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add a bunch of docs.. the 218762_218762.pdf is Intel's

recommendations for making an AV Server, the others are the various
UPnP docs from and some sample XML files

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/": change = 724]
John-Mark Gurney 19 years ago
23 changed files with 6685 additions and 0 deletions
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docs/218762_218762.pdf View File

docs/AVTransport1.0.pdf View File

docs/ConnectionManager1.0.pdf View File

docs/ContentDirectory1.0.pdf View File

docs/MediaRenderer1.0_000.pdf View File

docs/MediaServer1.0.pdf View File

docs/RenderingControl1.0.pdf View File

docs/UPnPAvArchtiecture0.83.pdf View File

+ 812
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docs/draft-cohen-gena-client-01.txt View File

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INTERNET DRAFT J. Cohen, Microsoft
S. Aggarwal, Microsoft
<draft-cohen-gena-p-base-01.txt> Y. Y. Goland, Microsoft
Expires April, 2000 September 6, 2000
General Event Notification Architecture Base: Client to Arbiter
Status of this memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all
provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other
groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
Please send comments to the SSDP mailing list. Subscription information
for the SSDP mailing list is available at
This document provides for the ability to send and receive
notifications using HTTP over TCP/IP and administratively scoped
unreliable multicast UDP. Provisions are made for the use of
intermediary arbiters, called subscription arbiters, which handle
routing notifications to their intended destination.
1 Introduction
This document provides for the sending of HTTP Notifications using
administratively scoped unreliable Multicast UDP. Multicast UDP is
useful in that it allows a single notification to be delivered to a
potentially large group of recipients using only a single request.
However administrative scoped unreliable Multicast UDP suffers from a
number of problems including: how to route it, how to handle
firewalling and how to deal with multiple scopes. This document only
addresses the use of Multicast UDP within a single administrative scope
and only countenances its use for scenarios where there is no
notification proxy.
In order to allow for notifications to be distributed beyond a single
administrative multicast scope it is necessary to provide for relaying
Cohen et al. [Page 1]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
arbiters. These arbiters, called subscription arbiters, are able to
form, through an unspecified mechanism, relationships with other
subscription arbiters in order to distribute notifications. This allows
a client to send a single HTTP notification to its subscription arbiter
and have that notification forwarded on to one or more recipients. It
is the subscription arbiter, not the client, who is responsible for
maintaining the list of potential recipients and distributing
notifications to those recipients.
In order for subscription arbiters to know to whom to distribute
notifications clients who wish to receive notifications, known as
subscribers, must subscribe to the subscription arbiter.
2 Changes
2.1 Since V00
[Ed. Note: Aren’t there times when the service needs to hear the
subscriptions? When the identity of the subscriber will effect the
output? Of course… Notification identifiers must be explicit in the
notification, not implicit as a function of the address.]
[Ed. Note: We need to look into adding support for sequence numbers on
events, this is needed for things like UPnP. If this doesn't end up
effecting how the arbiter works then we should put it into a separate
[Talk about the scope header having values other than the URL of the
resource, we are using the UPnP example where you would put the USN
value into the scope. Everyone needs to pay attention to the scope
[Add a note that if no Scope header is included then the default is to
treat the Request-URI as the scope.]
[What do you do if someone subscribes to something they are already
subscribed to? The question is tricky because, short of using
authentication, you don’t know who “someone” is and even then, because
multiple programs may be running, you can’t be sure if you are really
talking to the same person. My instinct would be to just give them a
second parallel subscription.]
[Think REALLY hard about allowing for multiple values in a NT header]
3 Definitions
3.1 Event
Any occurrence that may potentially trigger a notification.
3.2 Subscription
An established relationship in which a resource has indicated interest
in receiving certain notifications.
3.3 Subscriber
A resource that negotiates a subscription with a subscription arbiter.
Cohen et al. [Page 2]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
3.4 Implied Subscriber
A resource that did not negotiate a subscription with a subscription
arbiter but will still be notified of events on that arbiter.
3.5 Notifying Resource
A resource that issues notifications, for example, a subscription
3.6 Subscription Arbiter
A resource that accepts subscriptions, receives notifications and
forwards those notifications to its subscribers.
3.7 Notification
A message sent by a notifying resource to provide notification of an
3.8 Notification Type
A mechanism to classify notifications into categories. This allows
subscribers to specify exactly what class of notifications they want to
receive. It also allows notifying resources to specify what class of
notification they are sending out.
Notification types do not necessarily identify a single event but
rather identify a group of related notifications. The notification sub-
type is used to specify a particular event.
3.9 Notification Sub-Type
Identification of a particular event within a notification type.
For example, the fictional notification of type home:doors may contain
notification sub-types such as door:open, close:door, etc.
There is no requirement that the URI identifying the notification type
and the URI identifying the notification sub-type have a syntactic
relationship, only a semantic one.
3.10 Subscription ID
A unique identifier for a subscription. Subscription Ids MUST be URIs
and MUST be unique across all subscriptions across all resources for
all time.
3.11 Scope
Scopes are used in a subscription to indicate the notifying resource
the subscriber is interested in.
Cohen et al. [Page 3]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
4 Notification Model
[Ed. Note: Aren’t there times when the service needs to hear the
subscriptions? When the identity of the subscriber will effect the
output? Of course… Notification identifiers must be explicit in the
notification, not implicit as a function of the address.]
[Ed. Note: We need to look into adding support for sequence numbers on
events, this is needed for things like UPnP. If this doesn't end up
effecting how the arbiter works then we should put it into a separate
The notification model for GENA is based on the following picture:
[Subscriber] <- [1+ Subscription Arbiters] <- [Notifying Resource]
Notification Request Notification Request
Subscription Request
Subscribers send subscription requests to their subscription arbiter.
The arbiter will then forward to the subscriber any notifications it
receives which match the subscriber's subscription.
Notifying resources send notifications to their subscription arbiter to
be passed on to subscribers.
Subscription arbiters communicate with each other in order to pass
along notifications and subscriptions. Subscription arbiter to
subscription arbiter communication is out of scope for this
For the purposes of this protocol all communication is between
subscribers/notifying resources and their subscription arbiter. This
does not preclude direct communication between a subscriber and a
notifying resource. Rather it means that the notifying resource is
acting as a subscription arbiter.
This document also deals with a degenerate case where no subscription
arbiter is available but administratively scoped unreliable multicast
UDP facilities are. In that case provisions are made to allow a
notifying resource to send its notifications directly to a previously
agreed upon administratively scoped multicast UDP address where
interested resources can listen in to the notification.
4.1 Sending HTTP Notifications through a Subscription Arbiter
A notifying resource finds its subscription arbiter through an
unspecified mechanism. The notifying resource will send all of its
notifications to the subscription arbiter who will then forward those
subscriptions on to subscribers.
Cohen et al. [Page 4]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
This document does not provide a mechanism by which the notifying
resource can retrieve information about which resources have subscribed
to receive notifications from the notifying resource.
4.2 Receiving HTTP Notifications through a Subscription Arbiter
A subscribing resource finds its subscription arbiter through an
unspecified mechanism. It is the responsibility of the subscribing
resource to send subscription requests to the subscription arbiter in
order to inform the arbiter as to which notifications the subscriber
would like to receive.
A subscription request can be thought of as a persistent search filter
on the set of notifications that the subscription arbiter is aware of.
Whenever the subscription arbiter receives a notification that matches
the search filter it will forward the notification to the subscriber.
This document defines a very basic search filter that allows a
subscribing resource to specify a particular resource and a type of
notification the subscribing resource is interested in. Whenever a
notification of the specified type is made by the specified resource
the subscription arbiter will forward the notification to the
5 Subscription Arbiters and Forwarded Notifications
When forwarding a notification the subscription arbiter will change the
Request-URI and the Host header value to match the subscriber who is to
be notified. Subscription arbiters MUST NOT make any other changes to
be made to the message unless the definition of the header or body
element specifically provides for such alteration and/or for security
6 Stuff
In the case where a subscriber sends a subscription request to an
arbiter: Is it OK if the arbiter rejects subscription requests that
don't match certain notification type criteria? or should the arbiter
be totally unaware of any notification types at this point?
In the case where a notifying resource sends a notify request to an
arbiter: Is it OK if the arbiter rejects notification requests that
don't match certain notification type criteria? or should the arbiter
just accept the notification request and filter the available
subscriptions taking the notification type as criteria?
In the hypothetical case where the arbiter just accepted subscriptions
of certain types, could an arbiter just be dedicated to one
subscription type? If the previous statement was affirmative then the
existence of a notification type for that particular arbiter wouldn't
even make sense right?
We need to discuss the implicit relationship between an arbiter and its
subscribers, all the unstated assumptions.
Cohen et al. [Page 5]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
The subscription server may not necessarily have been the one who
created a SID, it could have been the service who is using the
subscription server to do replication. In that case a subscription
request could come in with a SID on it, a ref-counted SID. But this bug
me because a SID indicates a relationship. How does one change one’s
call back for a SID? Especially if you want to send in the change
command from somewhere other than the place receiving the notification
so you can’t just check the address on the packet. Do we need tow types
of SIDs? I don’t just want to overload NT. I think NT and NTS should be
left alone to just give notification type. They shouldn’t be overloaded
to also provide functional information… functional is the wrong word.
They shouldn’t be overloaded to provide routing information.
Event type.
Event Sub-type.
Event group (if any).
Individual subscription.
The problem is that the last two are not always both necessary. For
example, an individual subscription ID is not necessary if the events
are only sent to a multicast group. Additionally the event group ID
isn’t necessary if the event only goes to a single end point.
Maybe we need an end point identifier? We need a way to say “Stop
sending the events to this call-back, send it to this other call-back.”
THIS ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH. What if two programs are both at the same call-
back? You need ref counting.
I guess what I’m trying to avoid is implicit ref-counting, I would
rather have explicit ref-counting. That is, I would like the ref count
to be included in each request in the person of an ID that is unique to
every listener, this is independent of call-back address.
Make sure that if you leave off the NT then this means you want to
receive all notifications from the identified scope.
Also make sure that we can use scope as a selector for video streams on
a video server.
We need to add a “connect and flood” mechanism such that if you connect
to a certain TCP port you will get events. There is no
subscribe/unsubscribe. We also need to discuss this feature for
multicasting. If you cut the connection then you won’t get any more
The NOTIFY method is used to transmit a notification. The Request-URI
of the notification method is the notifying resource's subscription
arbiter who will handle forwarding the message to interested
The NOTIFY method may be sent using unreliable administrative scoped
multicast UDP as specified in [HTTPMU]. In such a case the multicast
Cohen et al. [Page 6]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
channel is treated as the subscription arbiter. When a NOTIFY is sent
using multicast UDP as a transport there is no response.
The NOTIFY method MUST contain a NT header and MAY contain a body, a
NTS header and SID. Subscribers MAY ignore the body in a subscription
request. Subscription arbiters MAY remove and/or alter the value of the
SID header in order to set it to the value that their subscriber is
expecting. Note that in general notifying resources will not put SID
headers on their notifications. This is generally a value that
subscription arbiters add.
Note that notifications to implied subscribers may not necessarily have
SIDs. The client can tell the subscription arbiter to stop sending the
notification by returning a 412 (Precondition Failed).
7.1 Response Codes
200 (OK) - This is the standard response to a NOTIFY received by a
202 (Accepted) - This is the standard response to a NOTIFY received by
a subscription arbiter.
412 (Precondition Failed) - The client doesn't recognize the SID or the
request doesn't have a SID and the client doesn't want to receive the
7.2 Examples
7.2.1 TCP/IP
NOTIFY /foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Host: blah:923
NT: ixl:pop
NTS: clock:bark
SID: uuid:kj9d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
HTTP/1.1 200 O.K.
A notification of type ixl:pop sub-type clock:bark has been sent out in
response to the specified subscription. The request-URI could either
identify a particular resource who is to be notified or a subscription
arbiter who will then take responsibility for forwarding the
notification to the appropriate subscribers.
7.2.2 Multicast UDP
Host: somemulticastIPaddress:923
NT: ixl:pop
NTS: clock:bark
Cohen et al. [Page 7]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
As in the previous example this is a notification of type ixl:pop sub-
type clock:bark but it has been sent out to the multicast channel as an
unsolicited notification. Hence it does not have a SID header. Also,
because it was sent out to a multicast UDP channel it also doesn’t have
a response.
[Talk about the scope header having values other than the URL of the
resource, we are using the UPnP example where you would put the USN
value into the scope. Everyone needs to pay attention to the scope
The SUBSCRIBE method is used to provide a subscription arbiter with a
search filter to be used in determining what notifications to forward
to the subscriber.
The Request-URI of the SUBSCRIBE method specifies the subscription
arbiter which will handle the subscription.
A SUBSCRIBE request MUST have a NT header unless it is a re-
subscription request. The NT header specifies what sort of notification
the subscriber wishes to be notified of.
A SUBSCRIBE request MUST have a Call-Back header unless it is a re-
subscription request. The Call-Back header specifies how the subscriber
is to be contacted in order to deliver the notification.
A SUBSCRIBE method MUST NOT have a NTS header. The base subscription
search filter only supports filtering on the NT value of a
notification. This limitation is meant to keep the subscription
functionality at the minimum useful level. It is expected that future
specifications will provide for more flexible subscription search
A SUBSCRIBE method MUST have a scope header unless it is a re-
subscription request. The scope header identifies the resource that the
subscriber wishes to receive notifications about.
The Timeout request header, whose syntax is defined in section 9.8 of
[WEBDAV] MAY be used on a SUBSCRIBE request. The header is used to
request that a subscription live for the specified period of time
before having to be renewed. Subscription arbiters are free to ignore
this header.
A subscription arbiter MUST ignore the body of a SUBSCRIBE request if
it does not understand that body.
A successful response to the SUBSCRIBE method MUST include a Timeout
response header and a SUBID header.
Cohen et al. [Page 8]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
[Add a note that if no Scope header is included then the default is to
treat the Request-URI as the scope.]
[What do you do if someone subscribes to something they are already
subscribed to? The question is tricky because, short of using
authentication, you don’t know who “someone” is and even then, because
multiple programs may be running, you can’t be sure if you are really
talking to the same person. My instinct would be to just give them a
second parallel subscription.]
8.1 Re-Subscribing
When the period of time specified in the Timeout response header passes
the subscription MAY expire. In order to keep the subscription alive
the subscriber MUST issue a SUBSCRIBE method with a SID header set to
the subscription to be re-subscribed. A re-subscribe request MUST NOT
have a NT header but it MAY have a Timeout and/or a Call-Back header.
Note that the value in the Timeout response header will not take into
account the time needed from when the value was generated until it was
passed through the arbiter, put on the wire, sent to the subscriber,
parsed by the subscriber’s system and finally passed to the
subscriber’s program. Hence the value should be taken as an absolute
upper bound. Subscribers are encouraged to re-subscribe a good period
of time before the actual expiration of the subscription.
8.2 Response Codes
200 (OK) - The subscription request has been successfully processed and
a subscription ID assigned.
400 (Bad Request) - A required header is missing.
412 Precondition Failed - Either the subscription arbiter doesn't
support any of the call-backs, doesn't support the NT or doesn't
support the scope. This code is also used on resubscription requests to
indicate that the subscription no longer exists.
8.3 Examples
8.3.1 Subscription
Host: iamthedude:203
NT: ixl:pop
Call-Back: <http://blah/bar:923>
Scope: http://icky/pop
Timeout: Infinite
HTTP/1.1 200 O.K.
Subscription-ID: uuid:kj9d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
Timeout: Second-604800
Cohen et al. [Page 9]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
This subscription request asks the subscription arbiter
http://iamthedude/dude:203 for a subscription on notifications of type
ixl:pop from the resource http://icky/pop.
8.3.2 Re-Subscription
Host: iamthedude:203
Subscription-ID: uuid:kj9d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
Timeout: Infinite
HTTP/1.1 200 O.K.
Subscription-ID: uuid:kj9d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
Timeout: Second-604800
The subscription has been successfully renewed.
The UNSUBSCRIBE method is used to terminate a subscription. The
UNSUBSCRIBE method MUST include a SID header with the value of the
subscription to be un-subscribed.
If the SID identifies a subscription that the subscription arbiter does
not recognize or knows is already expired then the arbiter MUST respond
with a 200 (OK).
9.1 Response Codes
200 (OK) - Unsubscribe succeeded.
412 (Precondition Failed) – The SID was not recognized.
9.2 Example
Host: iamtheproxy:203
SID: uuid:kj9d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
HTTP/1.1 200 O.k.
10 New HTTP Headers
10.1 NT Header
[Think REALLY hard about allowing for multiple values in a NT header]
The NT header is used to indicate the notification type.
NT = "NT" ":" absoluteURI ; See section 3 of [RFC2396]
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INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
10.2 NTS Response Header
The NTS response header is used to indicate the notification sub-type
of a notification.
NTS = "NTS" ":" absoluteURI
10.3 Call-Back Header
The Call-Back header specifies, in order of preference, the means the
subscriber would like the subscription arbiter to use to deliver
Call-Back = "Call-Back" ":" *Coded-URI; See section 9.4 of [WEBDAV]
10.4 Timeout Response Header
The Timeout response header has the same syntax as the Timeout request
header defined in section 9.8 of [WEBDAV]. The subscription arbiter
informs the subscriber how long the subscription arbiter will keep
their subscription active without a re-subscribe using the Timeout
response header.
10.5 SID Header
The SID header contains a subscription ID.
SID = "SID" ":" absoluteURI
10.6 Scope Request Header
The scope request header indicates the resource the subscriber wishes
to receive notifications about.
SCOPE = "Scope" ":" absoluteURI
11 Future Work
This specification defines a minimally useful set of notification
functionality. It does not, however, address three critical issues that
are needed by some notification environments. It is expected that all
of these features can be provided in extension specifications to this
base specification.
The first issue is polling. In some environments, especially those with
intermittent connectivity, it would be desirable for subscription
arbiters to be able to pool up notifications and then to deliver them
when the subscriber asks for them.
The second issue is subscription arbiter to subscription arbiter
communication. It is likely that subscription arbiters will want to
communicate directly with each other in order to efficiently distribute
Cohen et al. [Page 11]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
notifications and subscriptions. This requires provision for
notification routing and loop prevention.
The third issue is support for depth functionality. In some systems one
wishes to receive a notification about a resource and any of its
children as the term is defined in [WEBDAV].
12 Security Considerations
The really horrible security concerns don't start until you build the
subscription arbiter to arbiter protocol. Otherwise the arbiter is very
close to a proxy in that it takes confidential information from a
subscriber and/or notifying resource and is expected to do the right
thing (TM) with it. Authentication and such prevents bogus
notifications and subscriptions.
Another problem is if someone sends in a subscription request with the
call-back pointing at someone else. This could be used for a denial of
service attack. Arbiters should authenticate subscribers and probably
the call-back points as well.]
13 Acknowledgements
Jesus Ruiz-Scougall (Exchange)
Erik Christensen (VB) (Exchange)
Ting Cai
14 IANA Considerations
15 Copyright
The following copyright notice is copied from RFC 2026 [Bradner, 1996],
Section 10.4, and describes the applicable copyright for this document.
Copyright (C) The Internet Society February 10, 1998. All Rights
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and
distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the
copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing
Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined
in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to
translate it into languages other than English.
Cohen et al. [Page 12]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assignees.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
16 Intellectual Property
The following notice is copied from RFC 2026 [Bradner, 1996], Section
10.4, and describes the position of the IETF concerning intellectual
property claims made against this document.
The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain
to the implementation or use other technology described in this
document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or
might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any
effort to identify any such rights. Information on the IETF's
procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and standards-
related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of claims of
rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to
be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general
license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by
implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the
IETF Secretariat.
The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights
which may cover technology that may be required to practice this
standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive
17 References
[Bradner, 1996] S. Bradner, "The Internet Standards Process - Revision
3." RFC 2026, BCP 9. Harvard University. October, 1996.
[HTTPMU] <draft-goland-http-udp-00.txt>
[HTTP11] R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter,
P. Leach and T. Berners-Lee. Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1.
Internet Draft – Work in Progress.
drafts/draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-06.txt, November 18, 1998.
Cohen et al. [Page 13]
INTERNET-DRAFT GENA Base September 6, 2000
18 Authors' Addresses
Josh Cohen, Sonu Aggarwal, Yaron Y. Goland
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Email: {joshco,sonuag,yarong}
Cohen et al. [Page 14]

+ 348
- 0
docs/draft-goland-fxpp-01.txt View File

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UPnP Forum Technical Committee Yaron Y. Goland
Document: draft-goland-fxpp-01.txt CrossGain
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer
Microsoft Corporation
19 June 2000
Flexible XML Processing Profile (FXPP)
Status of this Memo
This document is under review by the UPnP Forum Technical Committee.
It was previously submitted to the IETF as an Internet Draft and has
expired. This document is formatted in a manner consistent with the
IETF formatting guidelines to facilitate possible future
consideration by the IETF.
This document is available on
This document provides an independent reference for the XML
processing profile developed by the WebDAV WG in [RFC2518]. It does
this by copying Section 14 and Appendix 4 as well as examples from
Appendix 3 of [RFC2518] and editing out any WebDAV specific parts.
This document also defines handling of unknown XML attributes.
This information has been broken out into its own independent
reference in order to make it easier for other standards to
reference just the WebDAV XML processing profile without having to
reference the entire WebDAV standard or require their readers to
understand which parts of the profile are WebDAV specific and which
parts are not.
1. Introduction
This document provides an independent reference for the XML
processing profile developed by the WebDAV WG in [RFC2518]. It does
this by copying Section 14 and Appendix 4 as well as examples from
Appendix 3 of [RFC2518] and editing out any WebDAV specific parts.
This document also defines handling of unknown XML attributes.
This information has been broken out into its own independent
reference in order to make it easier for other standards to
reference just the WebDAV XML processing profile without having to
reference the entire WebDAV standard or require their readers to
understand which parts of the profile are WebDAV specific and which
parts are not.
Goland, Schlimmer 1
UPnP Forum FXPP 19 June 2000
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
2. XML Support Requirement
All FXPP compliant systems MUST support [XML].
3. XML Ignore Rule
All FXPP compliant XML processors (a) MUST ignore any unknown XML
element and all its children, and (b) MUST ignore any unknown XML
attribute and its value. This rule may be overridden on an element-
by-element or attribute-by-attribute basis, but implementers should
be aware that systems unfamiliar with the element or attribute will
follow the ignore rule.
4. XML Mime Type Support
A FXPP compliant system MUST be able to both accept and send
text/xml and application/xml.
5. Ordering of XML Elements
Unless the definition of a XML element explicitly specifies
otherwise the ordering of XML elements has no semantic significance
to FXPP compliant systems.
Note to Implementers - A generic FXPP compliant XML processor will
not know which of the elements it is processing have meaningful
ordering. As such, such processors need to maintain the order of
the elements when presenting the parsed information so as not to
loose any meaningful data.
6. XML Namespace Support
All FXPP compliant systems MUST support the XML namespace extensions
as specified in [REC-XML-NAMES].
FXPP compliant XML processors MUST interpret a qualified name as a
URI constructed by appending the LocalPart to the namespace name
<del:glider xmlns:del="">
Johnny Updraft
Goland, Schlimmer 2
UPnP Forum FXPP 19 June 2000
In this example, the qualified element name "del:glider" is
interpreted as the URL "".
<bar:glider xmlns:bar="">
Johnny Updraft
Even though this example is syntactically different from the
previous example, it is semantically identical. Each instance of
the namespace name "bar" is replaced with
"" and then appended to the local name for
each element tag. The resulting tag names in this example are
exactly the same as for the previous example.
<foo:r xmlns:foo="">
Johnny Updraft
This example is semantically identical to the two previous ones.
Each instance of the namespace name "foo" is replaced with
"" which is then appended to the
local name for each element tag, the resulting tag names are
identical to those in the previous examples.
7. XML Element Declaration Syntax
The following format is recommended for FXPP compliant
specifications as a means to provide uniform declaration of XML
The name is the name of the XML element. The Namespace is the
namespace the element belongs to. The purpose is a short
description of the use of the XML element. As DTDs are not very
good at expressing the format of characters inside of an XML element
when an XML element needs to contain formatted pcdata the optional
Value description will be used to provide a BNF for the character
data. At the end of the template is the ELEMENT DTD declaration for
the element.
8. Notes on Empty XML Elements
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UPnP Forum FXPP 19 June 2000
XML supports two mechanisms for indicating that an XML element does
not have any content. The first is to declare an XML element of the
form <A></A>. The second is to declare an XML element of the form
<A/>. The two XML elements are semantically identical.
It is a violation of the XML specification to use the <A></A> form
if the associated DTD declares the element to be EMPTY (e.g.,
<!ELEMENT A EMPTY>). If such a statement is included, then the
empty element format, <A/> must be used. If the element is not
declared to be EMPTY, then either form <A></A> or <A/> may be used
for empty elements.
9. Notes on Illegal XML Processing
XML is a flexible data format that makes it easy to submit data that
appears legal but in fact is not. The philosophy of "Be flexible in
what you accept and strict in what you send" still applies, but it
must not be applied inappropriately. XML is extremely flexible in
dealing with issues of white space, element ordering, inserting new
elements, etc. This flexibility does not require extension,
especially not in the area of the meaning of elements.
There is no kindness in accepting illegal combinations of XML
elements. At best it will cause an unwanted result and at worst it
can cause real damage.
9.1. Example - XML Syntax Error
The following request body for a WebDAV PROPFIND method is illegal.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:">
The definition of the propfind element only allows for the allprop
or the propname element, not both. Thus the above is an error and
must be responded to with a 400 (Bad Request).
Imagine, however, that a server wanted to be "kind" and decided to
pick the allprop element as the true element and respond to it. A
client running over a bandwidth limited line who intended to execute
a propname would be in for a big surprise if the server treated the
command as an allprop.
Additionally, if a server were lenient and decided to reply to this
request, the results would vary randomly from server to server, with
some servers executing the allprop directive, and others executing
the propname directive. This reduces interoperability rather than
increasing it.
Goland, Schlimmer 4
UPnP Forum FXPP 19 June 2000
9.2. Example - Unknown XML Element
The previous example was illegal because it contained two elements
that were explicitly banned from appearing together in the propfind
element. However, XML is an extensible language, so one can imagine
new elements being defined for use with propfind. Below is the
request body of a PROPFIND and, like the previous example, must be
rejected with a 400 (Bad Request) by a server that does not
understand the expired-props element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"
To understand why a 400 (Bad Request) is returned let us look at the
request body as the server unfamiliar with expired-props sees it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"
As the server does not understand the expired-props element,
according to the WebDAV-specific XML processing rules specified in
section 14 of [RFC 2518], it must ignore it. Thus the server sees
an empty propfind, which by the definition of the propfind element
is illegal.
Please note that had the extension been additive it would not
necessarily have resulted in a 400 (Bad Request). For example,
imagine the following request body for a PROPFIND:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"
The previous example contains the fictitious element leave-out. Its
purpose is to prevent the return of any property whose name matches
the submitted pattern. If the previous example were submitted to a
server unfamiliar with leave-out, the only result would be that the
leave-out element would be ignored and a propname would be executed.
10. References
[RFC2119] S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels. RFC 2119, March 1997.
Goland, Schlimmer 5
UPnP Forum FXPP 19 June 2000
[RFC2068] R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, and T.
Berners-Lee. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. RFC 2068,
January 1997.
[RFC2158] Y. Goland, E. Whitehead, A. Faizi, S. Carter, and D.
Jensen. HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV. RFC 2518,
February 1999.
[XML] T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, "Extensible Markup
Language (XML)." World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation REC-xml-
11. Author's Addresses
Yaron Y. Goland
2039 152nd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Goland, Schlimmer 6

+ 928
- 0
docs/draft-goland-http-udp-04.txt View File

@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
UPnP Forum Technical Committee Yaron Y. Goland
Document: draft-goland-http-udp-04.txt CrossGain
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer
02 October 2000
Multicast and Unicast UDP HTTP Messages
Status of this Memo
This document is under review by the UPnP Forum Technical Committee.
It was previously submitted to the IETF as an Internet Draft and has
expired. This document is formatted in a manner consistent with the
IETF formatting guidelines to facilitate possible future
consideration by the IETF.
This document is available on
This document provides rules for encapsulating HTTP messages in
multicast and unicast UDP packets to be sent within a single
administrative scope. No provisions are made for guaranteeing
delivery beyond re-broadcasting.
1. Introduction
This document provides rules for encapsulating HTTP messages in
multicast and unicast UDP messages. No provisions are made for
guaranteeing delivery beyond re-broadcasting.
This technology is motivated by applications such as SSDP where it
is expected that messages which are primarily transmitted over TCP
HTTP need to be transmitted over Multicast or Unicast UDP, because
of the unique requirements of extremely lightweight servers.
This document will not specify a mechanism suitable for replacing
HTTP over TCP. Rather this document will define a limited mechanism
only suitable for extreme circumstances where the use of TCP is
impossible. Thus this mechanism will not have the robustness of
functionality and congestion control provided by TCP. It is expected
that in practice the mechanisms specified here in will only be used
as a means to get to TCP based HTTP communications.
2. Changes
2.1. Since 00
Divided each section of the spec into three parts, problem
definition, proposed solution and design rationale. When the spec is
ready for standardization the problem definition and design
rationale sections will be removed. Design rationale is presented in
Goland, Schlimmer 1
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
question/answer form because I have found that to be very effective
in addressing design issues.
Clarified that a HTTPU/HTTPMU URI without an abs_path translates to
"*" in the request-URI.
Added the S header to allow request and responses to be associated.
Note that while clients aren't required to send out S headers,
servers are required to return them.
Got rid of MM. The lower bound is always 0.
The introduction of the S header makes proxying and caching possible
so the sections on those topics have been expanded, but they should
be considered experimental at best.
2.2. Since 02
Added requirement for HTTP/1.1 as the version identifier in the
request line. (See section on HTTP Version in Request Line.)
Removed requirement that requests without an S header MUST NOT be
responded to. (See section on Unicast UDP HTTP Messages.)
Clarified that a server should respond to each request it receives
but not duplicate those responses. (See section on Retrying
Clarified caching when responding to repeated requests. (See section
on Caching.)
Expanded that if a server has > 1 response per HTTPMU request, it
should spread them out. (See section on MX header.)
Tied behavior of duplicate responses with the same S header value to
the semantics of the method (was discard duplicates). (See section
on S header.)
Outlined initial security considerations. (See section on Security.)
2.3. Since 03
Clarified the "no abs_path" requirement for HTTPU/HTTPMU request-
Clarified use of "*" as a request-URI.
Removed requirement for HTTPU/HTTPMU servers to support "chunked"
3. Terminology
Since this document describes a set of extensions to the HTTP/1.1
protocol, the augmented BNF used herein to describe protocol
Goland, Schlimmer 2
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elements is exactly the same as described in section 2.1 of
[RFC2616]. Since this augmented BNF uses the basic production rules
provided in section 2.2 of [RFC2616], these rules apply to this
document as well.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].
4.1. Problem Definition
A mechanism is needed to allow for communications that are to be
sent over Unicast UDP HTTP to be identified in the URI namespace.
4.2. Proposed Solution
The HTTPU URL specifies that the HTTP request be sent over unicast
UDP according to the rules laid out in this document.
HTTPU_URL = "HTTPU:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs path [ "?" query]]
The BNF productions host, port and abs path are defined in
The syntax of the HTTPU URL is to be processed identically to the
HTTP URL with the exception of the transport.
One MUST NOT assume that if a HTTP, HTTPU or HTTPMU URL are
identical in all ways save the protocol that they necessarily point
to the same resource.
4.3. Design Rationale
4.3.1. Why would we ever need a HTTPU/HTTPMU URL?
Imagine one wants to tell a system to send responses over HTTPU. How
would one express this? If one uses a HTTP URL there is no way for
the system to understand that you really meant HTTPU.
5.1. Problem Definition
A mechanism is needed to allow for communications that are to be
sent over Multicast UDP HTTP to be identified in the URI namespace.
5.2. Proposed Solution
The HTTPMU URL specifies that the HTTP request that HTTP request is
to be sent over multicast UDP according to the rules laid out in
this document.
Goland, Schlimmer 3
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HTTPMU_URL = "HTTPMU:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs path [ "?"
The BNF productions host, port and abs path are defined in
The syntax of the HTTPMU URL is to be processed identically to the
HTTP URL with the exception of the transport.
One MUST NOT assume that if a HTTP, HTTPU or HTTPMU URL are
identical in all ways save the protocol that they necessarily point
to the same resource.
If a HTTPMU URL does not have an abs path element then when the HTTP
multicast UDP request is made the request-URI MUST be "*".
For example, HTTPU:// would translate into a request-URI
of "*". A request-URI of HTTPU:// would still translate
to the absoluteURI "HTTPU://".
5.3. Design Rationale
5.3.1. In the HTTPMU URL a request such as is
translated to a "*" in the request-URI rather than a "/", why
isn't the same the case for HTTPU?
A HTTPU request is a point-to-point request. There is one sender and
one receiver. Thus the semantics of the URL are identical to HTTP
with the exception of the transport.
Generally, a HTTPMU client will want to send its request to many
receivers at once, where each receiver represents a different set of
resources. A client can specify this in the HTTPMU request itself by
using the request-URI "*". Unfortunately, there is no present way to
construct an HTTP URL that will have this request-URI. As such, a
mechanism had to be added.
5.3.2. Why would an HTTPMU client want to use a request-URI of "*"
In TCP HTTP, the client will often specify a single resource on
which the request should operate. For example, a GET of the URL should retrieve the resource at that single,
well-defined location.
One big reason for a client to send a request over multicast UDP,
though, is the ability to send a request to many receivers at once,
even when the number of receivers is not known.
Specifying an absoluteURI in the request, though, would defeat this;
all receivers without that exact resource would be forced to reject
the request.
Goland, Schlimmer 4
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By specifying a request-URI of "*" client signifies that the request
"does not apply to a particular resource, but to the server itself,
and is only allowed when the method used does not necessarily apply
to a resource." [RFC 2616]
5.3.3. So when would an HTTPMU client want to use a request-URI other
than "*"?
This may be useful when a client knows the URI for the resource, but
not the server on which the resource lives. If the client knows
both, though, it is expected that TCP HTTP or HTTPU would be used.
Servers MUST NOT assume that an HTTPMU request containing an
absoluteURI necessarily refers to the same resource as a HTTPU
request with the same absoluteURI. For example, servers that support
both HTTPMU and HTTPU may reject a request for a particular resource
when received through HTTPMU, but accept it when received through
6. HTTP Version in Request Line
6.1. Problem Definition
A message format identifier is needed for the HTTPU and HTTPMU
request lines.
6.2. Proposed Solution
Request lines for HTTPU and HTTPMU requests MUST use HTTP/1.1 as the
Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP/1.1 CRLF
The BNF production Method is defined in [RFC2616].
6.3. Design Rationale
6.3.1. Why not define separate HTTPU and HTTPMU versions?
While HTTP/1.1 does hint at underlying features (like pipelining),
it principally specifies a message format. HTTPU and HTTPMU use the
same message format as defined by HTTP/1.1. Reusing this message
format identifier enables syntactic parsing / generating of HTTPU
and HTTPMU request by existing HTTP message mungers.
6.3.2. If the version in the request line is the same as an HTTP
request, once a request was stored, how could one distinguish an
HTTPU (or HTTPMU) request from an HTTP request?
7. Unicast UDP HTTP Messages
Goland, Schlimmer 5
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
7.1. Problem Definition
A mechanism is needed to send HTTP messages over the unicast UDP
7.2. Proposed Solution
HTTP messages sent over unicast UDP function identically to HTTP
messages sent over TCP as defined in [RFC2616] except as specified
For brevity's sake HTTP messages sent over unicast UDP will be
referred to as HTTPU messages.
HTTPU messages MUST fit entirely in a single UDP message. If a HTTPU
message can not be fit into a single UDP message then it MUST NOT be
sent using unicast UDP. Incomplete HTTPU messages SHOULD be ignored.
The request-URI of a HTTPU message MUST always be fully qualified.
A single unicast UDP message MUST only contain a single HTTPU
message. As such, an HTTPU server MAY reject messages with "chunked"
When responding to a HTTPU request with an S header the rules for
the proper handling of S headers, as specified below MUST be
7.3. Design Rationale
See also the subsection on the S header below for the design
rationale of the S header.
7.3.1. Why can't a single HTTP message be sent over multiple UDP
The ability to send unlimited size messages across the Internet is
one of the key features of TCP. The goal of this paper is not to
reinvent TCP but rather to provide a very simple emergency back up
HTTP system that can leverage UDP where TCP cannot be used. As such
features to allow a single HTTP message to span multiple UDP
messages is not provided.
7.3.2. Why are request-URIs sent over HTTPU required to be fully
A relative URI in a HTTP message is assumed to be relative to a HTTP
URL. However this would clearly be inappropriate for a HTTPU or
HTTPMU message. The easiest solution would be to simply state that a
relative URI is relative to the type of message it was sent in. But
one of the goals of this draft is to allow current HTTP message
processors to be able to munch on HTTPU/HTTPMU messages and this
would cause a change to those processors.
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The cost of this simplification is that you repeat the host
information, once in the URI and once in the host header.
But again, taking out the host header would make a lot of existing
HTTP message munchers very unhappy.
7.3.3. Why is the requirement for ignoring incomplete HTTPU messages a
SHOULD instead of a MUST?
Some systems use a lot of redundant data or have good mechanisms for
handling partial data. As such they could actually do something
intelligent with a partial message. A SHOULD allows them to do this
while still making it clear that in the majority case partial
HTTPU/HTTPMU messages are going to get thrown out.
7.3.4. Why aren't multiple HTTP messages allowed into a single UDP
message if they will fit?
It was easier to ban it, and it didn't seem to buy us much. It was
especially worrying because it would start to convince people that
they could actually order their UDP requests in a pipelinesque
manner. It was easier to just keep things simple and ban it.
7.3.5. Why aren't we allowed to leave off content-lengths if only a
single HTTPU message is allowed in a UDP message?
In general we try to only change from RFC 2616 when we are forced
to. Although including a content-length is annoying it makes it easy
to use HTTP/1.1 message parsing/generating systems with this spec.
7.3.6. Why might a HTTPU message choose to not have an S header?
Leaving off the S header would be useful for throwaway events. In
systems with a high event rate it is usually easier to just throw
away an event rather than re-sending it. As such there is no real
benefit to correlating unnecessary responses with requests.
7.3.7. Why isn't the MX header used on HTTPU messages?
As HTTPU messages are point-to-point there will be exactly one
response. MX is only useful in cases, such as HTTPMU requests, where
there can be many potential responses from numerous different
clients. MX helps to prevent the client from getting creamed with
7.3.8. Can I send 1xx responses over HTTPU?
Yes. Error handling is identical to RFC 2616.
8. Multicast UDP HTTP Requests
8.1. Problem Definition
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A mechanism is needed to send HTTP messages over the multicast UDP
8.2. Proposed Solution
HTTP messages sent over multicast UDP MUST obey all the requirements
for HTTPU messages in addition to the requirements provided below.
For brevity's sake HTTP messages sent over multicast UDP will be
referred to as HTTPMU messages.
Resources that support receiving multicast UDP HTTP requests MUST
honor the MX header if included in the request.
If a resource has a single response, it MUST generate a random
number between 0 and MX that represents the number of seconds the
resource MUST wait before sending a response. If a resource has
multiple responses per request, it SHOULD send these resources
spread over the interval [0..MX]. This prevents all responses from
being sent at once.
HTTP clients SHOULD keep listening for responses for a reasonable
delta of time after MX. That delta will be based on the type of
network the request is being sent over. This means that if a server
cannot respond to a request before MX then there is little point in
sending the response, as the client will most likely not be
listening for it.
When used with a multicast UDP HTTP request, the "*" request-URI
means "to everyone who is listening to this IP address and port."
A HTTPMU request without a MX header MUST NOT be responded to.
8.3. Design Rationale
8.3.1. Why is there a "delta" after the MX time when the client should
still be listening?
So let's say the MX value is 5 seconds. The HTTP resource generates
a number between 0 and 5 and gets 5. After 5 seconds of waiting the
HTTP resource will send its response.
Now for some math:
0.5 seconds - Time it took the client's request to reach
the HTTP resource.
5 seconds - Time the HTTP resource waited after
receiving the message to respond, based on
the MX value.
0.5 seconds - Time for the response to get back to the
Total time elapsed - 6 seconds
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If the client only waits 5 seconds, the MX value, then they would
have stopped listening for this response by the time it arrived,
hence the need for the delta.
8.3.2. What should the "delta" after MX expires be?
Unfortunately this is an impossible question to answer. How fast is
your network? How far is the message going? Is there any congestion?
In general delta values will be set based on a combination of
heuristics and application necessity. That is, if you are displaying
information to a user any data that comes in after 20 or 30 seconds
is probably too late.
8.3.3. When would a HTTPMU request not be responded to?
When a HTTP resource is making a general announcement, such as "I am
here", it generally isn't useful to have everyone respond confirming
they received the message. This is especially the case given that
the HTTP resource probably doesn't know who should have received the
announcement so the absence of a HTTP client in the responses
wouldn't be meaningful.
Whether a particular request requires a response is dependant on the
application, and is beyond the scope of this specification.
8.3.4. Why do we require the MX header on HTTPMU requests that are to
be responded to?
This is to prevent overloading the HTTP client. If all the HTTP
resources responded simultaneously the client would probably loose
most of the responses as its UDP buffer overflowed.
9. Retrying Requests
9.1. Problem Definition
UDP is an unreliable transport with no failure indicators; as such
some mechanism is needed to reasonably increase the chance that a
HTTPU/HTTPMU message will be delivered.
9.2. Proposed Solution
UDP is an inherently unreliable transport and subject to routers
dropping packets without notice. Applications requiring delivery
guarantees SHOULD NOT use HTTPU or HTTPMU.
In order to increase the probability that a HTTPU or HTTPMU message
is delivered the message MAY be repeated several times. If a
multicast resource would send a response(s) to any copy of the
request, it SHOULD send its response(s) to each copy of the request
it receives. It MUST NOT repeat its response(s) per copy of the
Goland, Schlimmer 9
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In order to prevent the network from being flooded a message SHOULD
NOT be repeated more than MAX_RETRIES time. A random period of time
between 0 and MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL SHOULD be selected between each
retry to determine how long to wait before issuing the retry.
9.3. Design Rationale
9.3.1. Why is the requirement "applications requiring delivery
guarantees should not use HTTPU or HTTPMU" only a SHOULD and not
Because there might come a day when it makes sense to use HTTPU or
HTTPMU for guaranteed delivery and there is no reason to completely
ban the possibility.
9.3.2. Why is the requirement that a request not be repeated more than
MAX_RETRIES times a SHOULD and not a MUST?
Local knowledge may make the limit unnecessary. For example, if one
knew that the message was being delivered using a super reliable
network then repeats are not necessary. Similarly if one knew that
the network the requests were going through were particularly
unreliable and assuming one had properly accounted for the effects
of additional messages on that congestion, one might have a good
reason to send more than MAX_RETRIES.
9.3.3. Why SHOULD multicast resources respond to each copy of a request
it receives?
Because the earlier responses might have been lost.
9.3.4. Why MUST multicast resources not repeat its response(s) to each
copy of a request it receives?
This strategy provides the lowest network loading for any desired
level of reliability, or equivalently, the highest reliability for
any specified level of network loading.
10. Caching
10.1. Problem Definition
Caching is a feature that has demonstrated its usefulness in HTTP,
provisions need to be made to ensure that HTTPU/HTTPMU messages can
be cached using a consistent algorithm.
10.2. Proposed Solution
[Ed. Note: Never having tried to actually build a HTTPU/HTTPMU
generic cache we suspect there are some very serious gotchas here
that we just haven't found yet. This section should definitely be
treated as "under development."]
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Caching rules for HTTPU/HTTPMU responses are no different than
normal HTTP responses. HTTPU/HTTPMU responses are matched to their
requests through the S header value.
When responding to a multicast request, a resource MAY cache its
response(s) and retransmit from the cache in response to duplicate
10.3. Design Rationale
10.3.1. Wouldn't it be useful to be able to cache HTTPU/HTTPMU requests
if they don't have responses?
Yes, it probably would, especially if we are talking about a client-
side cache. It is probably worth investigating the use of cache
control headers on requests for this very purpose.
11. Proxying UDP HTTP Requests
11.1. Problem Definition
For security or caching reasons it is sometimes necessary to place a
proxy in a message path. Provisions need to be made to ensure that
HTTPU/HTTPMU messages can be proxied.
11.2. Proposed Solution
[Ed. Note: This section should be considered experimental. No one
has really had to design much less implement a HTTPU/HTTPMU proxy
All transport independent rules for proxying, such as length of time
to cache a response, hop-by-hop header rules, etc. are the same for
HTTPU/HTTPMU as they are for HTTP messages.
[Ed. Note: I'm not sure how far to go into the "transport
independent rules". The RFC 2616 doesn't really call them out very
well but I also don't want to have to re-write RFC 2616 spec inside
this spec.]
The transport dependent rules, however, are different. For example,
using TCP any pipelined messages are guaranteed to be delivered in
order. There are no ordering guarantees of any form for HTTPU/HTTPMU
In general a proxy is required to forward a HTTPU/HTTPMU message
exactly once. It SHOULD NOT repeat the message. Rather the client is
expected to repeat the message and, as the proxy receives the
repeats, they will be forwarded.
Note that it is acceptable, if not encouraged, for proxies to
analyze network conditions and determine the likelihood, on both
incoming and outgoing connections, of UDP messages being dropped. If
Goland, Schlimmer 11
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the likelihood is too high then it would be expected for the proxy,
taking into consideration the possibility of making congestion even
worse, to repeat requests and responses on its own. In a sense the
proxy could be thought of as a signal regenerator. This is why the
prohibition against repeating messages is a SHOULD NOT rather than a
HTTPMU messages are sent with the assumption that the message will
only be seen by the multicast address they were sent to. Thus when a
proxy forwards the request it is expected to only do so to the
appropriate multicast channel. Note, however, that proxies may act
as multicast bridges.
Also note that proxied HTTPMU messages with a HTTPMU URL without an
absolute path are to be treated as if they were sent to the
specified multicast address with the request-URI "*".
If a HTTPMU request is sent with a host that does not resolve to a
multicast address then the request MUST be rejected with a 400 Bad
Request error.
There is no requirement that a HTTPU proxy support HTTPMU or vice
11.3. Design Rationale
11.3.1. Why would anyone proxy HTTPMU requests?
Proxying HTTPMU requests can be a neat way to create virtual
multicast channels. Just hook a bunch of proxies together with
unicast connections and tell the proxies' users that they are all on
the same multicast scope.
12. HTTP Headers
12.1. AL (Alternate Location) General Header
12.1.1. Problem Definition
There are many instances in which a system needs to provide location
information using multiple URIs. The LOCATION header only allows a
single URI. Therefore a mechanism is needed to allow multiple
location URIs to be returned.
12.1.2. Proposed Solution
AL = "AL" ":" 1*("<" AbsoluteURI ">") ; AbsoluteURI is defined in
section 3.2.1 of [RFC2616]
The AL header is an extension of the LOCATION header whose semantics
are the same as the LOCATION header. That is, the AL header allows
one to return multiple locations where as the LOCATION header allows
one to return only one. The contents of an AL header are ordered. If
Goland, Schlimmer 12
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
both a LOCATION header and an AL header are included in the same
message then the URI in the LOCATION header is to be treated as if
it were the first entry in the AL header. The AL header MAY be used
by itself but implementers should be aware that existing systems
will ignore the header.
12.1.3. Design Rationale Why not just fix the BNF for the LOCATION header?
This is tempting but the goal of maintaining compatibility with RFC
2616's message format overrides the usefulness of this solution.
12.2. MX Request Header
12.2.1. Problem Definition
A mechanism is needed to ensure that responses to HTTPMU requests do
not come at a rate greater than the requestor can handle.
12.2.2. Proposed Solution
MX = "MX" ":" Integer
Integer = First_digit *More_digits
First_digit = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
More_digits = "0" | First_digit
The value of the MX header indicates the maximum number of seconds
that a multicast UDP HTTP resource MUST wait before it sends a
response stimulated by a multicast request.
HTTP resources MAY treat any MX header value greater than MX_MAX as
being equal to MX_MAX.
12.2.3. Design Rationale Why is MX in seconds?
In practice wait periods shorter than a second proved useless and
longer proved too coarse. Of course as faster networks get deployed
finer-grain times would be useful, but we need a compromise
measurement that will meet everyone's needs. Seconds seem to do that
quite well. Couldn't MX still overload the requestor if there are too
many responders?
Absolutely. If there are a 100,000 clients that want to respond even
pushing them over 30 seconds on a 10 Mbps link is still going to
blow both the client and the network away. However the only way to
prevent these sorts of situations is to know the current available
network bandwidth and the total number of likely responders ahead of
Goland, Schlimmer 13
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
time. Both generally prove between difficult to impossible to figure
out. So we are left with heuristics and the MX header.
12.3. S (Sequence) General Header
12.3.1. Problem Definition
A mechanism is needed to associate HTTPU/HTTPMU requests with
responses, as UDP does not have any connection semantics.
12.3.2. Proposed Solution
S = "S" ":" AbsoluteURI
The S header is a URI that is unique across the entire URI namespace
for all time. When an S header is sent on a HTTPU/HTTPMU request it
MUST be returned, with the same value, on the response.
If a client receives multiple responses with the same S header then
the client MAY assume that all the responses are in response to the
same request. If the messages differ from each other then the client
MUST behave based on the specification of the request method.
12.3.3. Design Rationale Why do we need the S header?
Without an S header the only way to match requests with responses is
to ensure that there is enough information in the response to know
what request it was intended to answer. Even in that case it is
still possible to confuse which request a response goes to if it
does not have the equivalent of an S header. Why aren't S headers mandatory on all requests with a
Some systems don't need them. Why aren't S headers guaranteed to be sequential so you could
do ordering?
Because HTTPU/HTTPMU is not interested in ordering. If one wants
ordering one should use TCP. Do S headers allow detecting and removing duplicates?
Yes, for methods (like GET) that define a single responses to a
request. No, for methods (like SEARCH) that define multiple
responses to a request.
13. Interaction of HTTP, HTTPU and HTTPMU Messages
13.1. Problem Definition
Goland, Schlimmer 14
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
[Ed. Note: Concerns include HTTPU request redirected to HTTP? > 1
HTTPU responses to 1 HTTPMU request?]
13.2. Proposed Solution
13.3. Design Rationale
14. Security Considerations
All the normal HTTP security considerations apply.
14.1. Cookies
There is no danger that the S header will be used as a cookie since
the client generates it, and the server returns it. (A cookie is
generated by a server and returned by the client.)
14.2. Spoofing
Servers and multicast resources could fake S headers, but this is
not a major threat if some form of authentication over UDP is used.
(Defining authentication over UDP is beyond the scope of this
document, but briefly, one could assume the challenge and send the
authentication response as part of the HTTPU/MU request.)
14.3. Lost Requests
14.4. Oversized Requests
15. Acknowledgements
Thanks to John Stracke for his excellent comments. Dale Worley
devised the single-response-per-each-copy-of-request mechanism
outlined in the section on Retrying Requests. Chris Rude clarified
request URI rules.
16. Constants
MAX_MX - 120 seconds
17. Reference
Goland, Schlimmer 15
UPnP Forum UDP HTTP 24 Aug 2000
[RFC2119] S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels. RFC 2119, March 1997.
[RFC2616] R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L.
Masinter, P. Leach and T. Berners-Lee. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -
HTTP/1.1. RFC 2616, November 1998.
18. Authors' Address
Yaron Y. Goland
2039 152nd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Goland, Schlimmer 16

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<name>RecordMediumWriteStatus </name>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AVTransportURI</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AVTransportURIMetaData</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>NextAVTransportURI</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>NextAVTransportURIMetaData</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>NumberOfTracks</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentMediaDuration</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AVTransportURI</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AVTransportURIMetaData</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>NextAVTransportURI</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>NextAVTransportURIMetaData</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>PlaybackStorageMedium</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>RecordStorageMedium</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>RecordMediumWriteStatus </relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>TransportState</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>TransportStatus</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>TransportPlaySpeed</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentTrack</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentTrackDuration</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentTrackMetaData</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentTrackURI</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>RelativeTimePosition</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AbsoluteTimePosition</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>RelativeCounterPosition</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>AbsoluteCounterPosition</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>PossibleRecordStorageMedia</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>PossibleRecordQualityModes</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentPlayMode</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentRecordQualityMode</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>TransportPlaySpeed</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentPlayMode</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentRecordQualityMode</relatedStateVariable>
<action> <Optional/>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentTransportActions</relatedStateVariable>

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<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>SourceProtocolInfo</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>SinkProtocolInfo</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ProtocolInfo</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionManager</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_Direction</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_AVTransportID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_RcsID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>CurrentConnectionIDs</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>in</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_RcsID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_AVTransportID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ProtocolInfo</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionManager</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_Direction</relatedStateVariable>
<direction>out</direction> <relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus</relatedStateVariable>

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<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_ObjectID</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_Result</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_SearchCriteria</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_SortCriteria</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_Index</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_Count</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_UpdateID</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferID</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferLength</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferTotal</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_TagValueList</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<stateVariable> <Optional/>
<relatedStateVariable>SearchCapabilities </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_SearchCriteria </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TagValueList </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TagValueList </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferID </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferID </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferID </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferID </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus </relatedStateVariable>
<relatedStateVariable>A_ARG_TYPE_TransferLength </relatedStateVariable>

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<name>PresetNameList</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>LastChange</name> <sendEventsAttribute>yes</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Brightness</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Contrast</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Sharpness</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>RedVideoGain</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>GreenVideoGain</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>BlueVideoGain</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>RedVideoBlackLevel</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>GreenVideoBlackLevel</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>BlueVideoBlackLevel</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>ColorTemperature</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>HorizontalKeystone</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>VerticalKeystone</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Mute</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Volume</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>VolumeDB</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>Loudness</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_Channel</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName</name> <sendEventsAttribute>no</sendEventsAttribute>
<name>GetColorTemperature </name>

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<Category>Valid Action And Valid InArgs</Category>
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&lt;item id="" parentID="0" restricted="false"&gt;
&lt;dc:title&gt;Test Object - CDS Syntax Text Case #6&lt;/dc:title&gt;
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