Container, this prevents the root Container from being rescanned
all the time... Also make the root Container be able to grow
beyond 2^32...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1127]
check to make sure there are TS packets, before scanning the first
2megs in an expensive iter loop to find out that there are none...
this makes things a lot faster...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1126]
doUpdate.. This is really what was ment...
in FSDir, call Container too, this was recursively calling itself
which managed to end after (n^n) rounds I think after all files
had been added... oops!
This should make large dirs load faster... still need to teach
it to keep the info between runs...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1125]
import necessary modules... call doUpdate w/ no args... fix spelling
of some vars...
order shows by the same order returned, not by title...
properly index urlparse so that we get the schema, not the tuple
which is always true.. this makes calculating the resource correct..
Things should now work!
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1114]
use mp2 for audio... bump up the bit rate a bit too... Looks like
the PS3 stores all the data before playing... Need to add support
for caching the file to disk while it's going... Looks like a copy
on the PS3 would work, just takes a while on the slow box I'm using..
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1110]
This includes other fixes like using methodResponse instead of
other crap.. Thing brings it more inline w/ the UPnP spec...
We now include the namespace bit, which is apparently what the PS3
note that the PS3 works in the readme w/ restrictions...
This removes the dependance on SOAPpy, and alsp fpconst...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1105]
through the programs till we find the one w/ the PMT we want.. This
means an incorrect PAT doesn't slip through.. This now works since
we don't overload pid and attempt to use it's original value later...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1097]
magic to simply replace the pat w/ only the program we want,
but keeps all the data there... it wastes a bit of bandwidth,
but makes the file seekable, which is good for the media player..
We need to extend this so that we generate the PAT's first, and
then start reading/writing the file so we don't pass a PAT unchanged..
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1096]
sometime between .5 and 1 seconds, and the second is between 1 and
5 seconds later...
Also, schedule a resend of the notify for sometime between a third
and a half of the max-age of it all...
send out two byebye notifications just incase...
Yes, this increases traffic, but it's required per the spec.. and
w/ 100Mbit it's not too big of a deal..
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1088]
This should prevent the DSM-520 from saying we've disappeared...
7 minutes means 4 sends before the 30 minutes max-age hits and is
a pretty good compromise, though we do send out five notifies each
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1087], and makes work by properly inserting
program_number into the PAT that matches the one in the PMT...
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1068]
two empty containers would compare equal causing the removal of
the first one if a later one was really removed... The problems
of inheriting from list.. :(
It was previously masked because I would expand everything by
default and now that I don't, more items are empty exposing the
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 884]