- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Use nose
- `$ pip install nose`
- `$ nosetests`
- Some code borrowed from rwbench.py from the jinja2 examples
- """
- from datetime import datetime
- from random import choice, randrange
- from hyde.ext.templates.jinja import Jinja2Template
- from hyde.site import Site
- from hyde.generator import Generator
- from hyde.model import Config
- from fswrap import File
- from jinja2.utils import generate_lorem_ipsum
- from nose.tools import nottest
- from pyquery import PyQuery
- import yaml
- ROOT = File(__file__).parent
- JINJA2 = ROOT.child_folder('templates/jinja2')
- class Article(object):
- def __init__(self, id):
- self.id = id
- self.href = '/article/%d' % self.id
- self.title = generate_lorem_ipsum(1, False, 5, 10)
- self.user = choice(users)
- self.body = generate_lorem_ipsum()
- self.pub_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
- randrange(10 ** 9, 2 * 10 ** 9))
- self.published = True
- def dateformat(x):
- return x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- class User(object):
- def __init__(self, username):
- self.href = '/user/%s' % username
- self.username = username
- users = map(User, [u'John Doe', u'Jane Doe', u'Peter Somewhat'])
- articles = map(Article, range(20))
- navigation = [
- ('index', 'Index'),
- ('about', 'About'),
- ('foo?bar=1', 'Foo with Bar'),
- ('foo?bar=2&s=x', 'Foo with X'),
- ('blah', 'Blub Blah'),
- ('hehe', 'Haha'),
- ] * 5
- context = dict(users=users, articles=articles, page_navigation=navigation)
- def test_render():
- """
- Uses pyquery to test the html structure for validity
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- source = File(JINJA2.child('index.html')).read_all()
- html = t.render(source, context)
- actual = PyQuery(html)
- assert actual(".navigation li").length == 30
- assert actual("div.article").length == 20
- assert actual("div.article h2").length == 20
- assert actual("div.article h2 a").length == 20
- assert actual("div.article p.meta").length == 20
- assert actual("div.article div.text").length == 20
- def test_typogrify():
- source = """
- {%filter typogrify%}
- One & two
- {%endfilter%}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u'One <span class="amp">&</span> two'
- def test_spaceless():
- source = """
- {%spaceless%}
- <html>
- <body>
- <ul>
- <li>
- One
- </li>
- <li>
- Two
- </li>
- <li>
- Three
- </li>
- </ul>
- </body>
- </html>
- {%endspaceless%}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- expected = u"""
- <html><body><ul><li>
- One
- </li><li>
- Two
- </li><li>
- Three
- </li></ul></body></html>
- """
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_asciidoc():
- source = """
- {%asciidoc%}
- == Heading 2 ==
- * test1
- * test2
- * test3
- {%endasciidoc%}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html
- q = PyQuery(html)
- assert q
- assert q("li").length == 3
- assert q("li:nth-child(1)").text().strip() == "test1"
- assert q("li:nth-child(2)").text().strip() == "test2"
- assert q("li:nth-child(3)").text().strip() == "test3"
- def test_markdown():
- source = """
- {%markdown%}
- ### Heading 3
- {%endmarkdown%}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u'<h3>Heading 3</h3>'
- def test_restructuredtext():
- source = """
- {% restructuredtext %}
- Hello
- =====
- {% endrestructuredtext %}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u"""<div class="document" id="hello">
- <h1 class="title">Hello</h1>
- </div>""", html
- def test_restructuredtext_with_sourcecode():
- source = """
- {% restructuredtext %}
- Code
- ====
- .. sourcecode:: python
- def add(a, b):
- return a + b
- See `Example`_
- .. _Example: example.html
- {% endrestructuredtext %}
- """
- expected = ("""
- <div class="document" id="code">
- <h1 class="title">Code</h1>
- <div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">def</span> """
- """<span class="nf">add</span><span class="p">(</span>"""
- """<span class="n">a"""
- """</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">b</span>"""
- """<span class="p">):</span>
- <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">a</span> """
- """<span class="o">+</span> <span class="n">b</span>
- </pre></div>
- <p>See <a class="reference external" href="example.html">Example</a></p>
- </div>
- """)
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- s = Site(JINJA2.path)
- c = Config(JINJA2.path, config_dict=dict(
- restructuredtext=dict(highlight_source=True)))
- s.config = c
- t.configure(s)
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_markdown_with_extensions():
- source = """
- {%markdown%}
- ### Heading 3
- {%endmarkdown%}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- s = Site(JINJA2.path)
- c = Config(JINJA2.path, config_dict=dict(
- markdown=dict(extensions=['headerid'])))
- s.config = c
- t.configure(s)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u'<h3 id="heading-3">Heading 3</h3>'
- def test_markdown_with_sourcecode():
- source = """
- {%markdown%}
- # Code
- :::python
- def add(a, b):
- return a + b
- See [Example][]
- [Example]: example.html
- {%endmarkdown%}
- """
- expected = ("""
- <h1>Code</h1>
- <div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="k">def</span> """
- """<span class="nf">add</span><span class="p">(</span>"""
- """<span class="n">a</span><span class="p">,</span> """
- """<span class="n">b</span><span class="p">):</span>
- <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">a</span> <span class="o">+"""
- """</span> <span class="n">b</span>
- </pre></div>
- <p>See <a href="example.html">Example</a></p>
- """)
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- s = Site(JINJA2.path)
- c = Config(JINJA2.path, config_dict=dict(
- markdown=dict(extensions=['codehilite'])))
- s.config = c
- t.configure(s)
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_line_statements():
- source = """
- $$$ markdown
- ### Heading 3
- $$$ endmarkdown
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- s = Site(JINJA2.path)
- c = Config(JINJA2.path, config_dict=dict(
- markdown=dict(extensions=['headerid'])))
- s.config = c
- t.configure(s)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u'<h3 id="heading-3">Heading 3</h3>'
- def test_line_statements_with_config():
- source = """
- %% markdown
- ### Heading 3
- %% endmarkdown
- """
- config = """
- markdown:
- extensions:
- - headerid
- jinja2:
- line_statement_prefix: '%%'
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- s = Site(JINJA2.path)
- s.config = Config(JINJA2.path, config_dict=yaml.load(config))
- t.configure(s)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(source, {}).strip()
- assert html == u'<h3 id="heading-3">Heading 3</h3>'
- TEST_SITE = File(__file__).parent.child_folder('_test')
- @nottest
- def assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(include_text, includer_text):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- site.config.plugins = ['hyde.ext.plugins.meta.MetaPlugin']
- inc = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/inc.md'))
- inc.write(include_text)
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- template = gen.template
- html = template.render(includer_text, {}).strip()
- assert html
- q = PyQuery(html)
- assert "is_processable" not in html
- assert "This is a" in q("h1").text()
- assert "heading" in q("h1").text()
- assert q(".amp").length == 1
- return html
- class TestJinjaTemplate(object):
- def setUp(self):
- TEST_SITE.make()
- TEST_SITE.parent.child_folder(
- 'sites/test_jinja').copy_contents_to(TEST_SITE)
- def tearDown(self):
- TEST_SITE.delete()
- def test_depends(self):
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- deps = list(t.get_dependencies('index.html'))
- assert len(deps) == 2
- assert 'helpers.html' in deps
- assert 'layout.html' in deps
- def test_depends_multi_level(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- JINJA2.copy_contents_to(site.content.source)
- inc = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/inc.md'))
- inc.write("{% extends 'index.html' %}")
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- t = gen.template
- deps = list(t.get_dependencies('inc.md'))
- assert len(deps) == 3
- assert 'helpers.html' in deps
- assert 'layout.html' in deps
- assert 'index.html' in deps
- def test_line_statements_with_blocks(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- JINJA2.copy_contents_to(site.content.source)
- text = """
- {% extends 'index.html' %}
- $$$ block body
- <div id="article">Heya</div>
- $$$ endblock
- """
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- template = gen.template
- template.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = template.render(text, {}).strip()
- assert html
- q = PyQuery(html)
- article = q("#article")
- assert article.length == 1
- assert article.text() == "Heya"
- def test_depends_with_reference_tag(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- JINJA2.copy_contents_to(site.content.source)
- inc = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/inc.md'))
- inc.write("{% refer to 'index.html' as index%}")
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- t = gen.template
- deps = list(t.get_dependencies('inc.md'))
- assert len(deps) == 3
- assert 'helpers.html' in deps
- assert 'layout.html' in deps
- assert 'index.html' in deps
- def test_cant_find_depends_with_reference_tag_var(self):
- site = Site(TEST_SITE)
- JINJA2.copy_contents_to(site.content.source)
- inc = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/inc.md'))
- inc.write("{% set ind = 'index.html' %}{% refer to ind as index %}")
- site.load()
- gen = Generator(site)
- gen.load_template_if_needed()
- t = gen.template
- deps = list(t.get_dependencies('inc.md'))
- assert len(deps) == 1
- assert not deps[0]
- def test_can_include_templates_with_processing(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- {% filter typogrify %}{% markdown %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endmarkdown %}{% endfilter %}
- """
- text2 = """{% include "inc.md" %}"""
- assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- def test_includetext(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- This is a heading
- =================
- Hyde & Jinja.
- """
- text2 = """{% includetext "inc.md" %}"""
- assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- def test_reference_is_noop(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- """
- text2 = """{% includetext "inc.md" %}"""
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- def test_reference_is_not_callable(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- {% mark repeated %}
- <span class="junk">Junk</span>
- {% endmark %}
- {{ self.repeated() }}
- {{ self.repeated }}
- """
- text2 = """{% includetext "inc.md" %}"""
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- q = PyQuery(html)
- assert q("span.junk").length == 1
- def test_refer(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- {% endfilter %}
- """
- text2 = """
- {% refer to "inc.md" as inc %}
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {{ inc.heading }}
- {{ inc.content }}
- {% endfilter %}
- """
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- def test_refer_with_full_html(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- <div class="fulltext">
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- {% endfilter %}
- </div>
- """
- text2 = """
- {% refer to "inc.md" as inc %}
- {{ inc.html('.fulltext') }}
- """
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- def test_two_level_refer_with_var(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- <div class="fulltext">
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- {% endfilter %}
- </div>
- """
- text2 = """
- {% set super = 'super.md' %}
- {% refer to super as sup %}
- <div class="justhead">
- {% mark child %}
- {{ sup.heading }}
- {% endmark %}
- {% mark cont %}
- {{ sup.content }}
- {% endmark %}
- </div>
- """
- text3 = """
- {% set incu = 'inc.md' %}
- {% refer to incu as inc %}
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {{ inc.child }}
- {{ inc.cont }}
- {% endfilter %}
- """
- superinc = File(TEST_SITE.child('content/super.md'))
- superinc.write(text)
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text2, text3)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- def test_refer_with_var(self):
- text = """
- ===
- is_processable: False
- ===
- <div class="fulltext">
- {% filter markdown|typogrify %}
- {% mark heading %}
- This is a heading
- =================
- {% endmark %}
- {% reference content %}
- Hyde & Jinja.
- {% endreference %}
- {% endfilter %}
- </div>
- """
- text2 = """
- {% set incu = 'inc.md' %}
- {% refer to incu as inc %}
- {{ inc.html('.fulltext') }}
- """
- html = assert_markdown_typogrify_processed_well(text, text2)
- assert "mark" not in html
- assert "reference" not in html
- def test_yaml_tag(self):
- text = """
- {% yaml test %}
- one:
- - A
- - B
- - C
- two:
- - D
- - E
- - F
- {% endyaml %}
- {% for section, values in test.items() %}
- <ul class="{{ section }}">
- {% for value in values %}
- <li>{{ value }}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- {% endfor %}
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- actual = PyQuery(html)
- assert actual("ul").length == 2
- assert actual("ul.one").length == 1
- assert actual("ul.two").length == 1
- assert actual("li").length == 6
- assert actual("ul.one li").length == 3
- assert actual("ul.two li").length == 3
- ones = [item.text for item in actual("ul.one li")]
- assert ones == ["A", "B", "C"]
- twos = [item.text for item in actual("ul.two li")]
- assert twos == ["D", "E", "F"]
- def test_top_filter(self):
- text = """
- {% yaml test %}
- item_list:
- - A
- - B
- - C
- - D
- - E
- - F
- {% endyaml %}
- <ul class="top">
- {% for value in test.item_list|top(3) %}
- <li>{{ value }}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- <ul class="mid">
- {% for value in test.item_list|islice(3, 6) %}
- <li>{{ value }}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- t.env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- actual = PyQuery(html)
- assert actual("ul").length == 2
- assert actual("li").length == 6
- items = [item.text for item in actual("ul.top li")]
- assert items == ["A", "B", "C"]
- items = [item.text for item in actual("ul.mid li")]
- assert items == ["D", "E", "F"]
- def test_raw_tag(self):
- expected = """
- <div class="template secondary">
- <aside class="secondary">
- <ul>
- {{#sections}}
- <li><a href="#{{id}}">{{textContent}}</a></li>
- {{/sections}}
- </ul>
- </aside>
- """
- text = "{%% raw %%}%s{%% endraw %%}" % expected
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_raw_tag_with_markdown_typogrify(self):
- expected = """
- <div class="template secondary">
- <aside class="secondary">
- <ul>
- {{#sections}}
- <li><a href="#{{id}}">{{textContent}}</a></li>
- {{/sections}}
- </ul>
- </aside>
- """
- text = """{%% filter markdown|typogrify %%}{%% raw
- %%}%s{%% endraw %%}{%% endfilter %%}""" % expected
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_urlencode_filter(self):
- text = u"""
- <a href="{{ 'фотография.jpg'|urlencode }}"
- >фотография</a><a href="{{ 'http://localhost:8080/"abc.jpg'|urlencode
- }}">quoted</a>
- """
- expected = u"""
- <a href="%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F.jpg"
- >фотография</a><a href="http%3A//localhost%3A8080/%22abc.jpg">quoted</a>
- """
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()
- def test_urldecode_filter(self):
- text = u"""
- <a href="{{ 'фотография.jpg'|urlencode }}">{{
- "%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F.jpg"|urldecode
- }}</a>
- """
- expected = (u'<a href="%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1'
- u'%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F.jpg">фотография.jpg</a>')
- t = Jinja2Template(JINJA2.path)
- t.configure(None)
- html = t.render(text, {}).strip()
- assert html.strip() == expected.strip()