MetaData Sharing
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Simplified version

<host uuid + path + fs stat info> -> file hash file hash -> tag/info [multiple specified, one tag/value per entry] file hash -[is part of]-> torrent info hash, file [optional if torrent is single file] file hash -[is part of]-> tar file hash, path + [optional seeking information]

future extension: allow tags to be put on parts of a file instead of whole thing, e.g. actor only in a section of the movie uuid[v5?] -[is part of]-> file hash, time stamp range [e.g. section of video file]


These are shorthand: dc:xxx -> Dublin CoreDublinCore upnp:xxx -> UPnP Content Directory Service ms:xxx -> medashare defined

Copy XML and canonical version is {url}:xxx. There will needs to be a fixed and versioned set of aliases that don’t need to be spelled out, and this will be called out in the object.

Additional namespaces can be declared if they are not in a versioned set. There will be a public location to d/l the versioned set of URLs to allow old programs to handle new namespaces.

Common dc properties: date (ISO-8601-1, creator title format (not used, see mimetype) description extent (file size, pixel dimentions & duration) [1-9][0-9](T|G|M|K)?B - file size <regex for ISO 8601 duration> - duration [1-9][0-9]x[1-9][0-9](@[1-9][0-9])? - resolution in pixels w/ optional fps spatial (location)

Common UPnP properties: artist actor actor@role -- XXX how to represent? genre album albumArtURI seriesTitle -- title of the TV series e.g. The West Wing programCode programCode@type (matchingID from SRS, use domain_uniq, e.g. funkthat.com_generic when there isn’t anything special about the programCode, funkthat.com_generic_tv when it matches the standard TV show, such as S02E05)

Note, the actor@role is represented by the pair (actor, name of character). That is, if there is the property “upnp:actor”: “Actor Name”, to represent that actor plays the roll “Roll Name”, and aditional property/value pair would be added, “Actor Name”: “Roll Name”.

In order to disambiguate actors, there may be an additional property that is “Actor Name”: , where can be “urn:uuid:” or another URI to uniquely identify the actor. If there is not an additional property to disambiguate an actor, it must be assumed that they are different between two objects. It is up to the client to manage this, such as propting if it matches a previously known actor, or if it should create a new one. It is recommended that a random UUID is added, if unknown. It can always be changed. <make it mandatory to add the UUID?> <need an alias db a well w/ recommended value>. <expand upon how equality works, e.g. similar to SQL NULL>

Common ms properties: tag private -- will be ignored in general searches, unless explicitly added (value does not matter) rating -- 0 through 10, inclusive, usually 10 is great, 0 is bad/terrible, what this rating specifically means is left to the creator

Automatic creation/mappings of some of the terms should be applicable.

Complete list of terms are here:


How to handle revisions of files? Point them to the previous metadata? Automatically like them if list and the hash changes? prompt?

type: host hostuuid hostname

Currently only useful for UI to make it easier to map hostuuid when mapping...

URN for hashes: