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readd SOAPpy as a requirement since it is required by twisted...

add note about real program...

add comment about doing work in a thread...

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 1272]
John-Mark Gurney 16 years ago
1 changed files with 8 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +8

+ 8
- 1
README View File

@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ The following packages are required to run the media server:
* Twisted (only core and web necessary, tested w/ 2.1.0 and
Web 0.5.0)
* ElementTree
* SOAPpy available from Python Web Services
* fpconst (required by SOAPpy)

Optional software packages:
* rarfile -
@@ -62,7 +64,8 @@ Ideas for future improvements:
Figure out how to rearchitect ContentDirectoryControl so I don't
need to use doRecall. This may be helped by not necessarily
figuring out all the children of a member just to fetch it.
childCount isn't a required attribute.
childCount isn't a required attribute. Possibly doing the work
in a thread would be a good solution.
Autodetect IP address.
Support sorting by other attributes.
Finish support for playing DVD's.
@@ -74,6 +77,10 @@ Ideas for future improvements:
Ignore AppleDouble Resource Fork Files. (Maybe we should ignore all
dot files.)
Readded SOAPpy requirement as it is necessary for twisted.
Made it a bit closer to a real twisted proejct, in the process,
pymediaserv looks more like a normal program. It allows you to
override the media path and title of the server.

Support multiple SSDP servers on the same box.
