- ---
- title: Another Sad Post
- description: >
- Something else sad happened.
- created: !!timestamp '2011-03-01 10:00:00'
- tags:
- - sad
- - events
- ---
- {% mark excerpt -%}
- I went and dressed sadly. It will show you pretty well how pipped I was when I
- tell you that I near as a toucher put on a white tie with a dinner-jacket. I
- sallied out for a bit of food more to pass the time than because I wanted it.
- It seemed brutal to be wading into the bill of fare with poor old Bicky headed
- for the breadline.
- {%- endmark %}
- When I got back old Chiswick had gone to bed, but Bicky was there, hunched up
- in an arm-chair, brooding pretty tensely, with a cigarette hanging out of the
- corner of his mouth and a more or less glassy stare in his eyes. He had the
- aspect of one who had been soaked with what the newspaper chappies call "some
- blunt instrument."
- "This is a bit thick, old thing—what!" I said.
- He picked up his glass and drained it feverishly, overlooking the fact that it
- hadn't anything in it.
- "I'm done, Bertie!" he said.
- He had another go at the glass. It didn't seem to do him any good.
- "If only this had happened a week later, Bertie! My next month's money was due
- to roll in on Saturday. I could have worked a wheeze I've been reading about
- in the magazine advertisements. It seems that you can make a dashed amount of
- money if you can only collect a few dollars and start a chicken-farm. Jolly
- sound scheme, Bertie! Say you buy a hen—call it one hen for the sake of
- argument. It lays an egg every day of the week. You sell the eggs seven for
- twenty-five cents. Keep of hen costs nothing. Profit practically twenty-five
- cents on every seven eggs. Or look at it another way: Suppose you have a dozen
- eggs. Each of the hens has a dozen chickens. The chickens grow up and have
- more chickens. Why, in no time you'd have the place covered knee-deep in hens,
- all laying eggs, at twenty-five cents for every seven. You'd make a fortune.
- Jolly life, too, keeping hens!" He had begun to get quite worked up at the
- thought of it, but he slopped back in his chair at this juncture with a good
- deal of gloom. "But, of course, it's no good," he said, "because I haven't the
- cash."
- "You've only to say the word, you know, Bicky, old top."
- "Thanks awfully, Bertie, but I'm not going to sponge on you."
- That's always the way in this world. The chappies you'd like to lend money to
- won't let you, whereas the chappies you don't want to lend it to will do
- everything except actually stand you on your head and lift the specie out of
- your pockets. As a lad who has always rolled tolerably free in the right
- stuff, I've had lots of experience of the second class. Many's the time, back
- in London, I've hurried along Piccadilly and felt the hot breath of the
- toucher on the back of my neck and heard his sharp, excited yapping as he
- closed in on me. I've simply spent my life scattering largesse to blighters I
- didn't care a hang for; yet here was I now, dripping doubloons and pieces of
- eight and longing to hand them over, and Bicky, poor fish, absolutely on his
- uppers, not taking any at any price.
- "Well, there's only one hope, then."
- "What's that?"
- "Jeeves."
- "Sir?"
- There was Jeeves, standing behind me, full of zeal. In this matter of
- shimmering into rooms the chappie is rummy to a degree. You're sitting in the
- old armchair, thinking of this and that, and then suddenly you look up, and
- there he is. He moves from point to point with as little uproar as a jelly
- fish. The thing startled poor old Bicky considerably. He rose from his seat
- like a rocketing pheasant. I'm used to Jeeves now, but often in the days when
- he first came to me I've bitten my tongue freely on finding him unexpectedly
- in my midst.
- [My Man Jeeves by PG Wodehouse][MMJ]
- [MMJ]: http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8164/pg8164.html