ntunnel ======= The ntunnel program is designed to tunnel Unix domain sockets over TCP, using the [Noise Protocol](https://noiseprotocol.org/). The goal is to be secure and simple to use and setup. Running Tests ------------- Currently this requires Python 3.x for some of the libraries. If the default virtualenv is not 3.x, you can set the VIRTUALENV variable to specify which one to use, such as: `make env VIRTUALENV=virtualenv-3.6` If you want to use an alternate version of python, you can specify VIRTUALENVARGS, such as: `make env VIRTUALENV=virtualenv-3.6 VIRTUALENVARGS="-p $(which pypy3)"` Note that I have not tested this w/ pypy3, as when compiling the cryptography libraries, it would pick the wrong ones, despite setting CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. It is likely I could make this work, but do not know how to.