- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Parses & holds information about the site to be generated.
- """
- import os
- import fnmatch
- import urlparse
- from hyde.exceptions import HydeException
- from hyde.fs import FS, File, Folder
- from hyde.model import Config
- from hyde.util import getLoggerWithNullHandler
- from functools import wraps
- def path_normalized(f):
- @wraps(f)
- def wrapper(self, path):
- return f(self, str(path).replace('/', os.sep))
- return wrapper
- logger = getLoggerWithNullHandler('hyde.engine')
- class Processable(object):
- """
- A node or resource.
- """
- def __init__(self, source):
- super(Processable, self).__init__()
- self.source = FS.file_or_folder(source)
- self.is_processable = True
- self.uses_template = True
- @property
- def name(self):
- """
- The resource name
- """
- return self.source.name
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.path
- @property
- def path(self):
- """
- Gets the source path of this node.
- """
- return self.source.path
- class Resource(Processable):
- """
- Represents any file that is processed by hyde
- """
- def __init__(self, source_file, node):
- super(Resource, self).__init__(source_file)
- self.source_file = source_file
- if not node:
- raise HydeException("Resource cannot exist without a node")
- if not source_file:
- raise HydeException("Source file is required"
- " to instantiate a resource")
- self.node = node
- self.site = node.site
- self._relative_deploy_path = None
- @property
- def relative_path(self):
- """
- Gets the path relative to the root folder (Content)
- """
- return self.source_file.get_relative_path(self.node.root.source_folder)
- @property
- def slug(self):
- #TODO: Add a more sophisticated slugify method
- return self.source.name_without_extension
- def get_relative_deploy_path(self):
- """
- Gets the path where the file will be created
- after its been processed.
- """
- return self._relative_deploy_path \
- if self._relative_deploy_path \
- else self.relative_path
- def set_relative_deploy_path(self, path):
- """
- Sets the path where the file ought to be created
- after its been processed.
- """
- self._relative_deploy_path = path
- self.site.content.resource_deploy_path_changed(self)
- relative_deploy_path = property(get_relative_deploy_path, set_relative_deploy_path)
- url = relative_deploy_path
- @property
- def full_url(self):
- """
- Returns the full url for the resource.
- """
- return self.site.full_url(self.relative_path)
- class Node(Processable):
- """
- Represents any folder that is processed by hyde
- """
- def __init__(self, source_folder, parent=None):
- super(Node, self).__init__(source_folder)
- if not source_folder:
- raise HydeException("Source folder is required"
- " to instantiate a node.")
- self.root = self
- self.module = None
- self.site = None
- self.source_folder = Folder(str(source_folder))
- self.parent = parent
- if parent:
- self.root = self.parent.root
- self.module = self.parent.module if self.parent.module else self
- self.site = parent.site
- self.child_nodes = []
- self.resources = []
- def contains_resource(self, resource_name):
- """
- Returns True if the given resource name exists as a file
- in this node's source folder.
- """
- return File(self.source_folder.child(resource_name)).exists
- def get_resource(self, resource_name):
- """
- Gets the resource if the given resource name exists as a file
- in this node's source folder.
- """
- if self.contains_resource(resource_name):
- return self.root.resource_from_path(
- self.source_folder.child(resource_name))
- return None
- def add_child_node(self, folder):
- """
- Creates a new child node and adds it to the list of child nodes.
- """
- if folder.parent != self.source_folder:
- raise HydeException("The given folder [%s] is not a"
- " direct descendant of [%s]" %
- (folder, self.source_folder))
- node = Node(folder, self)
- self.child_nodes.append(node)
- return node
- def add_child_resource(self, afile):
- """
- Creates a new resource and adds it to the list of child resources.
- """
- if afile.parent != self.source_folder:
- raise HydeException("The given file [%s] is not"
- " a direct descendant of [%s]" %
- (afile, self.source_folder))
- resource = Resource(afile, self)
- self.resources.append(resource)
- return resource
- def walk(self):
- """
- Walks the node, first yielding itself then
- yielding the child nodes depth-first.
- """
- yield self
- for child in self.child_nodes:
- for node in child.walk():
- yield node
- def walk_resources(self):
- """
- Walks the resources in this hierarchy.
- """
- for node in self.walk():
- for resource in node.resources:
- yield resource
- @property
- def relative_path(self):
- """
- Gets the path relative to the root folder (Content, Media, Layout)
- """
- return self.source_folder.get_relative_path(self.root.source_folder)
- @property
- def url(self):
- return '/' + self.relative_path
- @property
- def full_url(self):
- return self.site.full_url(self.relative_path)
- class RootNode(Node):
- """
- Represents one of the roots of site: Content, Media or Layout
- """
- def __init__(self, source_folder, site):
- super(RootNode, self).__init__(source_folder)
- self.site = site
- self.node_map = {}
- self.node_deploy_map = {}
- self.resource_map = {}
- self.resource_deploy_map = {}
- @path_normalized
- def node_from_path(self, path):
- """
- Gets the node that maps to the given path.
- If no match is found it returns None.
- """
- if Folder(path) == self.source_folder:
- return self
- return self.node_map.get(str(Folder(path)), None)
- @path_normalized
- def node_from_relative_path(self, relative_path):
- """
- Gets the content node that maps to the given relative path.
- If no match is found it returns None.
- """
- return self.node_from_path(
- self.source_folder.child(str(relative_path)))
- @path_normalized
- def resource_from_path(self, path):
- """
- Gets the resource that maps to the given path.
- If no match is found it returns None.
- """
- return self.resource_map.get(str(File(path)), None)
- @path_normalized
- def resource_from_relative_path(self, relative_path):
- """
- Gets the content resource that maps to the given relative path.
- If no match is found it returns None.
- """
- return self.resource_from_path(
- self.source_folder.child(str(relative_path)))
- def resource_deploy_path_changed(self, resource):
- """
- Handles the case where the relative deploy path of a
- resource has changed.
- """
- self.resource_deploy_map[str(resource.relative_deploy_path)] = resource
- @path_normalized
- def resource_from_relative_deploy_path(self, relative_deploy_path):
- """
- Gets the content resource whose deploy path maps to
- the given relative path. If no match is found it returns None.
- """
- if relative_deploy_path in self.resource_deploy_map:
- return self.resource_deploy_map[relative_deploy_path]
- return self.resource_from_relative_path(relative_deploy_path)
- def add_node(self, a_folder):
- """
- Adds a new node to this folder's hierarchy.
- Also adds to to the hashtable of path to node associations
- for quick lookup.
- """
- folder = Folder(a_folder)
- node = self.node_from_path(folder)
- if node:
- logger.debug("Node exists at [%s]" % node.relative_path)
- return node
- if not folder.is_descendant_of(self.source_folder):
- raise HydeException("The given folder [%s] does not"
- " belong to this hierarchy [%s]" %
- (folder, self.source_folder))
- p_folder = folder
- parent = None
- hierarchy = []
- while not parent:
- hierarchy.append(p_folder)
- p_folder = p_folder.parent
- parent = self.node_from_path(p_folder)
- hierarchy.reverse()
- node = parent if parent else self
- for h_folder in hierarchy:
- node = node.add_child_node(h_folder)
- self.node_map[str(h_folder)] = node
- logger.debug("Added node [%s] to [%s]" % (
- node.relative_path, self.source_folder))
- return node
- def add_resource(self, a_file):
- """
- Adds a file to the parent node. Also adds to to the
- hashtable of path to resource associations for quick lookup.
- """
- afile = File(a_file)
- resource = self.resource_from_path(afile)
- if resource:
- logger.debug("Resource exists at [%s]" % resource.relative_path)
- return resource
- if not afile.is_descendant_of(self.source_folder):
- raise HydeException("The given file [%s] does not reside"
- " in this hierarchy [%s]" %
- (afile, self.source_folder))
- node = self.node_from_path(afile.parent)
- if not node:
- node = self.add_node(afile.parent)
- resource = node.add_child_resource(afile)
- self.resource_map[str(afile)] = resource
- logger.debug("Added resource [%s] to [%s]" %
- (resource.relative_path, self.source_folder))
- return resource
- def load(self):
- """
- Walks the `source_folder` and loads the sitemap.
- Creates nodes and resources, reads metadata and injects attributes.
- This is the model for hyde.
- """
- if not self.source_folder.exists:
- raise HydeException("The given source folder [%s]"
- " does not exist" % self.source_folder)
- with self.source_folder.walker as walker:
- @walker.folder_visitor
- def visit_folder(folder):
- self.add_node(folder)
- @walker.file_visitor
- def visit_file(afile):
- for pattern in self.site.config.ignore:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(afile.name, pattern):
- return
- self.add_resource(afile)
- class Site(object):
- """
- Represents the site to be generated.
- """
- def __init__(self, sitepath=None, config=None):
- super(Site, self).__init__()
- self.sitepath = Folder(Folder(sitepath).fully_expanded_path)
- self.config = config if config else Config(self.sitepath)
- self.content = RootNode(self.config.content_root_path, self)
- self.plugins = []
- self.context = {}
- def load(self):
- """
- Walks the content and media folders to load up the sitemap.
- """
- self.content.load()
- def content_url(self, path):
- """
- Returns the content url by appending the base url from the config
- with the given path.
- """
- return Folder(self.config.base_url).child(path).replace(os.sep, '/')
- def media_url(self, path):
- """
- Returns the media url by appending the media base url from the config
- with the given path.
- """
- return Folder(self.config.media_url).child(path).replace(os.sep, '/')
- def full_url(self, path):
- """
- Determines if the given path is media or content based on the
- configuration and returns the appropriate url.
- """
- if urlparse.urlparse(path)[:2] != ("",""):
- return path
- if self.is_media(path):
- relative_path = File(path).get_relative_path(
- Folder(self.config.media_root))
- return self.media_url(relative_path)
- else:
- return self.content_url(path)
- def is_media(self, path):
- """
- Given the relative path, determines if it is content or media.
- """
- folder = self.content.source.child_folder(path)
- return folder.is_descendant_of(self.config.media_root_path)