- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Use nose
- `$ pip install nose`
- `$ nosetests`
- """
- from hyde.generator import Generator
- from hyde.model import Config
- from hyde.site import Site
- from pyquery import PyQuery
- from fswrap import File, Folder
- TEST_SITE = File(__file__).parent.child_folder('_test')
- class TestGenerator(object):
- def setUp(self):
- TEST_SITE.make()
- TEST_SITE.parent.child_folder(
- 'sites/test_jinja').copy_contents_to(TEST_SITE)
- def tearDown(self):
- TEST_SITE.delete()
- def test_generate_resource_from_path(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_resource_at_path(TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- about = File(Folder(site.config.deploy_root_path).child('about.html'))
- assert about.exists
- text = about.read_all()
- q = PyQuery(text)
- assert about.name in q("div#main").text()
- def test_generate_resource_from_path_with_is_processable_false(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- resource.is_processable = False
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_resource_at_path(TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- about = File(Folder(site.config.deploy_root_path).child('about.html'))
- assert not about.exists
- def test_generate_resource_from_path_with_uses_template_false(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- resource.uses_template = False
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_resource_at_path(TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- about = File(Folder(site.config.deploy_root_path).child('about.html'))
- assert about.exists
- text = about.read_all()
- expected = resource.source_file.read_all()
- assert text == expected
- def test_generate_resource_from_path_with_deploy_override(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- resource.relative_deploy_path = 'about/index.html'
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_resource_at_path(TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- about = File(
- Folder(site.config.deploy_root_path).child('about/index.html'))
- assert about.exists
- text = about.read_all()
- q = PyQuery(text)
- assert resource.name in q("div#main").text()
- def test_has_resource_changed(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_all()
- import time
- time.sleep(1)
- assert not gen.has_resource_changed(resource)
- text = resource.source_file.read_all()
- resource.source_file.write(text)
- assert gen.has_resource_changed(resource)
- gen.generate_all()
- assert not gen.has_resource_changed(resource)
- time.sleep(1)
- l = File(TEST_SITE.child('layout/root.html'))
- l.write(l.read_all())
- assert gen.has_resource_changed(resource)
- def test_context(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE, Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict={
- "context": {
- "data": {
- "abc": "def"
- }
- }
- }))
- text = """
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block main %}
- abc = {{ abc }}
- Hi!
- I am a test template to make sure jinja2 generation works well with hyde.
- {{resource.name}}
- {% endblock %}
- """
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- gen = Generator(site)
- resource.source_file.write(text)
- gen.generate_all()
- target = File(site.config.deploy_root_path.child(resource.name))
- assert "abc = def" in target.read_all()
- def test_context_providers(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE, Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict={
- "context": {
- "data": {
- "abc": "def"
- },
- "providers": {
- "nav": "nav.yaml"
- }
- }
- }))
- nav = """
- - home
- - articles
- - projects
- """
- text = """
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block main %}
- {{nav}}
- {% for item in nav %}
- {{item}}
- {% endfor %}
- abc = {{ abc }}
- Hi!
- I am a test template to make sure jinja2 generation works well with hyde.
- {{resource.name}}
- {% endblock %}
- """
- File(TEST_SITE.child('nav.yaml')).write(nav)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- gen = Generator(site)
- resource.source_file.write(text)
- gen.generate_all()
- target = File(site.config.deploy_root_path.child(resource.name))
- out = target.read_all()
- assert "abc = def" in out
- assert "home" in out
- assert "articles" in out
- assert "projects" in out
- def test_context_providers_no_data(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE, Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict={
- "context": {
- "providers": {
- "nav": "nav.yaml"
- }
- }
- }))
- nav = """
- main:
- - home
- - articles
- - projects
- """
- text = """
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block main %}
- {{nav}}
- {% for item in nav.main %}
- {{item}}
- {% endfor %}
- abc = {{ abc }}
- Hi!
- I am a test template to make sure jinja2 generation works well with hyde.
- {{resource.name}}
- {% endblock %}
- """
- File(TEST_SITE.child('nav.yaml')).write(nav)
- site.load()
- resource = site.content.resource_from_path(
- TEST_SITE.child('content/about.html'))
- gen = Generator(site)
- resource.source_file.write(text)
- gen.generate_all()
- target = File(site.config.deploy_root_path.child(resource.name))
- out = target.read_all()
- assert "home" in out
- assert "articles" in out
- assert "projects" in out
- def test_context_providers_equivalence(self):
- import yaml
- events = """
- 2011:
- -
- title: "one event"
- location: "a city"
- -
- title: "one event"
- location: "a city"
- 2010:
- -
- title: "one event"
- location: "a city"
- -
- title: "one event"
- location: "a city"
- """
- events_dict = yaml.load(events)
- config_dict = dict(context=dict(
- data=dict(events1=events_dict),
- providers=dict(events2="events.yaml")
- ))
- text = """
- {%% extends "base.html" %%}
- {%% block main %%}
- <ul>
- {%% for year, eventlist in %s %%}
- <li>
- <h1>{{ year }}</h1>
- <ul>
- {%% for event in eventlist %%}
- <li>{{ event.title }}-{{ event.location }}</li>
- {%% endfor %%}
- </ul>
- </li>
- {%% endfor %%}
- </ul>
- {%% endblock %%}
- """
- File(TEST_SITE.child('events.yaml')).write(events)
- f1 = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/text1.html'))
- f2 = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/text2.html'))
- f1.write(text % "events1")
- f2.write(text % "events2")
- site = Site(TEST_SITE, Config(TEST_SITE, config_dict=config_dict))
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.generate_all()
- left = File(site.config.deploy_root_path.child(f1.name)).read_all()
- right = File(site.config.deploy_root_path.child(f2.name)).read_all()
- assert left == right