- """
- Module for python 2.6 compatibility.
- """
- import os
- from functools import partial
- from itertools import izip, tee
- def make_method(method_name, method_):
- def method__(*args, **kwargs):
- return method_(*args, **kwargs)
- method__.__name__ = method_name
- return method__
- def add_property(obj, method_name, method_, *args, **kwargs):
- m = make_method(method_name, partial(method_, *args, **kwargs))
- setattr(obj, method_name, property(m))
- def add_method(obj, method_name, method_, *args, **kwargs):
- m = make_method(method_name, partial(method_, *args, **kwargs))
- setattr(obj, method_name, m)
- def pairwalk(iterable):
- a, b = tee(iterable)
- next(b, None)
- return izip(a, b)
- def first_match(predicate, iterable):
- """
- Gets the first element matched by the predicate
- in the iterable.
- """
- for item in iterable:
- if predicate(item):
- return item
- return None
- def discover_executable(name, sitepath):
- """
- Finds an executable in the given sitepath or in the
- path list provided by the PATH environment variable.
- """
- # Check if an executable can be found in the site path first.
- # If not check the os $PATH for its presence.
- paths = [unicode(sitepath)] + os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
- for path in paths:
- full_name = os.path.join(path, name)
- if os.path.exists(full_name):
- return full_name
- return None