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remove unused class...

add support for coercion..

now that tags are not part of the enc_ function, make enc_set
an alias for enc_list...

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/python/pypasn1/main/": change = 1827]
John-Mark Gurney 9 years ago
1 changed files with 67 additions and 16 deletions
  1. +67

+ 67
- 16 View File

@@ -77,17 +77,29 @@ class TestSplitFloat(unittest.TestCase):
(0x1fa8c3b094adf1, 971) ]:
self.assertEqual(_splitfloat(a * 2**b), (a, b))

class ASN1Object:
def __init__(self, tag):
self._tag = tag

class ASN1Coder(object):
'''A class that contains an PASN.1 encoder/decoder.

Exports two methods, loads and dumps.'''

def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, coerce=None):
'''If the arg coerce is provided, when dumping the object,
if the type is not found, the coerce function will be called
with the obj. It is expected to return a tuple of a string
and an object that has the method w/ the string as defined:
'bool': __nonzero__
'dict': iteritems
'float': compatible w/ float
'int': compatible w/ int
'list': __iter__
'set': __iter__
'bytes': __str__
'null': no method needed
'unicode': encode method returns UTF-8 encoded bytes
'datetime': strftime and microsecond

self.coerce = coerce

_typemap = {
bool: 'bool',
@@ -189,14 +201,6 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):

return r, vend

def enc_set(self, obj):
r = ''.join(self.dumps(x) for x in obj)
return _encodelen(len(r)) + r

def dec_set(self, d, pos, end):
r, end = self.dec_list(d, pos, end)
return set(r), end

def enc_list(self, obj):
r = ''.join(self.dumps(x) for x in obj)
return _encodelen(len(r)) + r
@@ -213,9 +217,15 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):

return r, vend

enc_set = enc_list

def dec_set(self, d, pos, end):
r, end = self.dec_list(d, pos, end)
return set(r), end

def enc_bytes(obj):
return _encodelen(len(obj)) + obj
return _encodelen(len(obj)) + bytes(obj)

def dec_bytes(d, pos, end):
@@ -311,7 +321,14 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):
def dumps(self, obj):
'''Convert obj into a string.'''

tf = self._typemap[type(obj)]
tf = self._typemap[type(obj)]
except KeyError:
if self.coerce is None:

tf, obj = self.coerce(obj)

fun = getattr(self, 'enc_%s' % tf)
return self._typetag[tf] + fun(obj)

@@ -520,5 +537,39 @@ class TestCode(unittest.TestCase):
out = dumps(tobj)
self.assertEqual(tobj, loads(out))

def test_coerce(self):
class Foo:

class Bar:

class Baz:
def coerce(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Foo):
return 'list', obj.lst
elif isinstance(obj, Baz):
return 'bytes', obj.s

raise TypeError('unknown type')

ac = ASN1Coder(coerce)

v = [1, 2, 3]
o = Foo()
o.lst = v

self.assertEqual(ac.loads(ac.dumps(o)), v)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ac.dumps, Bar())

v = u'oiejfd'
o = Baz()
o.s = v

es = ac.dumps(o)
self.assertEqual(ac.loads(es), v)
self.assertIsInstance(es, bytes)

def test_loads(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, loads, '\x00\x02\x00')
