@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ class ObjectStore(object): |
if j: |
return j |
else: |
raise KeyError('unable to find metadata for file') |
raise KeyError('unable to find metadata for file: %s' % repr(fname)) |
def _readfp(fp): |
while True: |
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ def main(): |
persona = Persona.load(identfname) |
if options.printpub: |
print(persona.get_pubkey()) |
print(persona.get_pubkey().decode('ascii')) |
return |
persona.new_version(*addprops) |
@@ -572,14 +572,28 @@ def main(): |
storefname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_store.pasn1') |
import sys |
#print >>sys.stderr, `storefname` |
objstr = ObjectStore.load(storefname) |
try: |
objstr = ObjectStore.load(storefname) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
identfname = os.path.expanduser('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1') |
try: |
persona = Persona.load(identfname) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
print('ERROR: Identity not created, create w/ -g.', file=sys.stderr) |
sys.exit(1) |
objstr = ObjectStore(persona.get_identity().uuid) |
if options.list: |
for i in args: |
for j in objstr.by_file(i): |
#print >>sys.stderr, `j._obj` |
for k, v in _iterdictlist(j): |
print('%s:\t%s' % (k, v)) |
try: |
for j in objstr.by_file(i): |
#print >>sys.stderr, `j._obj` |
for k, v in _iterdictlist(j): |
print('%s:\t%s' % (k, v)) |
except KeyError: |
print('ERROR: file not found: %s' % repr(i), file=sys.stderr) |
sys.exit(1) |
elif options.add: |
for i in args: |
for j in objstr.by_file(i): |
@@ -731,7 +745,7 @@ class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_enumeratedir(self): |
files = enumeratedir(self.tempdir, self.created_by_ref) |
ftest = files[0] |
ftest = files[1] |
fname = 'test.txt' |
# make sure that they are of type MDBase |
@@ -751,7 +765,7 @@ class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase): |
# XXX - make sure works w/ relative dirs |
files = enumeratedir(os.path.relpath(self.tempdir), |
self.created_by_ref) |
self.assertEqual(oldid, files[0].id) |
self.assertEqual(oldid, files[1].id) |
def test_mdbaseoverlay(self): |
objst = ObjectStore(self.created_by_ref) |
@@ -967,11 +981,29 @@ class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase): |
# setup test fname |
testfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt') |
newtestfname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'newfile.txt') |
import sys |
import io |
import itertools |
with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \ |
as eu, mock.patch('medashare.cli.open') as op: |
# that when opening the store and identity fails |
op.side_effect = FileNotFoundError |
# and there is no identity |
with mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', '-l', ]) as argv: |
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm: |
main() |
# that it fails |
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1) |
# with the correct error message |
self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), |
'ERROR: Identity not created, create w/ -g.\n') |
with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \ |
as eu: |
# that generating a new identity |
@@ -1038,11 +1070,33 @@ class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase): |
# the correct key is printed |
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), |
'%s\n' % persona.get_pubkey()) |
'%s\n' % persona.get_pubkey().decode('ascii')) |
# and looked up the correct file |
eu.assert_called_with('~/.medashare_identity.pasn1') |
# that when a new file is printed |
with mock.patch('sys.stderr', io.StringIO()) as stderr, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', '-l', newtestfname ]) as argv: |
# that it exits |
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm: |
main() |
# with error code 1 |
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1) |
# and outputs an error message |
self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), |
'ERROR: file not found: %s\n' % repr(newtestfname)) |
# that when a new file has a tag added |
with mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', '-a', 'tag', newtestfname ]) as argv: |
main() |
# nothing is printed |
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), ''); |
eu.assert_called_with('~/.medashare_store.pasn1') |
with mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', '-l', testfname ]) as argv: |
main() |
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), |
@@ -1080,3 +1134,25 @@ class _TestCases(unittest.TestCase): |
main() |
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), |
'foo:\tbleh\nhashes:\tsha256:91751cee0a1ab8414400238a761411daa29643ab4b8243e9a91649e25be53ada\nhashes:\tsha512:7d5768d47b6bc27dc4fa7e9732cfa2de506ca262a2749cb108923e5dddffde842bbfee6cb8d692fb43aca0f12946c521cce2633887914ca1f96898478d10ad3f\nlang:\ten\n') |
orig_open = open |
with mock.patch('os.path.expanduser', side_effect=expandusermock) \ |
as eu, mock.patch('medashare.cli.open') as op: |
# that when the store fails |
def open_repl(fname, mode): |
self.assertIn(mode, ('rb', 'wb')) |
if fname == identfname or mode == 'wb': |
return orig_open(fname, mode) |
#print('foo:', repr(fname), repr(mode), file=sys.stderr) |
raise FileNotFoundError |
op.side_effect = open_repl |
# and there is no store |
with mock.patch('sys.stdout', io.StringIO()) as stdout, mock.patch('sys.argv', [ 'progname', '-l', ]) as argv: |
main() |
# does not output anything |
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '') |