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add a test that fuzzes the loading process to make sure that

any changes to the laod string is either caught, or makes a
change to the returned objects...

Add a few tests found by the fuzzing routines to make sure
they are continue to be detected even if fuzzing is turned off..

fixes caught, reading past end of list, set and dict... Various float
parameters now raise errors when invalid..

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/python/pypasn1/main/": change = 1823]
John-Mark Gurney 9 years ago
1 changed files with 95 additions and 6 deletions
  1. +95

+ 95
- 6 View File

@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import pdb
import sys
import unittest

__all__ = [ 'dumps', 'loads', 'ASN1Coder' ]

def _numtostr(n):
hs = '%x' % n
if len(hs) & 1 == 1:
@@ -165,9 +167,14 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):

def dec_dict(self, d, pos, end):
r = {}
vend = pos
while pos < end:
k, kend = self._loads(d, pos, end)
#if kend > end:
# raise ValueError('key past end')
v, vend = self._loads(d, kend, end)
if vend > end:
raise ValueError('value past end')

r[k] = v
pos = vend
@@ -188,8 +195,11 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):

def dec_list(self, d, pos, end):
r = []
vend = pos
while pos < end:
v, vend = self._loads(d, pos, end)
if vend > end:
raise ValueError('load past end')
pos = vend

@@ -262,15 +272,21 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):
return float('nan'), end
elif v == 0b01000011:
return float('-0'), end
elif v & 0b110000:
raise ValueError('base must be 2')
elif v & 0b1100:
raise ValueError('scaling factor must be 0')
elif v & 0b11000000 == 0:
raise ValueError('decimal encoding not supported')
#elif v & 0b11000000 == 0b01000000:
# raise ValueError('invalid encoding')

if not (v & 0b10000000):
raise NotImplementedError

if v & 3 == 3:
pexp = pos + 2
eexp = pos + 2 + ord(d[pos + 1])
explen = ord(d[pos + 1])
if explen <= 3:
raise ValueError('must use other length encoding')
eexp = pos + 2 + explen
pexp = pos + 1
eexp = pos + 1 + (v & 3) + 1
@@ -311,6 +327,62 @@ class ASN1Coder(object):
raise ValueError('entire string not consumed')
return r

def deeptypecmp(obj, o):
#print 'dtc:', `obj`, `o`
if type(obj) != type(o):
return False
if type(obj) in (str, unicode):
return True

if type(obj) in (list, set):
for i, j in zip(obj, o):
if not deeptypecmp(i, j):
return False

if type(obj) in (dict,):
itms = obj.items()
nitms = o.items()
for (k, v), (nk, nv) in zip(itms, nitms):
if not deeptypecmp(k, nk):
return False
if not deeptypecmp(v, nv):
return False
return True

class Test_deeptypecmp(unittest.TestCase):
def test_true(self):
for i in ((1,1), ('sldkfj', 'sldkfj')

def test_false(self):
for i in (([[]], [{}]), ([1], ['str']), ([], set()),
({1: 2, 5: u'sdlkfj'}, {1: 2, 5: 'sdlkfj'}),
({1: 2, u'sdlkfj': 5}, {1: 2, 'sdlkfj': 5}),

def genfailures(obj):
s = dumps(obj)
for i in xrange(len(s)):
for j in (chr(x) for x in xrange(256)):
ts = s[:i] + j + s[i + 1:]
if ts == s:
o = loads(ts, consume=True)
if o != obj or not deeptypecmp(o, obj):
raise ValueError
except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError):
except Exception:
raise AssertionError('uncaught modification: %s, byte %d, orig: %02x' % (ts.encode('hex'), i, ord(s[i])))

_coder = ASN1Coder()
dumps = _coder.dumps
loads = _coder.loads
@@ -332,6 +404,12 @@ class TestCode(unittest.TestCase):

self.assertEqual(dumps(.15625), '090380fb05'.decode('hex'))

def test_fuzzing(self):
genfailures([ 1, 2, 'sdlkfj' ])
genfailures({ 1: 2, 5: 'sdlkfj' })
genfailures(set([ 1, 2, 'sdlkfj' ]))

def test_consume(self):
b = dumps(5)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, loads, b + '398473', consume=True)
@@ -349,7 +427,16 @@ class TestCode(unittest.TestCase):

def test_invalids(self):
# Add tests for base 8, 16 floats among others
for v in [ '010101', ]:
for v in [ '010101',
'0903040001', # float scaling factor
'0903840001', # float scaling factor
'0903100001', # float base
'0903900001', # float base
'0903000001', # float decimal encoding
'0903830001', # float exponent encoding
'3007020101020102040673646c6b666a', # list short string still valid
'c007020101020102020105040673646c6b666a', # dict short value still valid
self.assertRaises(ValueError, loads, v.decode('hex'))

def test_cryptoutilasn1(self):
@@ -377,7 +464,9 @@ class TestCode(unittest.TestCase):
set((1,2,3)), set((1,'sjlfdkj', None, float('inf'))),
set(), set((1,2,3)), set((1,'sjlfdkj', None, float('inf'))),
s = dumps(i)
o = loads(s)
