- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # pylint: disable-msg=W0104,E0602,W0613,R0201
- """
- Abstract classes and utilities for template engines
- """
- from hyde.exceptions import HydeException
- from hyde.util import getLoggerWithNullHandler
- import abc
- class HtmlWrap(object):
- """
- A wrapper class for raw html.
- Provides pyquery interface if available.
- Otherwise raw html access.
- """
- def __init__(self, html):
- super(HtmlWrap, self).__init__()
- self.raw = html
- try:
- from pyquery import PyQuery
- except:
- PyQuery = False
- if PyQuery:
- self.q = PyQuery(html)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.raw
- def __call__(self, selector=None):
- if not self.q:
- return self.raw
- return self.q(selector).html()
- class Template(object):
- """
- Interface for hyde template engines. To use a different template engine,
- the following interface must be implemented.
- """
- __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
- def __init__(self, sitepath):
- self.sitepath = sitepath
- self.logger = getLoggerWithNullHandler(self.__class__.__name__)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def configure(self, site, engine):
- """
- The site object should contain a config attribute. The config object
- is a simple YAML object with required settings. The template
- implementations are responsible for transforming this object to match
- the `settings` required for the template engines.
- The engine is an informal protocol to provide access to some
- hyde internals.
- The preprocessor attribute must contain the function that trigger the
- hyde plugins to preprocess the template after load.
- A context_for_path attribute must contain the function that returns
- the context object that is populated with the appropriate variables
- for the given path.
- """
- return
- def clear_caches(self):
- """
- Clear all caches to prepare for regeneration
- """
- return
- def get_dependencies(self, text):
- """
- Finds the dependencies based on the included
- files.
- """
- return None
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def render_resource(self, resource, context):
- """
- This function must load the file represented by the resource
- object and return the rendered text.
- """
- return ''
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def render(self, text, context):
- """
- Given the text, and the context, this function must return the
- rendered string.
- """
- return ''
- @abc.abstractproperty
- def exception_class(self):
- return HydeException
- @abc.abstractproperty
- def patterns(self):
- """
- Patterns for matching selected template statements.
- """
- return {}
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_include_statement(self, path_to_include):
- """
- Returns an include statement for the current template,
- given the path to include.
- """
- return '{%% include \'%s\' %%}' % path_to_include
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_extends_statement(self, path_to_extend):
- """
- Returns an extends statement for the current template,
- given the path to extend.
- """
- return '{%% extends \'%s\' %%}' % path_to_extend
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_open_tag(self, tag, params):
- """
- Returns an open tag statement.
- """
- return '{%% %s %s %%}' % (tag, params)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_close_tag(self, tag, params):
- """
- Returns an open tag statement.
- """
- return '{%% end%s %%}' % tag
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_content_url_statement(self, url):
- """
- Returns the content url statement.
- """
- return '/' + url
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_media_url_statement(self, url):
- """
- Returns the media url statement.
- """
- return '/media/' + url
- @staticmethod
- def find_template(site):
- """
- Reads the configuration to find the appropriate template.
- """
- # TODO: Find the appropriate template environment
- from hyde.ext.templates.jinja import Jinja2Template
- template = Jinja2Template(site.sitepath)
- return template