- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #import pdb, sys; mypdb = pdb.Pdb(stdout=sys.stderr); mypdb.set_trace()
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448 import Ed448PrivateKey, \
- Ed448PublicKey
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, \
- PrivateFormat, PublicFormat, NoEncryption
- from unittest import mock
- from .hostid import hostuuid
- from .btv import _TestCases as bttestcase, validate_file
- import base64
- import base58
- from .btv import bencode
- import copy
- import datetime
- import functools
- import hashlib
- import importlib
- import io
- import itertools
- import json
- import magic
- import os.path
- import pathlib
- import pasn1
- import re
- import shutil
- import socket
- import string
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import unittest
- import uuid
- # The UUID for the namespace representing the path to a file
- _NAMESPACE_MEDASHARE_PATH = uuid.UUID('f6f36b62-3770-4a68-bc3d-dc3e31e429e6')
- _NAMESPACE_MEDASHARE_CONTAINER = uuid.UUID('890a9d5c-0626-4de1-ab05-9e14947391eb')
- # useful for debugging when stderr is redirected/captured
- _real_stderr = sys.stderr
- _defaulthash = 'sha512'
- _validhashes = set([ 'sha256', 'sha512' ])
- _hashlengths = { len(getattr(hashlib, x)().hexdigest()): x for x in
- _validhashes }
- def _keyordering(x):
- k, v = x
- try:
- return (MDBase._common_names_list.index(k), k, v)
- except ValueError:
- return (2**32, k, v)
- def _iterdictlist(obj, **kwargs):
- l = list(sorted(obj.items(**kwargs), key=_keyordering))
- for k, v in l:
- if isinstance(v, list):
- for i in sorted(v):
- yield k, i
- else:
- yield k, v
- def _makeuuid(s):
- if isinstance(s, uuid.UUID):
- return s
- if isinstance(s, bytes):
- return uuid.UUID(bytes=s)
- else:
- return uuid.UUID(s)
- def _makedatetime(s):
- if isinstance(s, datetime.datetime):
- return s
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').replace(
- tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
- def _makebytes(s):
- if isinstance(s, bytes):
- return s
- return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s)
- # XXX - known issue, store is not atomic/safe, overwrites in place instead of
- # renames
- # XXX - add validation
- # XXX - how to add singletons
- class MDBase(object):
- '''This is a simple wrapper that turns a JSON object into a pythonesc
- object where attribute accesses work.'''
- _type = 'invalid'
- _generated_properties = {
- 'uuid': uuid.uuid4,
- 'modified': lambda: datetime.datetime.now(
- tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
- }
- # When decoding, the decoded value should be passed to this function
- # to get the correct type
- _instance_properties = {
- 'uuid': _makeuuid,
- 'modified': _makedatetime,
- 'created_by_ref': _makeuuid,
- #'parent_refs': lambda x: [ _makeuuid(y) for y in x ],
- 'sig': _makebytes,
- }
- # Override on a per subclass basis
- _class_instance_properties = {
- }
- _common_properties = [ 'type', 'created_by_ref' ] # XXX - add lang?
- _common_optional = set(('parent_refs', 'sig'))
- _common_names = set(_common_properties + list(
- _generated_properties.keys()))
- _common_names_list = _common_properties + list(
- _generated_properties.keys())
- def __init__(self, obj={}, **kwargs):
- obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
- obj.update(kwargs)
- if self._type == MDBase._type:
- raise ValueError('call MDBase.create_obj instead so correct class is used.')
- if 'type' in obj and obj['type'] != self._type:
- raise ValueError(
- 'trying to create the wrong type of object, got: %s, expected: %s' %
- (repr(obj['type']), repr(self._type)))
- if 'type' not in obj:
- obj['type'] = self._type
- for x in self._common_properties:
- if x not in obj:
- raise ValueError('common property %s not present' % repr(x))
- for x, fun in itertools.chain(
- self._instance_properties.items(),
- self._class_instance_properties.items()):
- if x in obj:
- obj[x] = fun(obj[x])
- for x, fun in self._generated_properties.items():
- if x not in obj:
- obj[x] = fun()
- self._obj = obj
- @classmethod
- def create_obj(cls, obj):
- '''Using obj as a base, create an instance of MDBase of the
- correct type.
- If the correct type is not found, a ValueError is raised.'''
- if isinstance(obj, cls):
- obj = obj._obj
- ty = obj['type']
- for i in MDBase.__subclasses__():
- if i._type == ty:
- return i(obj)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unable to find class for type %s' %
- repr(ty))
- def new_version(self, *args, dels=(), replaces=()):
- '''For each k, v pair, add the property k as an additional one
- (or new one if first), with the value v.
- Any key in dels is removed.
- Any k, v pair in replaces, replaces the entire key.'''
- obj = copy.deepcopy(self._obj)
- common = self._common_names | self._common_optional
- for k, v in args:
- if k in common:
- obj[k] = v
- else:
- obj.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
- for i in dels:
- del obj[i]
- for k, v in replaces:
- obj[k] = v
- del obj['modified']
- return self.create_obj(obj)
- def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self._obj))
- def __getattr__(self, k):
- try:
- return self._obj[k]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError(k)
- def __setattr__(self, k, v):
- if k[0] == '_': # direct attribute
- self.__dict__[k] = v
- else:
- self._obj[k] = v
- def __getitem__(self, k):
- return self._obj[k]
- def __to_dict__(self):
- '''Returns an internal object. If modification is necessary,
- make sure to .copy() it first.'''
- return self._obj
- def __eq__(self, o):
- return self._obj == o
- def __contains__(self, k):
- return k in self._obj
- def items(self, skipcommon=True):
- return [ (k, v) for k, v in self._obj.items() if
- not skipcommon or k not in self._common_names ]
- def encode(self, meth='asn1'):
- if meth == 'asn1':
- return _asn1coder.dumps(self)
- return _jsonencoder.encode(self._obj)
- @classmethod
- def decode(cls, s, meth='asn1'):
- if meth == 'asn1':
- obj = _asn1coder.loads(s)
- else:
- obj = json.loads(s)
- return cls.create_obj(obj)
- class MetaData(MDBase):
- _type = 'metadata'
- _uniq_properties = set([ 'ms:tag' ])
- class Identity(MDBase):
- _type = 'identity'
- # Identites don't need a created by
- _common_properties = [ x for x in MDBase._common_properties if x !=
- 'created_by_ref' ]
- _common_optional = set([ x for x in MDBase._common_optional if x !=
- 'parent_refs' ] + [ 'name', 'pubkey' ])
- _common_names = set(_common_properties + list(
- MDBase._generated_properties.keys()))
- def _trytodict(o):
- if isinstance(o, uuid.UUID):
- return 'bytes', o.bytes
- try:
- return 'dict', o.__to_dict__()
- except Exception: # pragma: no cover
- raise TypeError('unable to find __to_dict__ on %s: %s' %
- (type(o), repr(o)))
- class CanonicalCoder(pasn1.ASN1DictCoder):
- def enc_dict(self, obj, **kwargs):
- class FakeIter:
- def items(self):
- return iter(sorted(obj.items()))
- return pasn1.ASN1DictCoder.enc_dict(self, FakeIter(), **kwargs)
- _asn1coder = CanonicalCoder(coerce=_trytodict)
- class _JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, o):
- if isinstance(o, uuid.UUID):
- return str(o)
- elif isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
- o = o.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc)
- return o.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
- elif isinstance(o, bytes):
- return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(o).decode('US-ASCII')
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
- _jsonencoder = _JSONEncoder()
- class _TestJSONEncoder(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_defaultfailure(self):
- class Foo:
- pass
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, _jsonencoder.encode, Foo())
- class Persona(object):
- '''The object that represents a persona, or identity. It will
- create the proper identity object, serialize for saving keys,
- create objects for that persona and other management.'''
- def __init__(self, identity=None, key=None):
- if identity is None:
- self._identity = Identity()
- else:
- self._identity = identity
- self._key = key
- self._pubkey = None
- if 'pubkey' in self._identity:
- pubkeybytes = self._identity.pubkey
- self._pubkey = Ed448PublicKey.from_public_bytes(
- pubkeybytes)
- self._created_by_ref = self._identity.uuid
- def Host(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs['created_by_ref'] = self.uuid
- return self.sign(Host(*args, **kwargs))
- def Container(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs['created_by_ref'] = self.uuid
- return self.sign(Container(*args, **kwargs))
- def MetaData(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs['created_by_ref'] = self.uuid
- return self.sign(MetaData(*args, **kwargs))
- @property
- def uuid(self):
- '''Return the UUID of the identity represented.'''
- return self._identity.uuid
- def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
- r = '<Persona: has key: %s, has pubkey: %s, identity: %s>' % \
- (self._key is not None, self._pubkey is not None,
- repr(self._identity))
- return r
- @classmethod
- def from_pubkey(cls, pubkeystr):
- pubstr = base58.b58decode_check(pubkeystr)
- uuid, pubkey = _asn1coder.loads(pubstr)
- ident = Identity(uuid=uuid, pubkey=pubkey)
- return cls(ident)
- def get_identity(self):
- '''Return the Identity object for this Persona.'''
- return self._identity
- def get_pubkey(self):
- '''Get a printable version of the public key. This is used
- for importing into different programs, or for shared.'''
- idobj = self._identity
- pubstr = _asn1coder.dumps([ idobj.uuid, idobj.pubkey ])
- return base58.b58encode_check(pubstr)
- def new_version(self, *args):
- '''Update the Persona's Identity object.'''
- self._identity = self.sign(self._identity.new_version(*args))
- return self._identity
- def store(self, fname):
- '''Store the Persona to a file. If there is a private
- key associated w/ the Persona, it will be saved as well.'''
- with open(fname, 'wb') as fp:
- obj = {
- 'identity': self._identity,
- }
- if self._key is not None:
- obj['key'] = \
- self._key.private_bytes(Encoding.Raw,
- PrivateFormat.Raw, NoEncryption())
- fp.write(_asn1coder.dumps(obj))
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, fname):
- '''Load the Persona from the provided file.'''
- with open(fname, 'rb') as fp:
- objs = _asn1coder.loads(fp.read())
- kwargs = {}
- if 'key' in objs:
- kwargs['key'] = Ed448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(
- objs['key'])
- return cls(Identity(objs['identity']), **kwargs)
- def generate_key(self):
- '''Generate a key for this Identity.
- Raises a RuntimeError if a key is already present.'''
- if self._key:
- raise RuntimeError('a key already exists')
- self._key = Ed448PrivateKey.generate()
- self._pubkey = self._key.public_key()
- pubkey = self._pubkey.public_bytes(Encoding.Raw,
- PublicFormat.Raw)
- self._identity = self.sign(self._identity.new_version(('pubkey',
- pubkey)))
- def _makesigbytes(self, obj):
- obj = dict(obj.items(False))
- try:
- del obj['sig']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return _asn1coder.dumps(obj)
- def sign(self, obj):
- '''Takes the object, adds a signature, and returns the new
- object.'''
- sigbytes = self._makesigbytes(obj)
- sig = self._key.sign(sigbytes)
- newobj = MDBase.create_obj(obj)
- newobj.sig = sig
- return newobj
- def verify(self, obj):
- sigbytes = self._makesigbytes(obj)
- pubkey = self._pubkey.public_bytes(Encoding.Raw,
- PublicFormat.Raw)
- self._pubkey.verify(obj['sig'], sigbytes)
- return True
- def by_file(self, fname):
- '''Return a file object for the file named fname.'''
- fobj = FileObject.from_file(fname, self._created_by_ref)
- return self.sign(fobj)
- class ObjectStore(object):
- '''A container to store for the various Metadata objects.'''
- # The _uuids property contains both the UUIDv4 for objects, and
- # looking up the UUIDv5 for FileObjects.
- def __init__(self, created_by_ref):
- self._created_by_ref = created_by_ref
- self._uuids = {}
- self._hashes = {}
- self._hostuuids = {}
- def get_host(self, hostuuid):
- return self._hostuuids[hostuuid]
- def get_hosts(self):
- return self._hostuuids.values()
- @staticmethod
- def makehash(hashstr, strict=True):
- '''Take a hash or hash string, and return a valid hash
- string from it.
- This makes sure that it is of the correct type and length.
- If strict is False, the function will detect the length and
- return a valid hash string if one can be found.
- By default, the string must be prepended by the type,
- followed by a colon, followed by the value in hex in all
- lower case characters.'''
- try:
- hash, value = hashstr.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- if strict:
- raise
- hash = _hashlengths[len(hashstr)]
- value = hashstr
- bvalue = value.encode('ascii')
- if strict and len(bvalue.translate(None,
- string.hexdigits.lower().encode('ascii'))) != 0:
- raise ValueError('value has invalid hex digits (must be lower case)', value)
- if hash in _validhashes:
- return ':'.join((hash, value))
- raise ValueError
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._uuids)
- def __iter__(self):
- seen = set()
- for i in self._uuids.values():
- if i['uuid'] in seen:
- continue
- yield i
- seen.add(i['uuid'])
- def store(self, fname):
- '''Write out the objects in the store to the file named
- fname.'''
- # eliminate objs stored by multiple uuids (FileObjects)
- objs = { id(x): x for x in self._uuids.values() }
- with open(fname, 'wb') as fp:
- obj = {
- 'created_by_ref': self._created_by_ref,
- 'objects': list(objs.values()),
- }
- fp.write(_asn1coder.dumps(obj))
- def loadobj(self, obj):
- '''Load obj into the data store.'''
- obj = MDBase.create_obj(obj)
- self._uuids[obj.uuid] = obj
- if obj.type == 'file':
- objid = _makeuuid(obj.id)
- if objid in self._uuids:
- # pick which obj
- oldobj = self._uuids[objid]
- if oldobj.modified > obj.modified:
- del self._uuids[obj.uuid]
- obj = oldobj
- else:
- # get ride of old obj
- del self._uuids[oldobj.uuid]
- self._uuids[_makeuuid(obj.id)] = obj
- elif obj.type == 'container':
- self._uuids[obj.make_id(obj.uri)] = obj
- elif obj.type == 'host':
- self._uuids[obj.hostuuid] = obj
- self._hostuuids[obj.hostuuid] = obj
- try:
- hashes = obj.hashes
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- for j in hashes:
- h = self.makehash(j)
- self._hashes.setdefault(h, []).append(obj)
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, fname):
- '''Load objects from the provided file name.
- Basic validation will be done on the objects in the file.
- The objects will be accessible via other methods.'''
- with open(fname, 'rb') as fp:
- objs = _asn1coder.loads(fp.read())
- obj = cls(objs['created_by_ref'])
- for i in objs['objects']:
- obj.loadobj(i)
- return obj
- def drop_uuid(self, uuid):
- uuid = _makeuuid(uuid)
- obj = self.by_id(uuid)
- del self._uuids[uuid]
- if obj.type == 'file':
- del self._uuids[obj.id]
- for j in obj.hashes:
- h = self.makehash(j)
- self._hashes[h].remove(obj)
- def by_id(self, id):
- '''Look up an object by it's UUID.'''
- uid = _makeuuid(id)
- return self._uuids[uid]
- def by_hash(self, hash):
- '''Look up an object by it's hash value.'''
- h = self.makehash(hash, strict=False)
- return self._hashes[h]
- def get_metadata(self, fname, persona):
- '''Get all MetaData objects for fname, or create one if
- not found.
- If a FileObject is not present, one will be created.
- A Persona must be passed in to create the FileObject and
- MetaData objects as needed.
- Note: if a new MetaData object is created, it is not
- stored in the database automatically. It is expected that
- it will be modified and then saved, so call ObjectStore.loadobj
- with it to save it.
- '''
- try:
- fobj = self.by_file(fname, ('file',))[0]
- #print('x:', repr(objs), file=_real_stderr)
- except KeyError:
- #print('b:', repr(fname), file=_real_stderr)
- fobj = persona.by_file(fname)
- #print('c:', repr(fobj), file=_real_stderr)
- self.loadobj(fobj)
- # we now have the fobj, get the metadata for it.
- try:
- objs = self.by_file(fname)
- except KeyError:
- objs = [ persona.MetaData(hashes=fobj.hashes) ]
- return objs
- def by_file(self, fname, types=('metadata', )):
- '''Return a metadata object for the file named fname.
- Will raise a KeyError if this file does not exist in
- the database.
- Will raise a ValueError if fname currently does not
- match what is in the database.
- '''
- fid = FileObject.make_id(fname)
- #print('bf:', repr(fid), file=_real_stderr)
- fobj = self.by_id(fid)
- fobj.verify()
- for i in fobj.hashes:
- j = self.by_hash(i)
- # Filter out non-metadata objects
- j = [ x for x in j if x.type in types ]
- if j:
- return j
- else:
- raise KeyError('unable to find metadata for file: %s' %
- repr(fname))
- def _readfp(fp):
- while True:
- r = fp.read(64*1024)
- if r == b'':
- return
- yield r
- def _hashfile(fname):
- hash = getattr(hashlib, _defaulthash)()
- with open(fname, 'rb') as fp:
- for r in _readfp(fp):
- hash.update(r)
- return '%s:%s' % (_defaulthash, hash.hexdigest())
- class Host(MDBase):
- _type = 'host'
- class FileObject(MDBase):
- _type = 'file'
- _class_instance_properties = {
- 'hostid': _makeuuid,
- 'id': _makeuuid,
- 'mtime': _makedatetime,
- }
- @staticmethod
- def make_id(fname):
- '''Take a local file name, and make the id for it. Note that
- converts from the local path separator to a forward slash so
- that it will be the same between Windows and Unix systems.'''
- fname = os.path.realpath(fname)
- return uuid.uuid5(_NAMESPACE_MEDASHARE_PATH,
- str(hostuuid()) + '/'.join(os.path.split(fname)))
- @classmethod
- def from_file(cls, filename, created_by_ref):
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- s = os.stat(filename)
- # XXX - race here, fix w/ checking mtime before/after?
- obj = {
- 'created_by_ref': created_by_ref,
- 'hostid': hostuuid(),
- 'dir': os.path.dirname(filename),
- 'filename': os.path.basename(filename),
- 'id': cls.make_id(filename),
- 'mtime': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s.st_mtime,
- tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
- 'size': s.st_size,
- 'hashes': [ _hashfile(filename), ],
- }
- return cls(obj)
- def verify(self, complete=False):
- '''Verify that this FileObject is still valid. It will
- by default, only do a mtime verification.
- It will raise a ValueError if the file does not match.'''
- s = os.stat(os.path.join(self.dir, self.filename))
- mtimets = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s.st_mtime,
- tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
- #print(repr(self), repr(s), s.st_mtime, file=_real_stderr)
- if self.mtime.timestamp() != mtimets or \
- self.size != s.st_size:
- raise ValueError('file %s has changed' %
- repr(self.filename))
- class Container(MDBase):
- _type = 'container'
- _common_optional = MDBase._common_optional | set([ 'uri' ])
- @staticmethod
- def make_id(uri):
- return uuid.uuid5(_NAMESPACE_MEDASHARE_CONTAINER, uri)
- def enumeratedir(_dir, created_by_ref):
- '''Enumerate all the files and directories (not recursive) in _dir.
- Returned is a list of FileObjects.'''
- return [FileObject.from_file(os.path.join(_dir, x),
- created_by_ref) for x in sorted(os.listdir(_dir)) if not
- os.path.isdir(os.path.join(_dir, x)) ]
- def get_objstore(options):
- persona = get_persona(options)
- storefname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_store.pasn1')
- try:
- objstr = ObjectStore.load(storefname)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- objstr = ObjectStore(persona.get_identity().uuid)
- return persona, objstr
- def write_objstore(options, objstr):
- storefname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_store.pasn1')
- objstr.store(storefname)
- def get_persona(options):
- identfname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- try:
- persona = Persona.load(identfname)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print('ERROR: Identity not created, create w/ genident.',
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- return persona
- def cmd_genident(options):
- identfname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- if os.path.exists(identfname):
- print('Error: Identity already created.', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- persona = Persona()
- persona.generate_key()
- persona.new_version(*(x.split('=', 1) for x in options.tagvalue))
- persona.store(identfname)
- def cmd_ident(options):
- identfname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- persona = Persona.load(identfname)
- if options.tagvalue:
- persona.new_version(*(x.split('=', 1) for x in
- options.tagvalue))
- persona.store(identfname)
- else:
- ident = persona.get_identity()
- for k, v in _iterdictlist(ident, skipcommon=False):
- print('%s:\t%s' % (k, v))
- def cmd_pubkey(options):
- identfname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- persona = Persona.load(identfname)
- print(persona.get_pubkey().decode('ascii'))
- def cmd_modify(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- # because of how argparse works, only one file will be collected
- # multiple files will end up in modtagvalues, so we need to
- # find and move them.
- for idx, i in enumerate(options.modtagvalues):
- if i[0] not in { '+', '-' }:
- # move remaining files
- options.files[0:0] = options.modtagvalues[idx:]
- del options.modtagvalues[idx:]
- break
- props = [[ x[0] ] + x[1:].split('=', 1) for x in options.modtagvalues]
- if any(x[0] not in ('+', '-') for x in props):
- print('ERROR: tag needs to start with a "+" (add) or a "-" (remove).', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- badtags = list(x[1] for x in props if x[1] in (MDBase._common_names |
- MDBase._common_optional))
- if any(badtags):
- print('ERROR: invalid tag%s: %s.' % ( 's' if
- len(badtags) > 1 else '', repr(badtags)), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- adds = [ x[1:] for x in props if x[0] == '+' ]
- if any((len(x) != 2 for x in adds)):
- print('ERROR: invalid tag, needs an "=".', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- dels = [ x[1:] for x in props if x[0] == '-' ]
- for i in options.files:
- #print('a:', repr(i), file=_real_stderr)
- try:
- objs = objstr.get_metadata(i, persona)
- #print('d:', repr(i), repr(objs), file=_real_stderr)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print('ERROR: file not found: %s, or invalid tag specification.' % repr(i), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- for j in objs:
- #print('c:', repr(j), file=_real_stderr)
- # make into key/values
- # copy as we modify it later, which is bad
- obj = j.__to_dict__().copy()
- # delete tags
- for k in dels:
- try:
- key, v = k
- except ValueError:
- del obj[k[0]]
- else:
- obj[key].remove(v)
- # add tags
- uniqify = set()
- for k, v in adds:
- obj.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
- if k in j._uniq_properties:
- uniqify.add(k)
- for k in uniqify:
- obj[k] = list(set(obj[k]))
- #print('a:', repr(obj), file=_real_stderr)
- del obj['modified']
- nobj = MDBase.create_obj(obj)
- objstr.loadobj(nobj)
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def printhost(host):
- print('%s\t%s' % (host.name, host.hostuuid))
- def cmd_hosts(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- selfuuid = hostuuid()
- try:
- host = objstr.get_host(selfuuid)
- except KeyError:
- host = persona.Host(name=socket.gethostname(), hostuuid=selfuuid)
- objstr.loadobj(host)
- printhost(host)
- hosts = objstr.get_hosts()
- for i in hosts:
- if i is host:
- continue
- printhost(i)
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def cmd_dump(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- print(persona.get_identity().encode('json'))
- for i in objstr:
- print(i.encode('json'))
- def cmd_auto(options):
- for i in options.files:
- mf = magic.detect_from_filename(i)
- primary = mf[0].split('/', 1)[0]
- mt = mf[0]
- if primary == 'text':
- mt += '; charset=%s' % mf[1]
- print('Set:')
- print('\tmimetype:\t%s' % mt)
- print()
- print('Apply (y/N)?')
- inp = sys.stdin.readline()
- if inp.strip().lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
- options.modtagvalues = [ '+mimetype=%s' % mt ]
- cmd_modify(options)
- def cmd_list(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- for i in options.files:
- try:
- objs = objstr.by_file(i)
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- # create the file, it may have the same hash
- # as something else
- try:
- fobj = persona.by_file(i)
- objstr.loadobj(fobj)
- objs = objstr.by_file(i)
- except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError) as e:
- print('ERROR: file not found: %s' % repr(i), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- # XXX - tell the difference?
- print('ERROR: file not found: %s' % repr(i),
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- for j in objstr.by_file(i):
- for k, v in _iterdictlist(j):
- print('%s:\t%s' % (k, v))
- # This is needed so that if it creates a FileObj, which may be
- # expensive (hashing large file), that it gets saved.
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def cmd_container(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- for i in options.files:
- good, bad = validate_file(i)
- if bad:
- print('Warning, incomple/invalid files, not added for %s:' % repr(i),
- file=sys.stderr)
- print('\n'.join('\t%s' %
- repr(str(pathlib.Path(*x.parts[1:]))) for x in
- sorted(bad)), file=sys.stderr)
- files = []
- hashes = []
- for j in sorted(good):
- files.append(str(pathlib.PosixPath(*j.parts[1:])))
- try:
- fobj = objstr.by_file(j, ('file',))[0]
- except:
- fobj = persona.by_file(j)
- objstr.loadobj(fobj)
- # XXX - ensure only one is added?
- hashes.extend(fobj.hashes)
- with open(i, 'rb') as fp:
- torrent = bencode.bdecode(fp.read())
- bencodedinfo = bencode.bencode(torrent['info'])
- infohash = hashlib.sha1(bencodedinfo).hexdigest()
- # XXX - not entirely happy w/ URI
- uri = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s&dn=%s' % (infohash,
- torrent['info']['name'].decode('utf-8'))
- kwargs = dict(files=files, hashes=hashes,
- uri=uri)
- if bad:
- kwargs['incomplete'] = True
- # XXX - doesn't combine files/hashes, that is if a
- # Container has one set of good files, and then the
- # next scan has a different set, only the second set
- # will be present, not any from the first set.
- try:
- cont = objstr.by_id(Container.make_id(uri))
- cont = cont.new_version(*kwargs.items(), dels=() if bad
- else ('incomplete',), replaces=kwargs.items())
- except KeyError:
- cont = persona.Container(**kwargs)
- objstr.loadobj(cont)
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def cmd_import(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- jd = json.JSONDecoder()
- inp = sys.stdin.read()
- while inp:
- inp = inp.strip()
- jobj, endpos = jd.raw_decode(inp)
- if options.sign:
- cbr = _makeuuid(jobj['created_by_ref'])
- if cbr != persona.uuid:
- # new owner
- jobj['created_by_ref'] = persona.uuid
- # drop old parts
- jobj.pop('uuid', None)
- jobj.pop('modified', None)
- obj = MDBase.create_obj(jobj)
- if options.sign:
- obj = persona.sign(obj)
- objstr.loadobj(obj)
- inp = inp[endpos:]
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def cmd_drop(options):
- persona, objstr = get_objstore(options)
- for i in options.uuids:
- objstr.drop_uuid(i)
- write_objstore(options, objstr)
- def main():
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--db', '-d', type=str,
- help='base name for storage')
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
- description='valid subcommands', help='additional help')
- parser_gi = subparsers.add_parser('genident', help='generate identity')
- parser_gi.add_argument('tagvalue', nargs='+',
- help='add the arg as metadata for the identity, tag=[value]')
- parser_gi.set_defaults(func=cmd_genident)
- parser_i = subparsers.add_parser('ident', help='update identity')
- parser_i.add_argument('tagvalue', nargs='*',
- help='add the arg as metadata for the identity, tag=[value]')
- parser_i.set_defaults(func=cmd_ident)
- parser_pubkey = subparsers.add_parser('pubkey', help='print public key of identity')
- parser_pubkey.set_defaults(func=cmd_pubkey)
- # used so that - isn't treated as an option
- parser_mod = subparsers.add_parser('modify', help='modify tags on file(s)', prefix_chars='@')
- parser_mod.add_argument('modtagvalues', nargs='+',
- help='add (+) or delete (-) the tag=[value], for the specified files')
- parser_mod.add_argument('files', nargs='+',
- help='files to modify')
- parser_mod.set_defaults(func=cmd_modify)
- parser_auto = subparsers.add_parser('auto', help='automatic detection of file properties')
- parser_auto.add_argument('files', nargs='+',
- help='files to modify')
- parser_auto.set_defaults(func=cmd_auto)
- parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list tags on file(s)')
- parser_list.add_argument('files', nargs='+',
- help='files to modify')
- parser_list.set_defaults(func=cmd_list)
- parser_container = subparsers.add_parser('container', help='file is examined as a container and the internal files imported as entries')
- parser_container.add_argument('files', nargs='+',
- help='files to modify')
- parser_container.set_defaults(func=cmd_container)
- parser_hosts = subparsers.add_parser('hosts', help='dump all the hosts, self is always first')
- parser_hosts.set_defaults(func=cmd_hosts)
- parser_dump = subparsers.add_parser('dump', help='dump all the objects')
- parser_dump.set_defaults(func=cmd_dump)
- parser_import = subparsers.add_parser('import', help='import objects encoded as json')
- parser_import.add_argument('--sign', action='store_true',
- help='import as new identity, and sign objects (if created_by_ref is different, new uuid is created)')
- parser_import.set_defaults(func=cmd_import)
- parser_drop = subparsers.add_parser('drop', help='drop the object specified by UUID')
- parser_drop.add_argument('uuids', nargs='+',
- help='UUID of object to drop')
- parser_drop.set_defaults(func=cmd_drop)
- options = parser.parse_args()
- fun = options.func
- fun(options)
- if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
- main()
- class _TestCononicalCoder(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_con(self):
- # make a dict
- obja = {
- 'foo': 23984732, 'a': 5, 'b': 6,
- 'something': '2398472398723498273dfasdfjlaksdfj'
- }
- # reorder the items in it
- objaitems = list(obja.items())
- objaitems.sort()
- objb = dict(objaitems)
- # and they are still the same
- self.assertEqual(obja, objb)
- # This is to make sure that item order changed
- self.assertNotEqual(list(obja.items()), list(objb.items()))
- astr = pasn1.dumps(obja)
- bstr = pasn1.dumps(objb)
- # that they normally will be serialized differently
- self.assertNotEqual(astr, bstr)
- # but w/ the special encoder
- astr = _asn1coder.dumps(obja)
- bstr = _asn1coder.dumps(objb)
- # they are now encoded the same
- self.assertEqual(astr, bstr)
- class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.fixtures = pathlib.Path('fixtures').resolve()
- d = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()).resolve()
- self.basetempdir = d
- self.tempdir = d / 'subdir'
- self.persona = Persona.load(os.path.join('fixtures', 'sample.persona.pasn1'))
- self.created_by_ref = self.persona.get_identity().uuid
- shutil.copytree(self.fixtures / 'testfiles', self.tempdir)
- self.oldcwd = os.getcwd()
- def tearDown(self):
- shutil.rmtree(self.basetempdir)
- self.tempdir = None
- os.chdir(self.oldcwd)
- def test_fileobject(self):
- os.chdir(self.tempdir)
- objst = ObjectStore(self.created_by_ref)
- a = self.persona.by_file('test.txt')
- # that the dir is absolute
- self.assertEqual(a.dir[0], '/')
- # make sure the file's hostid is a UUID
- self.assertIsInstance(a.hostid, uuid.UUID)
- # make sure the file's id is a UUID
- self.assertIsInstance(a.id, uuid.UUID)
- objst.loadobj(a)
- # write out the store
- objst.store('teststore.pasn1')
- # load it back in
- objstr = ObjectStore.load('teststore.pasn1')
- a = objstr.by_id(a['uuid'])
- # make sure the hostid is still a UUID
- self.assertIsInstance(a.hostid, uuid.UUID)
- # make sure the file's id is still a UUID
- self.assertIsInstance(a.id, uuid.UUID)
- # That it can be encoded to json
- jsfo = a.encode('json')
- # that it can be decoded from json
- jsloadedfo = MDBase.decode(jsfo, 'json')
- # and that it is equal
- self.assertEqual(jsloadedfo, a)
- def test_mdbase(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, MDBase, created_by_ref='')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, MDBase.create_obj, { 'type': 'unknosldkfj' })
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, MDBase.create_obj, { 'type': 'metadata' })
- baseobj = {
- 'type': 'metadata',
- 'created_by_ref': self.created_by_ref,
- }
- origbase = copy.deepcopy(baseobj)
- # that when an MDBase object is created
- md = MDBase.create_obj(baseobj)
- # it doesn't modify the passed in object (when adding
- # generated properties)
- self.assertEqual(baseobj, origbase)
- # and it has the generted properties
- # Note: cannot mock the functions as they are already
- # referenced at creation time
- self.assertIn('uuid', md)
- self.assertIn('modified', md)
- # That you can create a new version using new_version
- md2 = md.new_version(('dc:creator', 'Jim Bob',))
- # that they are different
- self.assertNotEqual(md, md2)
- # and that the new modified time is different from the old
- self.assertNotEqual(md.modified, md2.modified)
- # and that the modification is present
- self.assertEqual(md2['dc:creator'], [ 'Jim Bob' ])
- # that providing a value from common property
- fvalue = b'fakesig'
- md3 = md.new_version(('sig', fvalue))
- # gets set directly, and is not a list
- self.assertEqual(md3.sig, fvalue)
- # that invalid attribute access raises correct exception
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, md, 'somerandombogusattribute')
- def test_mdbase_encode_decode(self):
- # that an object
- baseobj = {
- 'type': 'metadata',
- 'created_by_ref': self.created_by_ref,
- }
- obj = MDBase.create_obj(baseobj)
- # can be encoded
- coded = obj.encode()
- # and that the rsults can be decoded
- decobj = MDBase.decode(coded)
- # and that they are equal
- self.assertEqual(obj, decobj)
- # and in the encoded object
- eobj = _asn1coder.loads(coded)
- # the uuid property is a str instance
- self.assertIsInstance(eobj['uuid'], bytes)
- # and has the length of 16
- self.assertEqual(len(eobj['uuid']), 16)
- # and that json can be used to encode
- js = obj.encode('json')
- # and that it is valid json
- jsobj = json.loads(js)
- # and that it can be decoded
- jsdecobj = MDBase.decode(js, 'json')
- # and that it matches
- self.assertEqual(jsdecobj, obj)
- for key, inval in [
- ('modified', '2022-08-19T01:27:34.258676'),
- ('modified', '2022-08-19T01:27:34Z'),
- ('modified', '2022-08-19T01:27:34.258676+00:00'),
- ('uuid', 'z5336176-8086-4c21-984f-fda60ddaa172'),
- ('uuid', '05336176-8086-421-984f-fda60ddaa172'),
- ]:
- jsobj['modified'] = inval
- jstest = json.dumps(jsobj)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, MDBase.decode, jstest, 'json')
- def test_mdbase_wrong_type(self):
- # that created_by_ref can be passed by kw
- obj = MetaData(created_by_ref=self.created_by_ref)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, FileObject, dict(obj.items(False)))
- def test_makehash(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, ObjectStore.makehash, 'slkj')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, ObjectStore.makehash, 'sha256:91751cee0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ADA')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, ObjectStore.makehash, 'bogushash:9e0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ADA', strict=False)
- self.assertEqual(ObjectStore.makehash('cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e', strict=False), 'sha512:cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e')
- self.assertEqual(ObjectStore.makehash('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855', strict=False), 'sha256:e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855')
- def test_enumeratedir(self):
- files = enumeratedir(self.tempdir, self.created_by_ref)
- ftest = [ x for x in files if x.filename == 'test.txt' ][0]
- fname = 'test.txt'
- # make sure that they are of type MDBase
- self.assertIsInstance(ftest, MDBase)
- oldid = ftest.id
- self.assertEqual(ftest.filename, fname)
- self.assertEqual(ftest.dir, str(self.tempdir))
- # XXX - do we add host information?
- self.assertEqual(ftest.id, uuid.uuid5(_NAMESPACE_MEDASHARE_PATH,
- str(hostuuid()) + '/'.join(os.path.split(self.tempdir) +
- ( fname, ))))
- self.assertEqual(ftest.mtime, datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 20,
- 21, 47, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))
- self.assertEqual(ftest.size, 15)
- self.assertIn('sha512:7d5768d47b6bc27dc4fa7e9732cfa2de506ca262a2749cb108923e5dddffde842bbfee6cb8d692fb43aca0f12946c521cce2633887914ca1f96898478d10ad3f', ftest.hashes)
- # XXX - make sure works w/ relative dirs
- files = enumeratedir(os.path.relpath(self.tempdir),
- self.created_by_ref)
- self.assertEqual(oldid, files[1].id)
- def test_mdbaseoverlay(self):
- objst = ObjectStore(self.created_by_ref)
- # that a base object
- bid = uuid.uuid4()
- objst.loadobj({
- 'type': 'metadata',
- 'uuid': bid,
- 'modified': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 10, 14, 3, 10),
- 'created_by_ref': self.created_by_ref,
- 'hashes': [ 'sha256:91751cee0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ada' ],
- 'someprop': [ 'somevalue' ],
- 'lang': 'en',
- })
- # can have an overlay object
- oid = uuid.uuid4()
- dhash = 'sha256:a7c96262c21db9a06fd49e307d694fd95f624569f9b35bb3ffacd880440f9787'
- objst.loadobj({
- 'type': 'metadata',
- 'uuid': oid,
- 'modified': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 10, 18, 3, 10),
- 'created_by_ref': self.created_by_ref,
- 'hashes': [ dhash ],
- 'parent_refs': [ bid ],
- 'lang': 'en',
- })
- # and that when you get it's properties
- oobj = objst.by_id(oid)
- odict = dict(list(oobj.items()))
- # that is has the overlays property
- self.assertEqual(odict['parent_refs'], [ bid ])
- # that it doesn't have a common property
- self.assertNotIn('type', odict)
- # that when skipcommon is False
- odict = dict(oobj.items(False))
- # that it does have a common property
- self.assertIn('type', odict)
- def test_persona(self):
- # that a newly created persona
- persona = Persona()
- # has an identity object
- idobj = persona.get_identity()
- # and that it has a uuid attribute that matches
- self.assertEqual(persona.uuid, idobj['uuid'])
- # that a key can be generated
- persona.generate_key()
- # that the pubkey property is present
- idobj = persona.get_identity()
- self.assertIsInstance(idobj['pubkey'], bytes)
- # that get_pubkey returns the correct thing
- pubstr = _asn1coder.dumps([ idobj.uuid, idobj['pubkey'] ])
- self.assertEqual(persona.get_pubkey(),
- base58.b58encode_check(pubstr))
- # and that there is a signature
- self.assertIsInstance(idobj['sig'], bytes)
- # and that it can verify itself
- persona.verify(idobj)
- # and that a new persona can be created from the pubkey
- pkpersona = Persona.from_pubkey(persona.get_pubkey())
- # and that it can verify the old identity
- self.assertTrue(pkpersona.verify(idobj))
- # that a second time, it raises an exception
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, persona.generate_key)
- # that a file object created by it
- testfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt')
- testobj = persona.by_file(testfname)
- # has the correct created_by_ref
- self.assertEqual(testobj.created_by_ref, idobj.uuid)
- self.assertEqual(testobj.type, 'file')
- # and has a signature
- self.assertIn('sig', testobj)
- # that a persona created from the identity object
- vpersona = Persona(idobj)
- # can verify the sig
- self.assertTrue(vpersona.verify(testobj))
- # and that a bogus signature
- bogussig = 'somebogussig'
- bogusobj = MDBase.create_obj(testobj)
- bogusobj.sig = bogussig
- # fails to verify
- self.assertRaises(Exception, vpersona.verify, bogusobj)
- # and that a modified object
- otherobj = testobj.new_version(('customprop', 'value'))
- # fails to verify
- self.assertRaises(Exception, vpersona.verify, otherobj)
- # that a persona object can be written
- perpath = os.path.join(self.basetempdir, 'persona.pasn1')
- persona.store(perpath)
- # and that when loaded back
- loadpersona = Persona.load(perpath)
- # the new persona object can sign an object
- nvtestobj = loadpersona.sign(testobj.new_version())
- # and the old persona can verify it.
- self.assertTrue(vpersona.verify(nvtestobj))
- def test_persona_metadata(self):
- # that a persona
- persona = Persona()
- persona.generate_key()
- # can create a metadata object
- hashobj = ['asdlfkj']
- mdobj = persona.MetaData(hashes=hashobj)
- # that the object has the correct created_by_ref
- self.assertEqual(mdobj.created_by_ref, persona.uuid)
- # and has the provided hashes
- self.assertEqual(mdobj.hashes, hashobj)
- # and that it can be verified
- persona.verify(mdobj)
- def test_objectstore(self):
- persona = Persona.load(os.path.join('fixtures', 'sample.persona.pasn1'))
- objst = ObjectStore.load(os.path.join('fixtures', 'sample.data.pasn1'))
- objst.loadobj({
- 'type': 'metadata',
- 'uuid': uuid.UUID('c9a1d1e2-3109-4efd-8948-577dc15e44e7'),
- 'modified': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 31, 14, 3, 10,
- tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
- 'created_by_ref': self.created_by_ref,
- 'hashes': [ 'sha256:91751cee0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ada' ],
- 'lang': 'en',
- })
- lst = objst.by_hash('91751cee0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ada')
- self.assertEqual(len(lst), 2)
- byid = objst.by_id('3e466e06-45de-4ecc-84ba-2d2a3d970e96')
- self.assertIsInstance(byid, MetaData)
- self.assertIn(byid, lst)
- r = byid
- self.assertEqual(r.uuid, uuid.UUID('3e466e06-45de-4ecc-84ba-2d2a3d970e96'))
- self.assertEqual(r['dc:creator'], [ 'John-Mark Gurney' ])
- # test storing the object store
- fname = 'testfile.pasn1'
- objst.store(fname)
- with open(fname, 'rb') as fp:
- objs = _asn1coder.loads(fp.read())
- os.unlink(fname)
- self.assertEqual(len(objs), len(objst))
- self.assertEqual(objs['created_by_ref'], self.created_by_ref.bytes)
- # make sure that the read back data matches
- for i in objs['objects']:
- i['created_by_ref'] = uuid.UUID(bytes=i['created_by_ref'])
- i['uuid'] = uuid.UUID(bytes=i['uuid'])
- self.assertEqual(objst.by_id(i['uuid']), i)
- # that a file
- testfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt')
- # when registered
- objst.loadobj(persona.by_file(testfname))
- # can be found
- self.assertEqual(objst.by_file(testfname), [ byid ])
- self.assertEqual(objst.by_file(testfname), [ byid ])
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, objst.by_file, '/dev/null')
- # XXX make sure that object store contains fileobject
- # Tests to add:
- # Non-duplicates when same metadata is located by multiple hashes.
- def run_command_file(self, f):
- with open(f) as fp:
- cmds = json.load(fp)
- # setup object store
- storefname = self.tempdir / 'storefname'
- identfname = self.tempdir / 'identfname'
- # setup path mapping
- def expandusermock(arg):
- if arg == '~/.medashare_store.pasn1':
- return storefname
- elif arg == '~/.medashare_identity.pasn1':
- return identfname
- # setup test fname
- testfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt')
- newtestfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'newfile.txt')
- patches = []
- for cmd in cmds:
- try:
- if cmd['skip']: # pragma: no cover
- continue
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- special = cmd['special']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- if special == 'copy newfile.txt to test.txt':
- shutil.copy(newtestfname, testfname)
- elif special == 'change newfile.txt':
- with open(newtestfname, 'w') as fp:
- fp.write('some new contents')
- elif special == 'verify store object cnt':
- with open(storefname, 'rb') as fp:
- pasn1obj = pasn1.loads(fp.read())
- objcnt = len(pasn1obj['objects'])
- self.assertEqual(objcnt, cmd['count'])
- elif special == 'set hostid':
- hostidpatch = mock.patch(__name__ + '.hostuuid')
- hid = cmd['hostid'] if 'hostid' in cmd else uuid.uuid4()
- hostidpatch.start().return_value = hid
- patches.append(hostidpatch)
- elif special == 'iter is unique':
- objst = ObjectStore.load(storefname)
- uniqobjs = len(set((x['uuid'] for x in objst)))
- self.assertEqual(len(list(objst)), uniqobjs)
- elif special == 'setup bittorrent files':
- # copy in the torrent file
- tor = importlib.resources.files('medashare.btv')
- tor = tor / 'fixtures' / 'somedir.torrent'
- shutil.copy(tor, self.tempdir)
- # partly recreate files
- btfiles = bttestcase.origfiledata.copy()
- if not cmd['complete']:
- btfiles.update(bttestcase.badfiles)
- sd = self.tempdir / bttestcase.dirname
- sd.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- bttestcase.make_files(sd, btfiles)
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError('unhandled special: %s' % repr(special))
- # coverage bug, fixed in 3.10:
- # https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/1432#event-7130600158
- if True: # pragma: no cover
- continue
- with self.subTest(file=f, title=cmd['title']), \
- mock.patch('os.path.expanduser',
- side_effect=expandusermock) as eu, \
- mock.patch('sys.stdin', io.StringIO()) as stdin, \
- mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, \
- mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, \
- mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', ] +
- cmd['cmd']) as argv:
- # if there is stdin
- test_stdin = cmd.get('stdin', '')
- # provide it
- stdin.write(test_stdin)
- stdin.seek(0)
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
- main()
- # XXX - Minor hack till other tests fixed
- sys.exit(0)
- # with the correct output
- self.maxDiff = None
- outnre = cmd.get('stdout_nre')
- outre = cmd.get('stdout_re')
- if outnre:
- self.assertNotRegex(stdout.getvalue(), outnre)
- elif outre:
- self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), outre)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), cmd.get('stdout', ''))
- self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), cmd.get('stderr', ''))
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, cmd.get('exit', 0))
- patches.reverse()
- for i in patches:
- i.stop()
- def test_cmds(self):
- cmds = sorted(self.fixtures.glob('cmd.*.json'))
- for i in cmds:
- # make sure each file starts with a clean slate
- self.tearDown()
- self.setUp()
- os.chdir(self.tempdir)
- self.run_command_file(i)
- # XXX - the following test may no longer be needed
- def test_main(self):
- # Test the main runner, this is only testing things that are
- # specific to running the program, like where the store is
- # created.
- # setup object store
- storefname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'storefname')
- identfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'identfname')
- # XXX part of the problem
- shutil.copy(os.path.join('fixtures', 'sample.data.pasn1'), storefname)
- # setup path mapping
- def expandusermock(arg):
- if arg == '~/.medashare_store.pasn1':
- return storefname
- elif arg == '~/.medashare_identity.pasn1':
- return identfname
- # setup test fname
- testfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt')
- newtestfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'newfile.txt')
- import itertools
- with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \
- as eu, mock.patch('medashare.cli.open') as op:
- # that when opening the store and identity fails
- op.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
- # and there is no identity
- with mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', 'list', 'afile' ]) as argv:
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
- main()
- # that it fails
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1)
- # with the correct error message
- self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(),
- 'ERROR: Identity not created, create w/ genident.\n')
- with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \
- as eu:
- # that generating a new identity
- with mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', 'genident', 'name=A Test User' ]) as argv:
- main()
- # does not output anything
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
- # looks up the correct file
- eu.assert_called_with('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- # and that the identity
- persona = Persona.load(identfname)
- pident = persona.get_identity()
- # has the correct name
- self.assertEqual(pident.name, 'A Test User')
- # that when generating an identity when one already exists
- with mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', 'genident', 'name=A Test User' ]) as argv:
- # that it exits
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
- main()
- # with error code 1
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1)
- # and outputs an error message
- self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(),
- 'Error: Identity already created.\n')
- # and looked up the correct file
- eu.assert_called_with('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- # that when updating the identity
- with mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', 'ident', 'name=Changed Name' ]) as argv:
- main()
- # it doesn't output anything
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
- # and looked up the correct file
- eu.assert_called_with('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1')
- npersona = Persona.load(identfname)
- nident = npersona.get_identity()
- # and has the new name
- self.assertEqual(nident.name, 'Changed Name')
- # and has the same old uuid
- self.assertEqual(nident.uuid, pident.uuid)
- # and that the modified date has changed
- self.assertNotEqual(pident.modified, nident.modified)
- # and that the old Persona can verify the new one
- self.assertTrue(persona.verify(nident))
- orig_open = open
- with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \
- as eu, mock.patch('medashare.cli.open') as op:
- # that when the store fails
- def open_repl(fname, mode):
- #print('or:', repr(fname), repr(mode), file=sys.stderr)
- self.assertIn(mode, ('rb', 'wb'))
- if fname == identfname or mode == 'wb':
- return orig_open(fname, mode)
- #print('foo:', repr(fname), repr(mode), file=sys.stderr)
- raise FileNotFoundError
- op.side_effect = open_repl
- # and there is no store
- with mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', 'list', 'foo', ]) as argv:
- # that it exits
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
- main()
- # with error code 1
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1)
- # and outputs an error message
- self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(),
- 'ERROR: file not found: \'foo\'\n')