_GZIPPED
- elif path[-3:] == 'bz2':
- comp = tarfile.TAR_BZ2
- else:
- comp = tarfile.TAR_PLAIN
- return tarfile.TarFileCompat(path, compression=comp)
- def canHandle(path):
- if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
- return True
- print 'rar:', rarfile.is_rarfile(path)
- if rarfile.is_rarfile(path):
- return True
- #tar is cheaper on __init__ than zipfile
- return tryTar(path)
- def genZipFile(path):
- if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
- return zipfile.ZipFile(path)
- if rarfile.is_rarfile(path):
- return rarfile.RarFile(path)
- try:
- return tryTar(path)
- except:
- #import traceback
- #traceback.print_exc(file=log.logfile)
- raise
- class ZipObject(FSObject, StorageFolder):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- '''If a zip argument is passed it, use that as the zip archive.'''
- path = kwargs['path']
- del kwargs['path']
- StorageFolder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- FSObject.__init__(self, path)
- # mapping from path to objectID
- self.pathObjmap = {}
- def doUpdate(self):
- # open the zipfile as necessary.
- self.zip = genZipFile(self.FSpath)
- hier = buildNameHier(self.zip.namelist(), self.zip.infolist())
- print 'zip len:', len(hier)
- doupdate = False
- children = sets.Set(hier.keys())
- for i in self.pathObjmap.keys():
- if i not in children:
- doupdate = True
- # delete
- self.cd.delItem(self.pathObjmap[i])
- del self.pathObjmap[i]
- for i in children:
- if i in self.pathObjmap:
- continue
- # new object
- if isinstance(hier[i], dict):
- # must be a dir
- self.pathObjmap[i] = self.cd.addItem(self.id,
- ZipChildDir, i, zf = self.zip, zo = self,
- name = i, hier = hier[i])
- else:
- klass, mt = FileDIDL.buildClassMT(ZipFile, i)
- if klass is None:
- continue
- self.pathObjmap[i] = self.cd.addItem(self.id,
- klass, i, zf = self.zip, zo = self,
- name = i, mimetype = mt)
- doupdate = True
- # sort our children
- self.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.title, y.title))
- if doupdate:
- StorageFolder.doUpdate(self)
- def detectzipfile(path, fobj):
- try:
- canHandle(path)
- except:
- return None, None
- return ZipObject, { 'path': path }
- registerklassfun(detectzipfile)