General Functionality error w/o media dir x PS3 DSM-520 Cidero Intel Discovered x x x remains after 30m FSStorage x x x zip x x x tar x x x rar x 2 x mpegtsmod x x 3 shoutcast 4 1 3 dvd pyvr x x x 1 - Possible error in errRequest, changed ign to failure, hard to reproduce. Need to handle other NotImplemented err backs. 2 - hangs when opening large files. Need to switch to threads and a deferred. 3 - No render to test video 4 - PS3 cannot stream audio. Did not have access to a Windows box for testing the Intel tools. Did not have an ISO handy for testing the dvd module. Anyways the DVD module is incomplete and would have had failures. I did not have time to test the disappearing media server, but am possitive I fixed it w/ changes to rebroadcast my announcements before the previous one timed out.