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prep for decay, add support for limit and refactor tests..

John-Mark Gurney 2 years ago
1 changed files with 127 additions and 34 deletions
  1. +127

+ 127
- 34
ui/medashare/ View File

@@ -1,21 +1,48 @@
import collections
import itertools
import pathlib
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
from .utils import _asn1coder

# Use standard decay formula, from:
# N(t) = N0 e^(-λt)
# And from earlier, they are defined as:
# t1/2 (half-life) = ln(2) / λ
# λ = ln(2) / t1/2

class TagCache:
'''Takes tuples, and stores them in a cache where only
the most count recent ones are kept.'''
the most count recent and active ones are kept.

count is the number of tags returned by the method tags.

tags is the initial starting state of the cache.

Current use is to create a starter object as such:
cache = TagCache(), and modify count as needed:
cache.count = 10

Use the store and load methods to write and read the
cache to a specific file.

def __init__(self, tags=(), count=10):
self._cache = dict((x, None) for x in tags)
def __init__(self, tags=(), count=10, **kwargs):
self._cache = collections.OrderedDict((x, None) for x in tags)
self._count = count
self._modified = False
if 'limit' in kwargs:
self._limit = kwargs['limit']
self._limit = self._count

def _limit_count(self):
while len(self._cache) > self._count:
del self._cache[next(iter(self._cache.keys()))]
while len(self._cache) > self._limit:

def count(self):
@@ -26,10 +53,23 @@ class TagCache:
def count(self, v):
self._count = v
if v > self._limit:
self._limit = v

self._modified = True


def limit(self):
'''The number of total entries allowed in the cache.

This is the number of stored entires, not the count
returned by the tags method.

return self._limit

def modified(self):
'''Return if the cache has been modified since the last
@@ -55,7 +95,12 @@ class TagCache:
def tags(self):
'''Returns the sorted list of tags in the cache.'''

return sorted(self._cache.keys())
return sorted(itertools.islice(self._cache.keys(),
len(self._cache) - self._count, len(self._cache)))

def __repr__(self):
return 'TagCache(tags=%s, count=%d, limit=%d)' % \
(tuple(self._cache.keys()), self.count, self._limit)

def load(cls, fname):
@@ -98,6 +143,80 @@ class _TestTagCache(unittest.TestCase):
self.tempdir = None

@unittest.mock.patch('time.time', side_effect=lambda cnt=
itertools.count(): * 1.)
def test_halflife(self, tt):

def test_limit(self):
tc = TagCache(count=2, limit=3)

tc.add(('foo', 'foo'))

tc.add(('bar', 'bar'))

tc.add(('foo', 'foo'))

tc.add(('baz', 'baz'))

self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('baz', 'baz'), ('foo', 'foo'), ])

# increasing the count
tc.count = 3

# causes the limit to increase
self.assertEqual(tc.limit, 3)

# and the old one to appear
self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('bar', 'bar'), ('baz', 'baz'),
('foo', 'foo'), ])

# decreasing the count
tc.count = 2

# that it can be stored
cachefile = self.tempdir / 'somecache'

# that it can be loaded
ntc = TagCache.load(cachefile)

def test_count(self):
# test basic functionality
tc = TagCache(count=2)

tc.add(('foo', 'foo'))

tc.add(('bar', 'bar'))

tc.add(('baz', 'baz'))

self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('bar', 'bar'), ('baz', 'baz') ])

# that the count can be modified
tc.count = 3

# that modified flag is set

#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
tc.add(('foo', 'foo'))

self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('bar', 'bar'), ('baz', 'baz'),
('foo', 'foo') ])

tc.add(('bleh', 'bleh'))

self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('baz', 'baz'), ('bleh', 'bleh'),
('foo', 'foo') ])

# that reducing the count works
tc.count = 2

# and immediately gets rid of extra tags
self.assertEqual(tc.tags(), [ ('bleh', 'bleh'),
('foo', 'foo') ])

def test_cache(self):
# test basic functionality
tc = TagCache(count=2)
@@ -138,31 +257,5 @@ class _TestTagCache(unittest.TestCase):

ntc.add(('whee', 'whee'))

self.assertEqual(ntc.tags(), [ ('foo', 'foo'), ('whee', 'whee') ])

# that when the modified flag is cleared
ntc = TagCache.load(cachefile)

# that the count can be modified
ntc.count = 3

# that modified flag is set after count change

ntc.add(('a', 'a'))

ntc.add(('b', 'b'))

# and the count did change
self.assertEqual(ntc.tags(), [ ('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('whee', 'whee') ])

ntc.add(('whee', 'whee'))

# that reducing the count works
ntc.count = 2

# and immediately gets rid of extra tags
self.assertEqual(ntc.tags(), [ ('b', 'b'), ('whee', 'whee') ])
self.assertEqual(ntc.tags(), [ ('foo', 'foo'),
('whee', 'whee') ])
