- """
- An example implementation of STROBE.
- The key tree may be patented. Also, it may be easy to violate other
- patents with this code, so be careful.
- Copyright (c) Mike Hamburg, Cryptography Research, 2015-2016.
- I will need to contact legal to get a license for this; in the mean time
- it is for example purposes only.
- """
- from .Keccak import KeccakF
- from .ControlWord import *
- from collections import namedtuple
- import base64
- import threading
- import itertools
- class StrobeException(Exception):
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- Exception.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs)
- class AuthenticationFailed(StrobeException):
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- StrobeException.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs)
- class ProtocolError(StrobeException):
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- StrobeException.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs)
- def zeros():
- while True: yield 0
- class Strobe(object):
- """
- STROBE protocol framework
- """
- version = "v0.7"
- PAD = 0x04
- CSHAKE_PAD = 0x80
- def __init__(self,proto,dir=None,F=None,rate=None,steg=0,copy_from=None,over_rate=None,doInit=True,verbose=False):
- if copy_from is not None:
- self.F = copy_from.F
- self.rate = copy_from.rate
- self.proto = copy_from.proto
- self.off = copy_from.off
- self.prev_mark = copy_from.prev_mark
- self.dir = copy_from.dir
- self.st = bytearray(copy_from.st)
- self.steg = copy_from.steg
- self.over_rate = copy_from.over_rate
- self.verbose = verbose
- else:
- if F is None: F = KeccakF()
- if rate is None: rate = F.nbytes - 32 - 2
- self.F = F
- self.rate = rate
- self.proto = proto
- self.off = self.prev_mark = 0
- self.dir = dir
- self.steg = steg
- self.over_rate = rate + 2
- self.verbose = verbose
- if doInit: self.init(proto,over_rate)
- else: self.st = bytearray(self.F.nbytes)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.dir is None: dir = "None"
- elif self.dir == DIR_CLIENT: dir = "DIR_CLIENT"
- elif self.dir == DIR_SERVER: dir = "DIR_SERVER"
- return "%s(%s,dir=%s,F=%s)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__,self.proto,dir,self.F
- )
- def copy(self):
- return Strobe(proto=self.proto,copy_from=self)
- def init(self,proto,over_rate=None):
- """
- The initialization routine sets up the state in a way that is
- unique to this Strobe protocol. Unlike SHA-3, the protocol
- and rate are distinguished up front in the first call to the
- F-function.
- """
- self.st = bytearray(self.F.nbytes)
- # Initialize according to cSHAKE. TODO: check that this is correct
- aString = "STROBE " + self.__class__.version
- cShakeD = bytearray([1,self.over_rate,1,len(aString)]) + aString + bytearray([1,0])
- self.st[0:len(cShakeD)] = cShakeD
- self.st = self.F(self.st)
- self.duplex(FLAG_A|FLAG_M,proto)
- def _run_f(self):
- """
- Pad out blocks and run the sponge's F-function
- """
- self.st[self.off] ^= self.prev_mark
- self.st[self.off+1] ^= self.PAD
- self.st[self.over_rate-1] ^= self.CSHAKE_PAD
- # if self.verbose:
- # print "**** IN ****"
- # print "".join(("%02x" % b for b in self.st))
- self.st = self.F(self.st)
- # if self.verbose:
- # print "**** OU ****"
- # print "".join(("%02x" % b for b in self.st))
- self.off = self.prev_mark = 0
- def _set_mode(self, mode):
- """
- Put a delimiter in the hash state.
- """
- self.st[self.off] ^= self.prev_mark
- self.off += 1
- self.prev_mark = self.off
- if self.off >= self.rate: self._run_f()
- # Adjust the mode for initiator vs responder
- if mode & FLAG_T:
- if self.dir is None:
- self.dir = mode & FLAG_I
- mode ^= self.dir
- self.st[self.off] ^= mode
- self.off += 1
- if self.off >= self.rate or (mode & (FLAG_C | FLAG_K)):
- self._run_f()
- def duplex(self,op,data=None,length=None,as_iter=False):
- """
- The main STROBE duplex operation.
- """
- # steg support: if would send/recv in the clear, send/recv encrypted instead.
- if op & FLAG_T: op |= self.steg
- self._set_mode(op)
- (I,T,C,A,K) = (bool(op & f) for f in [FLAG_I,FLAG_T,FLAG_C,FLAG_A,FLAG_K])
- if isinstance(data,str): data = bytearray(data)
- # compute flags
- yield_anything = (A and I) or (T and not I)
- read_anything = (T and I) or (A and not I)
- verify_mac = (I,T,A) == (True,True,False)
- if data is None or not read_anything:
- if length is None: data = ()
- else: data = zeros()
- if length is not None:
- data = itertools.islice(data,length)
- if self.verbose: print("Duplex mode=0x%02x:\n " % op, end=' ')
- out = self._duplex_iter((I,T,A,C,K),data)
- if yield_anything:
- # Return the iterator
- if as_iter: return out
- return bytearray(out)
- elif verify_mac:
- # Asked to verify a MAC
- res = 0
- for o in out: res |= o
- if res: raise AuthenticationFailed()
- return ()
- else:
- # The data is not used
- for o in out: pass
- return ()
- def _duplex_iter(self, op, data):
- """
- Duplexing sponge construction, iterator-version.
- """
- (I,T,A,C,K) = op
- res = 0
- if C: s2o = 0x00FF
- else: s2o = 0
- s2s = 0xFFFF
- if T and not I: s2s ^= s2o
- if K:
- # The DPA-resistant key tree is a CRI design to mitigate differential
- # power analysis at a protocol level.
- if self.off != 0:
- # Since we call self.mark(C or K) above, this is only possible through
- # misuse of "more"
- raise Exception("Bug: user called keytree with off != 0")
- keytreebits = 2
- assert keytreebits > 0 and 8 % keytreebits == 0 and self.PAD << keytreebits < 256
- mask = (1<<keytreebits)-1
- s2o >>= 8-keytreebits
- s2s >>= 8-keytreebits
- for byte in data:
- for bpos in range(0,8,keytreebits):
- byte ^= (self.st[0] & s2o) << bpos
- self.st[0] &= s2s
- self.st[0] ^= (byte >> bpos) & mask
- self.st[1] ^= self.PAD<<keytreebits
- self.st[self.over_rate-1] ^= self.CSHAKE_PAD
- self.st = self.F(self.st)
- yield byte
- else:
- # Not the keytree
- for byte in data:
- if self.verbose: print("%02x" % byte, end=' ')
- byte ^= self.st[self.off] & s2o
- self.st[self.off] &= s2s
- self.st[self.off] ^= byte
- self.off += 1
- if self.off >= self.rate: self._run_f()
- yield byte
- if self.verbose: print()
- def begin_steg(self):
- """
- Begin steganography.
- """
- self.steg = FLAG_C
- @staticmethod
- def i2o_le(number,length):
- """
- Encode a non-negative integer to bytes, little-endian, of the given length.
- """
- if number < 0 or number >= 1 << (8*length):
- raise ProtocolError("Cannot encode number %d in %d bytes"
- % (number, length))
- return [ 0xFF & number >> (8*i)
- for i in range(length) ]
- @staticmethod
- def o2i_le(enc_number):
- """
- Decode a non-negative integer from bytes, little-endian.
- """
- return sum(( int(x)<<(8*i) for (i,x) in enumerate(enc_number) ))
- def outbound(self,cw,data=(),length=None,**kwargs):
- """
- Send or inject data with the given control-word.
- """
- if length is not None and data is not ():
- raise ProtocolError("Explicit length set with data")
- if cw.length_bytes == 0:
- encoded_length = ()
- if length is None: length = cw.length
- else:
- # determine the length
- if length is None: length = cw.length
- if length is None:
- try: length = len(data)
- except TypeError:
- data = bytearray(data)
- length = len(data)
- # encode it
- encoded_length = self.i2o_le(length,cw.length_bytes)
- cw_bytes = itertools.chain(cw.bytes, encoded_length)
- s1 = self.duplex(cw.cmode, cw_bytes)
- s2 = self.duplex(cw.dmode, data, length=length, **kwargs)
- return bytearray(s1) + bytearray(s2)
- def send(self,cw,*args,**kwargs):
- """
- Same as .outbound, but assert that mode includes actually sending
- data to the wire.
- (It is possible that no data will be sent if the length is 0.)
- """
- if not (cw.dmode | cw.cmode) & FLAG_T:
- raise ProtocolError(
- "Used .send on non-T control word; use .inject or .outbound instead"
- )
- return self.outbound(cw,*args,**kwargs)
- def inject(self,cw,*args,**kwargs):
- """
- Same as .outbound, but assert that the mode does not include
- sending data to the wire.
- """
- if (cw.dmode | cw.cmode) & FLAG_T:
- raise ProtocolError(
- "Used .inject on T control word; use .send or .outbound instead"
- )
- self.outbound(cw,*args,**kwargs)
- def recv_cw(self,data,possible_cws):
- """
- Receive data from a list of possible keywords.
- Return the keyword and length, or throw an error.
- """
- # create stream data
- stream = self.duplex(cm,data,as_iter=True)
- poss = list(possible_cws)
- i = 0
- dr = []
- def can_begin_with(cw,bs):
- if len(bs) > len(cw.bytes) + cw.length_bytes: return False
- lencmp = min(len(bs),len(cw.bytes))
- return bytearray(cw.bytes[0:lencmp]) == bytearray(bs[0:lencmp])
- while len(poss) > 1:
- b = next(stream)
- dr.append(b)
- poss = [cw for cw in poss if can_begin_with(cw,dr)]
- if len(poss) == 0:
- # oops, eliminated all possibilities
- raise ProtocolError("None of the expected CWs received")
- # read extra bytes to finish the control word
- cw = poss[0]
- extra = len(cw.bytes) + cw.length_bytes - len(dr)
- dr.extend(itertools.islice(stream,extra))
- if cw.length_bytes > 0:
- actual_length = self.o2i_le(dr[-cw.length_bytes:])
- # Sanity-check length
- if cw.length is not None and cw.length != actual_length:
- raise ProtocolError("Received length %d doesn't matched expected length %d"
- % (actual_length, cw.length))
- elif cw.min_length is not None and cw.min_length > actual_length:
- raise ProtocolError("Received length %d less than expected min-length %d"
- % (actual_length, cw.min_length))
- elif cw.max_length is not None and cw.max_length < actual_length:
- raise ProtocolError("Received length %d greater than expected max-length %d"
- % (actual_length, cw.max_length))
- return cw, actual_length
- else:
- return cw, cw.length
- def inbound_data(self,cw,data,**kwargs):
- """
- Take data from a connection.
- """
- mode = cw.dmode
- if mode & (FLAG_A | FLAG_T): mode |= FLAG_I
- return self.duplex(mode,data,**kwargs)
- def inbound(self,cws,data=(),length=None,return_cw=False):
- """
- Dual of outbound, except that you can pass multiple control words.
- """
- if isinstance(cws,ControlWord): cws = [cws]
- data = iter(data)
- if any((cw1.cmode & FLAG_T for cw1 in cws)):
- cw,length = self.recv_cw(data,cws)
- else:
- assert len(cws) == 1
- cw = cws[0]
- bytes = cw.bytes
- if length is None: length = cw.length
- if cw.length_bytes != 0:
- assert length is not None
- bytes = bytes + bytearray(self.i2o_le(length,cw.length_bytes))
- self.duplex(cw.cmode, bytes)
- # NB: This precludes use of a "PING" tag, where one party sends the tag
- # and the other party sends the data. So if you're going to do that,
- # you'll need to call recv_cw and outbound separately.
- idata = self.inbound_data(cw,data,length=length)
- if return_cw: return cw,idata
- else: return idata
- def recv(self,cws,*args,**kwargs):
- """
- Same as .inbound, but assert that mode includes actually receiving
- data to the wire.
- """
- if isinstance(cws,ControlWord): cws = [cws]
- if not all(((cw.dmode | cw.cmode) & FLAG_T for cw in cws)):
- raise ProtocolError(
- "Used .recv on non-T control word; use .extract or .inbound instead"
- )
- return self.inbound(cws,*args,**kwargs)
- def extract(self,cw,*args,**kwargs):
- """
- Same as .inbound, but assert that the mode does not include
- receiving data from the wire.
- """
- if (cw.dmode | cw.cmode) & FLAG_T:
- raise ProtocolError(
- "Used .extract on T control word; use .recv or .inbound instead"
- )
- return self.inbound(cw,*args,**kwargs)
- def send_siv(self,msg):
- post = self.copy()
- msg1 = self.outbound(SIV_PT_INNER,msg)
- mac1 = self.outbound(SIV_MAC_INNER)
- mac2 = post.outbound(SIV_MAC_OUTER,mac1)
- msg2 = post.outbound(APP_CIPHERTEXT,msg1)
- return itertools.chain(mac2, msg2)
- def recv_siv(self,msg):
- post = self.copy()
- msg = iter(msg)
- mac1 = post.inbound(SIV_MAC_OUTER,msg)
- msg1 = post.inbound(APP_CIPHERTEXT,msg)
- msg0 = self.inbound(SIV_PT_INNER,msg1)
- self.inbound(SIV_MAC_INNER,mac1)
- return msg0