@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ CMD_RUNFOR = 3 # arg: (chan, length): turns on chan for length seconds |
class LORANode(object): |
'''Implement a LORANode initiator.''' |
MAC_LEN = 8 |
def __init__(self, syncdatagram, shared=None): |
self.sd = syncdatagram |
self.st = Strobe(domain, F=KeccakF(800)) |
@@ -53,25 +55,38 @@ class LORANode(object): |
self.st.key(shared) |
async def start(self): |
msg = self.st.send_enc(os.urandom(16) + b'reqreset') + \ |
self.st.send_mac(8) |
resp = await self.sd.sendtillrecv(msg, 1) |
self.st.recv_enc(resp[:16]) |
self.st.recv_mac(resp[16:]) |
resp = await self.sendrecvvalid(os.urandom(16) + b'reqreset') |
self.st.ratchet() |
resp = await self.sd.sendtillrecv( |
self.st.send_enc(b'confirm') + self.st.send_mac(8), 1) |
pkt = self.st.recv_enc(resp[:9]) |
self.st.recv_mac(resp[9:]) |
pkt = await self.sendrecvvalid(b'confirm') |
if pkt != b'confirmed': |
raise RuntimeError |
async def sendrecvvalid(self, msg): |
msg = self.st.send_enc(msg) + self.st.send_mac(self.MAC_LEN) |
origstate = self.st.copy() |
while True: |
resp = await self.sd.sendtillrecv(msg, 1) |
#_debprint('got:', resp) |
try: |
decmsg = self.st.recv_enc(resp[:-self.MAC_LEN]) |
self.st.recv_mac(resp[-self.MAC_LEN:]) |
break |
except AuthenticationFailed: |
# didn't get a valid packet, restore |
# state and retry |
#_debprint('failed') |
self.st.set_state_from(origstate) |
#_debprint('got rep:', repr(resp), repr(decmsg)) |
return decmsg |
@staticmethod |
def _encodeargs(*args): |
r = [] |
@@ -82,15 +97,12 @@ class LORANode(object): |
async def _sendcmd(self, cmd, *args): |
cmdbyte = cmd.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') |
pkt = await self.sd.sendtillrecv( |
self.st.send_enc(cmdbyte + |
self._encodeargs(*args)) + self.st.send_mac(8), 1) |
resp = self.st.recv_enc(pkt[:-8]) |
self.st.recv_mac(pkt[-8:]) |
resp = await self.sendrecvvalid(cmdbyte + self._encodeargs(*args)) |
if resp[0:1] != cmdbyte: |
raise RuntimeError('response does not match, got: %s, expected: %s' % (repr(resp[0:1]), repr(cmdbyte))) |
raise RuntimeError( |
'response does not match, got: %s, expected: %s' % |
(repr(resp[0:1]), repr(cmdbyte))) |
async def waitfor(self, length): |
return await self._sendcmd(CMD_WAITFOR, length) |
@@ -109,8 +121,8 @@ class SyncDatagram(object): |
async def recv(self, timeout=None): #pragma: no cover |
'''Receive a datagram. If timeout is not None, wait that many |
seconds, and if nothing is received in that time, raise an TimeoutError |
exception.''' |
seconds, and if nothing is received in that time, raise an |
TimeoutError exception.''' |
raise NotImplementedError |
@@ -125,6 +137,7 @@ class SyncDatagram(object): |
then raise an TimeoutError exception.''' |
while True: |
#_debprint('sending:', repr(data)) |
await self.send(data) |
try: |
return await self.recv(freq) |
@@ -200,12 +213,42 @@ def timeout(timeout): |
return timeout_wrapper |
def _debprint(*args): # pragma: no cover |
import traceback, sys, os.path |
st = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] |
sep = '' |
if args: |
sep = ':' |
print('%s:%d%s' % (os.path.basename(st.filename), st.lineno, sep), |
*args) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): |
@timeout(2) |
async def test_lora(self): |
_self = self |
shared_key = os.urandom(32) |
class TestSD(MockSyncDatagram): |
async def sendgettest(self, msg): |
'''Send the message, but make sure that if a |
bad message is sent afterward, that it replies |
w/ the same previous message. |
''' |
await self.put(msg) |
resp = await self.get() |
await self.put(b'bogusmsg' * 5) |
resp2 = await self.get() |
_self.assertEqual(resp, resp2) |
return resp |
async def runner(self): |
l = Strobe(domain, F=KeccakF(800)) |
@@ -219,42 +262,66 @@ class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): |
assert pkt.endswith(b'reqreset') |
# make sure junk gets ignored |
await self.put(b'sdlfkj') |
# and that the packet remains the same |
_self.assertEqual(r, await self.get()) |
# and a couple more times |
await self.put(b'0' * 24) |
_self.assertEqual(r, await self.get()) |
await self.put(b'0' * 32) |
_self.assertEqual(r, await self.get()) |
# send the response |
await self.put(l.send_enc(os.urandom(16)) + |
l.send_mac(8)) |
# require no more back tracking at this point |
l.ratchet() |
# get the confirmation message |
r = await self.get() |
# test the resend capabilities |
await self.put(b'0' * 24) |
_self.assertEqual(r, await self.get()) |
# decode confirmation message |
c = l.recv_enc(r[:-8]) |
l.recv_mac(r[-8:]) |
assert c == b'confirm' |
# assert that we got it |
_self.assertEqual(c, b'confirm') |
await self.put(l.send_enc(b'confirmed') + |
l.send_mac(8)) |
# send confirmed reply |
r = await self.sendgettest(l.send_enc( |
b'confirmed') + l.send_mac(8)) |
r = await self.get() |
# test and decode remaining command messages |
cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8]) |
l.recv_mac(r[-8:]) |
assert cmd[0] == CMD_WAITFOR |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:], byteorder='little') == 30 |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:], |
byteorder='little') == 30 |
await self.put(l.send_enc(cmd[0:1]) + |
l.send_mac(8)) |
r = await self.sendgettest(l.send_enc( |
cmd[0:1]) + l.send_mac(8)) |
r = await self.get() |
cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8]) |
l.recv_mac(r[-8:]) |
assert cmd[0] == CMD_RUNFOR |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:5], byteorder='little') == 1 |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[5:], byteorder='little') == 50 |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[1:5], |
byteorder='little') == 1 |
assert int.from_bytes(cmd[5:], |
byteorder='little') == 50 |
await self.put(l.send_enc(cmd[0:1]) + |
l.send_mac(8)) |
r = await self.sendgettest(l.send_enc( |
cmd[0:1]) + l.send_mac(8)) |
r = await self.get() |
cmd = l.recv_enc(r[:-8]) |
l.recv_mac(r[-8:]) |
@@ -279,6 +346,7 @@ class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): |
# Make sure all messages have been processed |
self.assertTrue(tsd.sendq.empty()) |
self.assertTrue(tsd.recvq.empty()) |
#_debprint('done') |
@timeout(2) |
async def test_ccode(self): |
@@ -345,8 +413,10 @@ class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): |
lora_comms.comms_process(commstate, r, |
outbuf) |
# make sure that the reply matches previous |
_self.assertEqual(origmsg, outbuf._from()) |
# make sure that the reply matches |
# the previous |
_self.assertEqual(origmsg, |
outbuf._from()) |
# pass the reply back |
await self.put(outbytes[:outbuf.pktlen]) |
@@ -379,3 +449,4 @@ class TestLORANode(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): |
# Make sure all the expected messages have been |
# processed. |
self.assertFalse(exptmsgs) |
#_debprint('done') |