- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Contains data structures and utilities for hyde.
- """
- from hyde.fs import File, Folder
- import codecs
- import yaml
- from datetime import datetime
- from UserDict import IterableUserDict
- from hyde.util import getLoggerWithNullHandler
- logger = getLoggerWithNullHandler('hyde.engine')
- class Expando(object):
- """
- A generic expando class that creates attributes from
- the passed in dictionary.
- """
- def __init__(self, d):
- super(Expando, self).__init__()
- self.update(d)
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Returns an iterator for all the items in the
- dictionary as key value pairs.
- """
- return self.__dict__.iteritems()
- def update(self, d):
- """
- Updates the expando with a new dictionary
- """
- d = d or {}
- if isinstance(d, dict):
- for key, value in d.items():
- self.set_expando(key, value)
- elif isinstance(d, Expando):
- self.update(d.to_dict())
- def set_expando(self, key, value):
- """
- Sets the expando attribute after
- transforming the value.
- """
- setattr(self, unicode(key).encode('utf-8'), self.transform(value))
- def transform(self, primitive):
- """
- Creates an expando object, a sequence of expando objects or just
- returns the primitive based on the primitive's type.
- """
- if isinstance(primitive, dict):
- return Expando(primitive)
- elif isinstance(primitive, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
- seq = type(primitive)
- return seq(self.transform(attr) for attr in primitive)
- else:
- return primitive
- def __repr__(self):
- return unicode(self.to_dict())
- def to_dict(self):
- """
- Reverse transform an expando to dict
- """
- result = {}
- d = self.__dict__
- for k, v in d.items():
- if isinstance(v, Expando):
- result[k] = v.to_dict()
- elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
- seq = type(v)
- result[k] = seq(item.to_dict() if isinstance(item, Expando)
- else item for item in v)
- else:
- result[k] = v
- return result
- class Context(object):
- """
- Wraps the context related functions and utilities.
- """
- @staticmethod
- def load(sitepath, ctx):
- """
- Load context from config data and providers.
- """
- context = {}
- try:
- context.update(ctx.data.__dict__)
- for provider_name, resource_name in ctx.providers.__dict__.items():
- res = File(Folder(sitepath).child(resource_name))
- if res.exists:
- context[provider_name] = Expando(yaml.load(res.read_all()))
- except AttributeError:
- # No context data found
- pass
- return context
- class Dependents(IterableUserDict):
- """
- Represents the dependency graph for hyde.
- """
- def __init__(self, sitepath, depends_file_name='.hyde_deps'):
- self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
- self.deps_file = File(self.sitepath.child(depends_file_name))
- self.data = {}
- if self.deps_file.exists:
- self.data = yaml.load(self.deps_file.read_all())
- import atexit
- atexit.register(self.save)
- def save(self):
- """
- Saves the dependency graph (just a dict for now).
- """
- if self.deps_file.parent.exists:
- self.deps_file.write(yaml.dump(self.data))
- class Config(Expando):
- """
- Represents the hyde configuration file
- """
- def __init__(self, sitepath, config_file=None, config_dict=None):
- default_config = dict(
- mode='production',
- content_root='content',
- deploy_root='deploy',
- media_root='media',
- layout_root='layout',
- media_url='/media',
- base_url="/",
- not_found='404.html',
- plugins = [],
- ignore = [ "*~", "*.bak" ]
- )
- self.config_file = config_file
- self.config_dict = config_dict
- self.load_time = datetime.min
- self.config_files = []
- self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
- conf = dict(**default_config)
- conf.update(self.read_config(config_file))
- if config_dict:
- conf.update(config_dict)
- super(Config, self).__init__(conf)
- @property
- def last_modified(self):
- return max((conf.last_modified for conf in self.config_files))
- def needs_refresh(self):
- if not self.config_files:
- return True
- return any((conf.has_changed_since(self.load_time)
- for conf in self.config_files))
- def read_config(self, config_file):
- """
- Reads the configuration file and updates this
- object while allowing for inherited configurations.
- """
- conf_file = self.sitepath.child(
- config_file if
- config_file else 'site.yaml')
- conf = {}
- if File(conf_file).exists:
- self.config_files.append(File(conf_file))
- logger.info("Reading site configuration from [%s]", conf_file)
- with codecs.open(conf_file, 'r', 'utf-8') as stream:
- conf = yaml.load(stream)
- if 'extends' in conf:
- parent = self.read_config(conf['extends'])
- parent.update(conf)
- conf = parent
- self.load_time = datetime.now()
- return conf
- @property
- def deploy_root_path(self):
- """
- Derives the deploy root path from the site path
- """
- return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.deploy_root)
- @property
- def content_root_path(self):
- """
- Derives the content root path from the site path
- """
- return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.content_root)
- @property
- def media_root_path(self):
- """
- Derives the media root path from the content path
- """
- return self.content_root_path.child_folder(self.media_root)
- @property
- def layout_root_path(self):
- """
- Derives the layout root path from the site path
- """
- return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.layout_root)