A fork of hyde, the static site generation. Some patches will be pushed upstream.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
3.9 KiB

  1. Version 0.8.4c8
  2. ===============
  3. * Added support for loading modules from the site path. Thanks to
  4. @theomega for the idea (Issue #78 & #79)
  5. Version 0.8.4c7
  6. ===============
  7. Thanks to @tcheneau
  8. * Added support for AsciiDoc.
  9. Version 0.8.4c6
  10. ===============
  11. Thanks to @gr3dman
  12. * Added paginator plugin and tests
  13. Version 0.8.4c5
  14. ===============
  15. Thanks to @merlinrebrovic
  16. * Hyde starter kit extended with advanced options
  17. Version 0.8.4c4
  18. ===============
  19. * Added docutils to dev-req.txt
  20. Thanks to @benallard
  21. * Added restructuredText plugin
  22. * Added restructuredText filter
  23. * Added traceback support for errors when server is running
  24. Version 0.8.4c3
  25. ===============
  26. * Bug Fix: Fixed uglify-js tests
  27. Version 0.8.4c2
  28. ===============
  29. Thanks to @rfk
  30. * Added Sphinx Plugin
  31. * Bug fix: PyFS publisher now checks if the pyfs module is installed.
  32. Version 0.8.4c1
  33. ================
  34. Thanks to @gfuchedzhy
  35. * Bug Fix: CLTransformer now gracefully handles arguments that have "=".
  36. Version 0.8.3
  37. ================
  38. * Bug Fix: A bad bug in Expando that modified the `__dict__` has been fixed.
  39. (Issue #53)
  40. * Tags now support metadata. Metadata can be provided as part of the tagger
  41. plugin configuration in `site.yaml`
  42. * Ensured that the context data & providers behave in the same manner. Both
  43. get loaded as expandos. (Issue #29)
  44. * `hyde serve` now picks up changes in config data automatically.
  45. (Issue #24)
  46. * Bug Fix: `hyde create` only fails when `content`, `layout` or `site.yaml`
  47. is present in the target directory. (Issue #21)
  48. * Bug Fix: Exceptions are now handled with `ArgumentParser.error`.
  49. * Bug Fix: Sorter excludes items that do not have sorting attributes.
  50. (Issue #18)
  51. * Wrapped `<figure>` inside `<div>` to appease markdown. (Issue #17)
  52. * Added `display:block` for html5 elements in basic template so that it
  53. works in not so modern browsers as well. (Issue #17)
  54. Thanks to Joe Steeve.
  55. * Changed deploy location for main.py and fixed entry point in
  56. `setup.py`. (Issue #56)
  57. Thanks to @stiell
  58. * Bug Fix: Better mime type support in hyde server (Issue #50)
  59. * Bug Fix: Support empty extension in tagger archives (Issue #50)
  60. Thanks to @gfuchedzhy
  61. * Bug Fix: Hyde server now takes the url cleaner plugin into account.
  62. (Issue #54)
  63. Thanks to @vincentbernat
  64. * Bug Fix: Ensure image sizer plugin handles external urls properly.
  65. (Issue #52)
  66. Thanks to @rfk
  67. * Added PyPI publisher (Issue #49)
  68. * Bug Fix: Made `site.full_url` ignore fully qualified paths (Issue #49)
  69. Thanks to @vincentbernat
  70. * Added JPEG Optim plugin (Issue #47)
  71. * Fixes to CLTransformer (Issue #47)
  72. Version 0.8.2
  73. =============
  74. Thanks to @merlinrebrovic
  75. * Added hyde starter kit (Issue #43)
  76. Thanks to @vincentbernat
  77. * Added git dates plugin (Issue #42)
  78. * Added Image size plugin (Issue #44)
  79. * Added silent, compress and optimization parameter support for less css
  80. plugin (Issue #40)
  81. * Fixed plugin chaining issues (Issue #38)
  82. * Added Language(translation) plugin (Issue #37)
  83. * Bug Fix: Made sorting tests more predictable (Issue #41)
  84. * Bug Fix: Added more standard paths for executables (Issue #41)
  85. * Added Combine files plugin (Issue #39)
  86. * Added ignore option in site configuration to igore based on wildcards
  87. (Issue #32)
  88. Thanks to @pestaa
  89. * Added support `UTF8` keys in `metadata` and `config` (Issue #33)
  90. Version 0.8.1
  91. =============
  92. Thanks to @rfk.
  93. * Updated to use nose 1.0 (Issue #28)
  94. * Bug fix: LessCSSPlugin: return original text if not a .less file
  95. (Issue #28)
  96. * PyFS publisher with mtime and etags support. (Issue #28)
  97. Version 0.8
  98. ==============
  99. * Relative path bugs in windows generation have been fixed.
  100. Version 0.8rc3
  101. ==============
  102. * Fixed a jinja2 loader path issue that prevented site generation in windows
  103. * Fixed tests for stylus plugin to account for more accurate color
  104. manipulation in the latest stylus