- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Implements the hyde entry point commands
- """
- from hyde.exceptions import HydeException
- from hyde.layout import Layout, HYDE_DATA
- from hyde.model import Config
- from hyde.site import Site
- from hyde.version import __version__
- from commando import (
- Application,
- command,
- store,
- subcommand,
- true,
- version
- )
- from commando.util import getLoggerWithConsoleHandler
- from fswrap import FS, Folder
- class Engine(Application):
- def __init__(self, raise_exceptions=False):
- logger = getLoggerWithConsoleHandler('hyde')
- super(Engine, self).__init__(
- raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions,
- logger=logger
- )
- @command(description='hyde - a python static website generator',
- epilog='Use %(prog)s {command} -h to get help'
- 'on individual commands')
- @true('-v', '--verbose', help="Show detailed information in console")
- @true('-x', '--raise-exceptions', default=None,
- help="Don't handle exceptions.")
- @version('--version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
- @store('-s', '--sitepath', default='.', help="Location of the hyde site")
- def main(self, args):
- """
- Will not be executed. A sub command is required. This function exists
- to provide common parameters for the subcommands and some generic stuff
- like version and metadata
- """
- sitepath = Folder(args.sitepath).fully_expanded_path
- if args.raise_exceptions in (True, False):
- self.raise_exceptions = args.raise_exceptions
- return Folder(sitepath)
- @subcommand('create', help='Create a new hyde site.')
- @store('-l', '--layout', default='basic', help='Layout for the new site')
- @true('-f', '--force', default=False, dest='overwrite',
- help='Overwrite the current site if it exists')
- def create(self, args):
- """
- The create command. Creates a new site from the template at the given
- sitepath.
- """
- sitepath = self.main(args)
- markers = ['content', 'layout', 'site.yaml']
- exists = any((FS(sitepath.child(item)).exists for item in markers))
- if exists and not args.overwrite:
- raise HydeException(
- "The given site path [%s] already contains a hyde site."
- " Use -f to overwrite." % sitepath)
- layout = Layout.find_layout(args.layout)
- self.logger.info(
- "Creating site at [%s] with layout [%s]" % (sitepath, layout))
- if not layout or not layout.exists:
- raise HydeException(
- "The given layout is invalid. Please check if you have the"
- " `layout` in the right place and the environment variable(%s)"
- " has been setup properly if you are using custom path for"
- " layouts" % HYDE_DATA)
- layout.copy_contents_to(args.sitepath)
- self.logger.info("Site creation complete")
- @subcommand('gen', help='Generate the site')
- @store('-c', '--config-path', default='site.yaml', dest='config',
- help='The configuration used to generate the site')
- @store('-d', '--deploy-path', dest='deploy', default=None,
- help='Where should the site be generated?')
- @true('-r', '--regen', dest='regen', default=False,
- help='Regenerate the whole site, including unchanged files')
- def gen(self, args):
- """
- The generate command. Generates the site at the given
- deployment directory.
- """
- sitepath = self.main(args)
- site = self.make_site(sitepath, args.config, args.deploy)
- from hyde.generator import Generator
- gen = Generator(site)
- incremental = True
- if args.regen:
- self.logger.info("Regenerating the site...")
- incremental = False
- gen.generate_all(incremental=incremental)
- self.logger.info("Generation complete.")
- @subcommand('serve', help='Serve the website')
- @store('-a', '--address', default='localhost', dest='address',
- help='The address where the website must be served from.')
- @store('-p', '--port', type=int, default=8080, dest='port',
- help='The port where the website must be served from.')
- @store('-c', '--config-path', default='site.yaml', dest='config',
- help='The configuration used to generate the site')
- @store('-d', '--deploy-path', dest='deploy', default=None,
- help='Where should the site be generated?')
- def serve(self, args):
- """
- The serve command. Serves the site at the given
- deployment directory, address and port. Regenerates
- the entire site or specific files based on the request.
- """
- sitepath = self.main(args)
- site = self.make_site(sitepath, args.config, args.deploy)
- from hyde.server import HydeWebServer
- server = HydeWebServer(site, args.address, args.port)
- self.logger.info(
- "Starting webserver at [%s]:[%d]", args.address, args.port)
- try:
- server.serve_forever()
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- self.logger.info("Received shutdown request. Shutting down...")
- server.shutdown()
- self.logger.info("Server successfully stopped")
- exit()
- @subcommand('publish', help='Publish the website')
- @store('-c', '--config-path', default='site.yaml', dest='config',
- help='The configuration used to generate the site')
- @store('-p', '--publisher', dest='publisher', default='default',
- help='Points to the publisher configuration.')
- @store('-m', '--message', dest='message',
- help='Optional message.')
- def publish(self, args):
- """
- Publishes the site based on the configuration from the `target`
- parameter.
- """
- sitepath = self.main(args)
- site = self.make_site(sitepath, args.config)
- from hyde.publisher import Publisher
- publisher = Publisher.load_publisher(site,
- args.publisher,
- args.message)
- publisher.publish()
- def make_site(self, sitepath, config, deploy=None):
- """
- Creates a site object from the given sitepath and the config file.
- """
- config = Config(sitepath, config_file=config)
- if deploy:
- config.deploy_root = deploy
- return Site(sitepath, config)