#!/usr/bin/env python from klein import Klein from klein.interfaces import IKleinRequest from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers from zope.interface import implements from StringIO import StringIO from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict __all__ = [ 'FakeRequests', ] class FakeHTTPRequest(object): # https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/twisted-19.7.0/src/twisted/web/http.py#L664 implements(IKleinRequest) code = 200 def __init__(self, meth, uri): #self.requestHeaders = Headers() self.responseHeaders = Headers() self.path = uri self.prepath = [] self.postpath = uri.split('/') self.method = meth self.notifications = [] self.finished = False def setHeader(self, name, value): self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(name, [value]) def setResponseCode(self, code, message=None): self.code = code def getRequestHostname(self): return '' def getHost(self): return '' def isSecure(self): return False #def processingFailed(self, failure): # print 'f:', `failure` # print 'b:', failure.getTraceback() def _cleanup(self): for d in self.notifications: d.callback(None) self.notifications = [] def finish(self): if self.finished: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('Warning! request.finish called twice.', stacklevel=2) self.finished = True self._cleanup() #def processingFailed(self, failure): # print 'pf:', failure.getTraceback() def notifyFinish(self): self.notifications.append(Deferred()) return self.notifications[-1] class FakeRequestsResponse(object): def __init__(self, req): self._req = req self._io = StringIO() req.write = self.write def _finished(self, arg): if arg is not None: raise NotImplementedError('cannot handle exceptions yet') self.status_code = self._req.code self.text = self._io.getvalue() self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict((k.lower(), v[-1]) for k, v in self._req.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()) def write(self, data): self._io.write(data) class FakeRequests(object): '''This class wraps a Klein app into a calling interface that is similar to the requests module for testing apps. Example test: ``` app = Klein() @app.route('/') def home(request): return 'hello' class TestFakeRequests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.requests = FakeRequests(app) def test_basic(self): r = self.requests.get('/') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(r.text, 'hello') ``` ''' def __init__(self, app): '''Wrap the passed in app as if it was a server for a requests like interface. The URLs expected will not be complete urls.''' self._app = app self._res = app.resource() def get(self, url): '''Return a response for the passed in url.''' if url[0] != '/': raise ValueError('url must be absolute (start w/ a slash)') req = FakeHTTPRequest('GET', url) resp = FakeRequestsResponse(req) req.notifyFinish().addBoth(resp._finished) r = self._res.render(req) return resp class TestFakeRequests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): app = Klein() @app.route('/') def home(request): request.setHeader('x-testing', 'value') return 'hello' @app.route('/404') def notfound(request): request.setResponseCode(404) return 'not found' self.requests = FakeRequests(app) def test_bad(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.requests.get, 'foobar') def test_basic(self): r = self.requests.get('/') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(r.text, 'hello') self.assertEqual(r.headers['X-testing'], 'value') r = self.requests.get('/404') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 404)