A fork of hyde, the static site generation. Some patches will be pushed upstream.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  21. <title>Installation</title>
  22. <meta name="description" content="Awesome documentation for hyde - a python static website generator
  23. ">
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  41. <header class="banner clearfix">
  42. <img src="/media/img/hyde-logo-128.png">
  43. <h1>hyde 1.0</h1>
  44. <h3>static hotness</h3> </header>
  45. <article>
  46. <hgroup>
  47. <h1 class="title">Installation</h1>
  48. <h3 class="subtitle">PIPing hot hyde</h3>
  49. </hgroup>
  50. <p>Installing hyde is as simple as running the following&nbsp;command:</p>
  51. <div class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>pip install -e git://github.com/hydepy/hyde.git#egg<span class="o">=</span>hyde<br /></pre></div><br /></div>
  52. <p>However, based on your choice and use of plugins you may need to install
  53. additional packages. The requirements for each plugin is outlined in the
  54. corresponding <a href="/plugins">plugin documentation</a>.</p>
  55. <h2 id="essential_requirements">Essential&nbsp;Requirements</h2>
  56. <p>While your mileage may vary, I consider the following to be essential for
  57. generating a static website with hyde. These are a part of the requirements
  58. file and the above command will download and install most of them as part
  59. of&nbsp;hyde.</p>
  60. <p>It is also recommended that you use <a href="http://mathematism.com/2009/07/30/presentation-pip-and-virtualenv/">virtualenv</a> to separate the hyde
  61. environment from other python projects. Note that installing hyde using
  62. pip would install all of the below. However, if you&#8217;d like finer grained
  63. control over the packages, you can install these&nbsp;individually:</p>
  64. <ol>
  65. <li><code>argparse</code>: argparse is required if you are on python&nbsp;2.6.</li>
  66. <li><code>commando</code>: commando is a wrapper on top of argparse to give better syntax and
  67. support for multi-command&nbsp;applications.</li>
  68. <li><code>Jinja2</code>: While hyde will support many more template languages in the future,
  69. currently, Jinja2 is wholly supported and&nbsp;recommended.</li>
  70. <li><code>Markdown</code>: While there are plans to add support for other markups (textile,
  71. restructured text, asciidoc etc..,), markdown is the one thats currently
  72. completely&nbsp;supported.</li>
  73. <li><code>Pyyaml</code>: Much of hyde&#8217;s [configuration] is done using&nbsp;yaml.</li>
  74. <li><code>Typogrify</code>: Typogrify automatically fixes and enhances the typographical
  75. accuracy of your content. While this is not a technical requirement for
  76. hyde, it is absolutely essential to create good looking content. Note that
  77. this is not installed as part of the above package and must be installed
  78. separately. This will be rectified in the&nbsp;future.</li>
  79. </ol>
  80. <div class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>pip install argparse<br />pip install commando<br />pip install jinja2<br />pip install markdown<br />pip install pyyaml<br />pip install -e https://github.com/hydepy/typogrify#egg<span class="o">=</span>typogrify<br /></pre></div><br /></div>
  81. <p></article>
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