A fork of hyde, the static site generation. Some patches will be pushed upstream.

17 lines
264 B

  1. commando==0.1.1a
  2. PyYAML==3.09
  3. Markdown==2.0.3
  4. MarkupSafe==0.11
  5. pygments
  6. smartypants==
  7. -e git://github.com/hyde/typogrify.git#egg=typogrify
  8. Jinja2==2.5.5
  9. pyquery==0.6.1
  10. unittest2==0.5.1
  11. mock==0.7.0b4
  12. nose==1.0.0
  13. pep8==0.6.1
  14. pylint==0.22.0
  15. pysmell==0.7.3
  16. PIL