Implement a secure ICS protocol targeting LoRa Node151 microcontroller for controlling irrigation.
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  1. /**
  2. ******************************************************************************
  3. * @file stm32l1xx_hal_tim_ex.h
  4. * @author MCD Application Team
  5. * @brief Header file of TIM HAL Extended module.
  6. ******************************************************************************
  7. * @attention
  8. *
  9. * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
  10. * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  11. *
  12. * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  13. * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  14. * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  15. *
  16. *
  17. ******************************************************************************
  18. */
  19. /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
  20. #ifndef STM32L1xx_HAL_TIM_EX_H
  21. #define STM32L1xx_HAL_TIM_EX_H
  22. #ifdef __cplusplus
  23. extern "C" {
  24. #endif
  25. /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  26. #include "stm32l1xx_hal_def.h"
  27. /** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver
  28. * @{
  29. */
  30. /** @addtogroup TIMEx
  31. * @{
  32. */
  33. /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  34. /** @defgroup TIMEx_Exported_Types TIM Extended Exported Types
  35. * @{
  36. */
  37. /**
  38. * @}
  39. */
  40. /* End of exported types -----------------------------------------------------*/
  41. /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
  42. /** @defgroup TIMEx_Exported_Constants TIM Extended Exported Constants
  43. * @{
  44. */
  45. /** @defgroup TIMEx_Remap TIM Extended Remapping
  46. * @{
  47. */
  48. /* @note STM32L1XX devices are organized in 6 categories: Cat.1, Cat.2, Cat.3, Cat.4, Cat.5, Cat.6.
  49. Remap capabilities depend on the device category. As the DMA2 controller is available only in
  50. Cat.3, Cat.4,Cat.5 and Cat.6 devices it is used to discriminate Cat.1 and Cat.2 devices v.s.
  51. Cat.3, Cat.4, Cat.5 and Cat.6 devices. */
  52. #if defined(DMA2)
  53. #define TIM_TIM2_ITR1_TIM10_OC (0x00000000) /*!< TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to TIM10 OC */
  54. #define TIM_TIM2_ITR1_TIM5_TGO TIM2_OR_ITR1_RMP /*!< TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to TIM5 TGO */
  55. #endif /* DMA2 */
  56. #if defined(DMA2)
  57. #define TIM_TIM3_ITR2_TIM11_OC (0x00000000) /*!< TIM3 ITR2 input is connected to TIM11 OC */
  58. #define TIM_TIM3_ITR2_TIM5_TGO TIM2_OR_ITR1_RMP /*!< TIM3 ITR2 input is connected to TIM5 TGO */
  59. #endif /* DMA2 */
  60. #if defined(DMA2)
  61. #define TIM_TIM9_ITR1_TIM3_TGO (0x00000000) /*!< TIM9 ITR1 input is connected to TIM3 TGO */
  62. #define TIM_TIM9_ITR1_TS TIM9_OR_ITR1_RMP /*!< TIM9 ITR1 input is connected to touch sensing I/O */
  63. #endif /* DMA2 */
  64. #define TIM_TIM9_GPIO (0x00000000) /*!< TIM9 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  65. #define TIM_TIM9_LSE TIM_OR_TI1RMP_0 /*!< TIM9 Channel1 is connected to LSE internal clock */
  66. #define TIM_TIM9_GPIO1 TIM_OR_TI1RMP_1 /*!< TIM9 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  67. #define TIM_TIM9_GPIO2 TIM_OR_TI1RMP /*!< TIM9 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  68. #if defined(DMA2)
  69. #define TIM_TIM10_TI1RMP (0x00000000) /*!< TIM10 Channel 1 depends on TI1_RMP */
  70. #define TIM_TIM10_RI TIM_OR_TI1_RMP_RI /*!< TIM10 Channel 1 is connected to RI */
  71. #define TIM_TIM10_ETR_LSE (0x00000000) /*!< TIM10 ETR input is connected to LSE clock */
  72. #define TIM_TIM10_ETR_TIM9_TGO TIM_OR_ETR_RMP /*!< TIM10 ETR input is connected to TIM9 TGO */
  73. #endif /* DMA2 */
  74. #define TIM_TIM10_GPIO (0x00000000) /*!< TIM10 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  75. #define TIM_TIM10_LSI TIM_OR_TI1RMP_0 /*!< TIM10 Channel1 is connected to LSI internal clock */
  76. #define TIM_TIM10_LSE TIM_OR_TI1RMP_1 /*!< TIM10 Channel1 is connected to LSE internal clock */
  77. #define TIM_TIM10_RTC TIM_OR_TI1RMP /*!< TIM10 Channel1 is connected to RTC wakeup interrupt */
  78. #if defined(DMA2)
  79. #define TIM_TIM11_TI1RMP (0x00000000) /*!< TIM11 Channel 1 depends on TI1_RMP */
  80. #define TIM_TIM11_RI TIM_OR_TI1_RMP_RI /*!< TIM11 Channel 1 is connected to RI */
  81. #define TIM_TIM11_ETR_LSE (0x00000000) /*!< TIM11 ETR input is connected to LSE clock */
  82. #define TIM_TIM11_ETR_TIM9_TGO TIM_OR_ETR_RMP /*!< TIM11 ETR input is connected to TIM9 TGO */
  83. #endif /* DMA2 */
  84. #define TIM_TIM11_GPIO (0x00000000) /*!< TIM11 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  85. #define TIM_TIM11_MSI TIM_OR_TI1RMP_0 /*!< TIM11 Channel1 is connected to MSI internal clock */
  86. #define TIM_TIM11_HSE_RTC TIM_OR_TI1RMP_1 /*!< TIM11 Channel1 is connected to HSE_RTC clock */
  87. #define TIM_TIM11_GPIO1 TIM_OR_TI1RMP /*!< TIM11 Channel1 is connected to GPIO */
  88. /**
  89. * @}
  90. */
  91. /**
  92. * @}
  93. */
  94. /* End of exported constants -------------------------------------------------*/
  95. /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  96. /** @defgroup TIMEx_Exported_Macros TIM Extended Exported Macros
  97. * @{
  98. */
  99. /**
  100. * @}
  101. */
  102. /* End of exported macro -----------------------------------------------------*/
  103. /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
  104. /** @defgroup TIMEx_Private_Macros TIM Extended Private Macros
  105. * @{
  106. */
  107. #if defined(DMA2)
  109. ( (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) && (((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM2_ITR1_TIM10_OC) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM2_ITR1_TIM5_TGO))) || \
  110. (((INSTANCE) == TIM3) && (((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM3_ITR2_TIM11_OC) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM3_ITR2_TIM5_TGO))) || \
  111. (((INSTANCE) == TIM9) && ((TIM_REMAP) <= (TIM_TIM9_ITR1_TS | TIM_TIM9_GPIO2))) || \
  112. (((INSTANCE) == TIM10) && ((TIM_REMAP) <= (TIM_TIM10_RI | TIM_TIM10_ETR_TIM9_TGO | TIM_TIM10_RTC))) || \
  113. (((INSTANCE) == TIM11) && ((TIM_REMAP) <= (TIM_TIM11_RI | TIM_TIM11_ETR_TIM9_TGO | TIM_TIM11_GPIO1))) \
  114. )
  115. #else
  117. ( (((INSTANCE) == TIM9) && (((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM9_GPIO) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM9_LSE) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM9_GPIO1) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM9_GPIO2))) || \
  118. (((INSTANCE) == TIM10) && (((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM10_GPIO) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM10_LSI) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM10_LSE) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM10_RTC))) || \
  119. (((INSTANCE) == TIM11) && (((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM11_GPIO) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM11_MSI) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM11_HSE_RTC) || ((TIM_REMAP) == TIM_TIM11_GPIO1))) \
  120. )
  121. #endif /* DMA2 */
  122. /**
  123. * @}
  124. */
  125. /* End of private macro ------------------------------------------------------*/
  126. /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
  127. /** @addtogroup TIMEx_Exported_Functions TIM Extended Exported Functions
  128. * @{
  129. */
  130. /** @addtogroup TIMEx_Exported_Functions_Group5 Extended Peripheral Control functions
  131. * @brief Peripheral Control functions
  132. * @{
  133. */
  134. /* Extended Control functions ************************************************/
  135. HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef *sMasterConfig);
  136. HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_RemapConfig(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Remap);
  137. /**
  138. * @}
  139. */
  140. /**
  141. * @}
  142. */
  143. /* End of exported functions -------------------------------------------------*/
  144. /**
  145. * @}
  146. */
  147. /**
  148. * @}
  149. */
  150. #ifdef __cplusplus
  151. }
  152. #endif
  153. #endif /* STM32L1xx_HAL_TIM_EX_H */
  154. /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/