A fork of hyde, the static site generation. Some patches will be pushed upstream.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
2.4 KiB

  1. Hyde is developed and maintained by `Lakshmi Vyasarajan`_. The new version of
  2. Hyde is sponsored by `Flowplayer`_ and `Tero Piirainen`_.
  3. This version would not exist without the contributions from the
  4. `original hyde project`_.
  5. Contributors
  6. ------------
  7. - |stiell|_
  8. * Bug Fix: Better mime type support in hyde server
  9. * Bug Fix: Support empty extension in tagger archives
  10. - |gfuchedzhy|_
  11. * Bug Fix: Hyde server now takes the url cleaner plugin into account.
  12. * Bug Fix: Sorter excludes items that do not have sorting attributes.
  13. * Bug Fix: CLTransformer now gracefully handles arguments that have "=".
  14. - |merlinrebrovic|_
  15. * Hyde starter kit
  16. - |vincentbernat|_
  17. * Bug Fix: Made sorting tests more predictable
  18. * Bug Fix: Added more standard paths for executables
  19. * Added Combine files plugin
  20. * Added ignore option in site configuration to igore based on wildcards
  21. * Added silent, compress and optimization parameter support for less css plugin
  22. * Fixed plugin chaining issues
  23. * Added Language(translation) plugin
  24. * Added support for parameters with `=` to `CLTransformer`
  25. * Added JPEGOptim plugin
  26. * Bug Fix: Ensure image sizer plugin handles external urls properly.
  27. - |pestaa|_
  28. * Added support for `UTF8` keys in `metadata` and `config`
  29. - |rfk|_
  30. * Bug fix: LessCSSPlugin: return original text if not a .less file
  31. * Added 'use_figure' configuration option for syntax tag
  32. * PyFS publisher with `mtime` and `etags` support
  33. * Added PyPI publisher
  34. * Bug fix: Made `site.full_url` ignore fully qualified paths
  35. - |tinnet|_
  36. * Bug fixes (Default template, `Syntax` template tag)
  37. .. _Lakshmi Vyasarajan: http://twitter.com/lakshmivyas
  38. .. _Flowplayer: http://flowplayer.org
  39. .. _Tero Piirainen: http://cloudpanic.com
  40. .. _original hyde project: http://github.com/lakshmivyas/hyde
  41. .. |rfk| replace:: Ryan Kelly
  42. .. _rfk: http://github.com/rfk
  43. .. |tinnet| replace:: Tinnet Coronam
  44. .. _tinnet: http://github.com/tinnet
  45. .. |pestaa| replace:: pestaa
  46. .. _pestaa: http://github.com/pestaa
  47. .. |vincentbernat| replace:: Vincent Bernat
  48. .. _vincentbernat: http://github.com/vincentbernat
  49. .. |merlinrebrovic| replace:: Merlin Rebrović
  50. .. _merlinrebrovic: https://github.com/merlinrebrovic
  51. .. |gfuchedzhy| replace:: Grygoriy Fuchedzhy
  52. .. _gfuchedzhy: https://github.com/gfuchedzhy
  53. .. |stiell| replace:: Stian Ellingsen
  54. .. _stiell: https://github.com/stiell