Implement a secure ICS protocol targeting LoRa Node151 microcontroller for controlling irrigation.
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  1. import asyncio
  2. import functools
  3. import os
  4. import unittest
  5. from Strobe.Strobe import Strobe, KeccakF
  6. from Strobe.Strobe import AuthenticationFailed
  7. import lora_comms
  8. from lora_comms import make_pktbuf
  9. domain = b'com.funkthat.lora.irrigation.shared.v0.0.1'
  10. # Response to command will be the CMD and any arguments if needed.
  11. # The command is encoded as an unsigned byte
  12. CMD_TERMINATE = 1 # no args: terminate the sesssion, reply confirms
  13. # The follow commands are queue up, but will be acknoledged when queued
  14. CMD_WAITFOR = 2 # arg: (length): waits for length seconds
  15. CMD_RUNFOR = 3 # arg: (chan, length): turns on chan for length seconds
  16. class LORANode(object):
  17. '''Implement a LORANode initiator.'''
  18. def __init__(self, syncdatagram):
  19. = syncdatagram
  20. = Strobe(domain, F=KeccakF(800))
  21. async def start(self):
  22. msg = + b'reqreset') + \
  24. resp = await, 1)
  27. resp = await
  28.'confirm') +, 1)
  29. pkt =[:9])
  31. if pkt != b'confirmed':
  32. raise RuntimeError
  33. @staticmethod
  34. def _encodeargs(*args):
  35. r = []
  36. for i in args:
  37. r.append(i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
  38. return b''.join(r)
  39. async def _sendcmd(self, cmd, *args):
  40. cmdbyte = cmd.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')
  41. pkt = await
  42. +
  43. self._encodeargs(*args)) +, 1)
  44. resp =[:-8])
  46. if resp[0:1] != cmdbyte:
  47. raise RuntimeError('response does not match, got: %s, expected: %s' % (repr(resp[0:1]), repr(cmdbyte)))
  48. async def waitfor(self, length):
  49. return await self._sendcmd(CMD_WAITFOR, length)
  50. async def runfor(self, chan, length):
  51. return await self._sendcmd(CMD_RUNFOR, chan, length)
  52. async def terminate(self):
  53. return await self._sendcmd(CMD_TERMINATE)
  54. class SyncDatagram(object):
  55. '''Base interface for a more simple synchronous interface.'''
  56. def __init__(self): #pragma: no cover
  57. pass
  58. async def recv(self, timeout=None): #pragma: no cover
  59. '''Receive a datagram. If timeout is not None, wait that many
  60. seconds, and if nothing is received in that time, raise an TimeoutError
  61. exception.'''
  62. raise NotImplementedError
  63. async def send(self, data): #pragma: no cover
  64. '''Send a datagram.'''
  65. raise NotImplementedError
  66. async def sendtillrecv(self, data, freq):
  67. '''Send the datagram in data, every freq seconds until a datagram
  68. is received. If timeout seconds happen w/o receiving a datagram,
  69. then raise an TimeoutError exception.'''
  70. while True:
  71. await self.send(data)
  72. try:
  73. return await self.recv(freq)
  74. except TimeoutError:
  75. pass
  76. class MockSyncDatagram(SyncDatagram):
  77. '''A testing version of SyncDatagram. Define a method runner which
  78. implements part of the sequence. In the function, await on either
  79. self.get, to wait for the other side to send something, or await
  80. self.put w/ data to send.'''
  81. def __init__(self):
  82. self.sendq = asyncio.Queue()
  83. self.recvq = asyncio.Queue()
  84. self.task = None
  85. self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.runner())
  86. self.get = self.sendq.get
  87. self.put = self.recvq.put
  88. async def drain(self):
  89. '''Wait for the runner thread to finish up.'''
  90. return await self.task
  91. async def runner(self): #pragma: no cover
  92. raise NotImplementedError
  93. async def recv(self, timeout=None):
  94. return await self.recvq.get()
  95. async def send(self, data):
  96. return await self.sendq.put(data)
  97. def __del__(self): #pragma: no cover
  98. if self.task is not None and not self.task.done():
  99. self.task.cancel()
  100. class TestSyncData(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
  101. async def test_syncsendtillrecv(self):
  102. class MySync(SyncDatagram):
  103. def __init__(self):
  104. self.sendq = []
  105. self.resp = [ TimeoutError(), b'a' ]
  106. async def recv(self, timeout=None):
  107. assert timeout == 1
  108. r = self.resp.pop(0)
  109. if isinstance(r, Exception):
  110. raise r
  111. return r
  112. async def send(self, data):
  113. self.sendq.append(data)
  114. ms = MySync()
  115. r = await ms.sendtillrecv(b'foo', 1)
  116. self.assertEqual(r, b'a')
  117. self.assertEqual(ms.sendq, [ b'foo', b'foo' ])
  118. def timeout(timeout):
  119. def timeout_wrapper(fun):
  120. @functools.wraps(fun)
  121. async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  122. return await asyncio.wait_for(fun(*args, **kwargs),
  123. timeout)
  124. return wrapper
  125. return timeout_wrapper
  126. class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
  127. @timeout(2)
  128. async def test_lora(self):
  129. class TestSD(MockSyncDatagram):
  130. async def runner(self):
  131. l = Strobe(domain, F=KeccakF(800))
  132. # start handshake
  133. r = await self.get()
  134. pkt = l.recv_enc(r[:-8])
  135. l.recv_mac(r[-8:])
  136. assert pkt.endswith(b'reqreset')
  137. await self.put(l.send_enc(os.urandom(16)) +
  138. l.send_mac(8))
  139. r = await self.get()
  140. c = l.recv_enc(r[:-8])
  141. l.recv_mac(r[-8:])
  142. assert c == b'confirm'
  143. await self.put(l.send_enc(b'confirmed') +
  144. l.send_mac(8))
  145. r = await self.get()
  146. cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8])
  147. l.recv_mac(r[-8:])
  148. assert cmd[0] == CMD_WAITFOR
  149. assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:], byteorder='little') == 30
  150. await self.put(l.send_enc(cmd[0:1]) +
  151. l.send_mac(8))
  152. r = await self.get()
  153. cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8])
  154. l.recv_mac(r[-8:])
  155. assert cmd[0] == CMD_RUNFOR
  156. assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:5], byteorder='little') == 1
  157. assert int.from_bytes(cmd[5:], byteorder='little') == 50
  158. await self.put(l.send_enc(cmd[0:1]) +
  159. l.send_mac(8))
  160. r = await self.get()
  161. cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8])
  162. l.recv_mac(r[-8:])
  163. assert cmd[0] == CMD_TERMINATE
  164. await self.put(l.send_enc(cmd[0:1]) +
  165. l.send_mac(8))
  166. tsd = TestSD()
  167. l = LORANode(tsd)
  168. await l.start()
  169. await l.waitfor(30)
  170. await l.runfor(1, 50)
  171. await l.terminate()
  172. await tsd.drain()
  173. # Make sure all messages have been processed
  174. self.assertTrue(tsd.sendq.empty())
  175. self.assertTrue(tsd.recvq.empty())
  176. @timeout(2)
  177. async def test_ccode(self):
  178. _self = self
  179. from ctypes import pointer, sizeof, c_uint8
  180. # seed the RNG
  181. prngseed = b'abc123'
  182. lora_comms.strobe_seed_prng((c_uint8 *
  183. len(prngseed))(*prngseed), len(prngseed))
  184. # Create the state for testing
  185. commstate = lora_comms.CommsState()
  186. # These are the expected messages and their arguments
  187. exptmsgs = [
  188. (CMD_WAITFOR, [ 30 ]),
  189. (CMD_RUNFOR, [ 1, 50 ]),
  190. (CMD_TERMINATE, [ ]),
  191. ]
  192. def procmsg(msg, outbuf):
  193. msgbuf = msg._from()
  194. #print('procmsg:', repr(msg), repr(msgbuf), repr(outbuf))
  195. cmd = msgbuf[0]
  196. args = [ int.from_bytes(msgbuf[x:x + 4],
  197. byteorder='little') for x in range(1, len(msgbuf),
  198. 4) ]
  199. if exptmsgs[0] == (cmd, args):
  200. exptmsgs.pop(0)
  201. outbuf[0].pkt[0] = cmd
  202. outbuf[0].pktlen = 1
  203. else: #pragma: no cover
  204. raise RuntimeError('cmd not found')
  205. # wrap the callback function
  206. cb = lora_comms.process_msgfunc_t(procmsg)
  207. class CCodeSD(MockSyncDatagram):
  208. async def runner(self):
  209. for expectlen in [ 24, 17, 9, 9, 9 ]:
  210. # get message
  211. gb = await self.get()
  212. r = make_pktbuf(gb)
  213. outbytes = bytearray(64)
  214. outbuf = make_pktbuf(outbytes)
  215. # process the test message
  216. lora_comms.comms_process(commstate, r,
  217. outbuf)
  218. # make sure the reply matches length
  219. _self.assertEqual(expectlen,
  220. outbuf.pktlen)
  221. # pass the reply back
  222. await self.put(outbytes[:outbuf.pktlen])
  223. # Initialize everything
  224. lora_comms.comms_init(commstate, cb)
  225. # Create test fixture
  226. tsd = CCodeSD()
  227. l = LORANode(tsd)
  228. # Send various messages
  229. await l.start()
  230. await l.waitfor(30)
  231. await l.runfor(1, 50)
  232. await l.terminate()
  233. await tsd.drain()
  234. # Make sure all messages have been processed
  235. self.assertTrue(tsd.sendq.empty())
  236. self.assertTrue(tsd.recvq.empty())
  237. # Make sure all the expected messages have been
  238. # processed.
  239. self.assertFalse(exptmsgs)