- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Use nose
- `$ pip install nose`
- `$ nosetests`
- """
- from hyde.ext.plugins.meta import GrouperPlugin, MetaPlugin, SorterPlugin
- from hyde.generator import Generator
- from hyde.site import Site
- from hyde.model import Config, Expando
- from fswrap import File
- import yaml
- from ..util import assert_html_equals
- TEST_SITE = File(__file__).parent.parent.child_folder('_test')
- class TestGrouperSingleLevel(object):
- def setUp(self):
- TEST_SITE.make()
- TEST_SITE.parent.child_folder(
- 'sites/test_grouper').copy_contents_to(TEST_SITE)
- self.s = Site(TEST_SITE)
- cfg = """
- nodemeta: meta.yaml
- plugins:
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.MetaPlugin
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.SorterPlugin
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.GrouperPlugin
- sorter:
- kind:
- attr:
- - source_file.kind
- filters:
- is_processable: True
- grouper:
- section:
- description: Sections in the site
- sorter: kind
- groups:
- -
- name: start
- description: Getting Started
- -
- name: plugins
- description: Plugins
- """
- self.s.config = Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict=yaml.load(cfg))
- self.s.load()
- MetaPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- SorterPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- GrouperPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- self.all = ['installation.html', 'overview.html',
- 'templating.html', 'plugins.html', 'tags.html']
- self.start = ['installation.html', 'overview.html', 'templating.html']
- self.plugins = ['plugins.html', 'tags.html']
- self.section = self.all
- def tearDown(self):
- TEST_SITE.delete()
- def test_site_grouper_groups(self):
- groups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in self.s.grouper['section'].groups])
- assert len(groups) == 2
- assert 'start' in groups
- assert 'plugins' in groups
- def test_site_grouper_walk_groups(self):
- groups = dict([(g.name, g)
- for g in self.s.grouper['section'].walk_groups()])
- assert len(groups) == 3
- assert 'section' in groups
- assert 'start' in groups
- assert 'plugins' in groups
- def test_walk_section_groups(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_section_groups')
- groups = dict([(grouper.group.name, grouper)
- for grouper in self.s.content.walk_section_groups()])
- assert len(groups) == 3
- assert 'section' in groups
- assert 'start' in groups
- assert 'plugins' in groups
- for name in ['start', 'plugins']:
- res = [resource.name for resource in groups[name].resources]
- assert res == getattr(self, name)
- def test_walk_start_groups(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_start_groups')
- groups = dict([(g.name, g)
- for g, resources in self.s.content.walk_start_groups()])
- assert len(groups) == 1
- assert 'start' in groups
- def test_walk_plugins_groups(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_plugins_groups')
- groups = dict([(g.name, g) for g, resources in
- self.s.content.walk_plugins_groups()])
- assert len(groups) == 1
- assert 'plugins' in groups
- def test_walk_section_resources(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_resources_grouped_by_section')
- resources = [resource.name for resource in
- self.s.content.walk_resources_grouped_by_section()]
- assert resources == self.all
- def test_walk_start_resources(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_resources_grouped_by_start')
- start_resources = [resource.name for resource in
- self.s.content.walk_resources_grouped_by_start()]
- assert start_resources == self.start
- def test_walk_plugins_resources(self):
- assert hasattr(self.s.content, 'walk_resources_grouped_by_plugins')
- plugin_resources = [resource.name for resource in
- self.s.content.walk_resources_grouped_by_plugins()]
- assert plugin_resources == self.plugins
- def test_resource_group(self):
- groups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in self.s.grouper['section'].groups])
- for name, group in groups.items():
- pages = getattr(self, name)
- for page in pages:
- res = self.s.content.resource_from_relative_path(
- 'blog/' + page)
- assert hasattr(res, 'section_group')
- res_group = getattr(res, 'section_group')
- assert res_group == group
- def test_resource_belongs_to(self):
- groups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in self.s.grouper['section'].groups])
- for name, group in groups.items():
- pages = getattr(self, name)
- for page in pages:
- res = self.s.content.resource_from_relative_path(
- 'blog/' + page)
- res_groups = getattr(res, 'walk_%s_groups' % name)()
- assert group in res_groups
- def test_prev_next(self):
- resources = []
- for page in self.all:
- resources.append(
- self.s.content.resource_from_relative_path('blog/' + page))
- index = 0
- for res in resources:
- if index < 4:
- assert res.next_in_section.name == self.all[index + 1]
- else:
- assert not res.next_in_section
- index += 1
- index = 0
- for res in resources:
- if index:
- assert res.prev_in_section.name == self.all[index - 1]
- else:
- assert not res.prev_in_section
- index += 1
- def test_nav_with_grouper(self):
- text = """
- {% for group, resources in site.content.walk_section_groups() %}
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>{{ group.name|title }}</h2>
- <h3>{{ group.description }}</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- {% for resource in resources %}
- <li>{{resource.name}}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- {% endfor %}
- """
- expected = """
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Section</h2>
- <h3>Sections in the site</h3>
- <ul class="links"></ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Start</h2>
- <h3>Getting Started</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- <li>installation.html</li>
- <li>overview.html</li>
- <li>templating.html</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Plugins</h2>
- <h3>Plugins</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- <li>plugins.html</li>
- <li>tags.html</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- """
- gen = Generator(self.s)
- gen.load_site_if_needed()
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- out = gen.template.render(text, {'site': self.s})
- assert_html_equals(out, expected)
- def test_nav_with_grouper_sorted(self):
- cfg = """
- nodemeta: meta.yaml
- plugins:
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.MetaPlugin
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.SorterPlugin
- - hyde.ext.plugins.meta.GrouperPlugin
- sorter:
- kind:
- attr:
- - source_file.kind
- filters:
- is_processable: True
- grouper:
- section:
- description: Sections in the site
- sorter: kind
- groups:
- -
- name: start
- description: Getting Started
- -
- name: awesome
- description: Awesome
- -
- name: plugins
- description: Plugins
- """
- self.s.config = Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict=yaml.load(cfg))
- self.s.load()
- MetaPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- SorterPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- GrouperPlugin(self.s).begin_site()
- text = """
- {% set sorted = site.grouper['section'].groups|sort(attribute='name') %}
- {% for group in sorted %}
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>{{ group.name|title }}</h2>
- <h3>{{ group.description }}</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- {% for resource in group.walk_resources_in_node(site.content) %}
- <li>{{resource.name}}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- {% endfor %}
- """
- expected = """
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Awesome</h2>
- <h3>Awesome</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Plugins</h2>
- <h3>Plugins</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- <li>plugins.html</li>
- <li>tags.html</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h2>Start</h2>
- <h3>Getting Started</h3>
- <ul class="links">
- <li>installation.html</li>
- <li>overview.html</li>
- <li>templating.html</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- """
- self.s.config.grouper.section.groups.append(
- Expando({"name": "awesome", "description": "Aweesoome"}))
- gen = Generator(self.s)
- gen.load_site_if_needed()
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- out = gen.template.render(text, {'site': self.s})
- assert_html_equals(out, expected)